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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Yes, I have done that, also, I have just poured some of my coffee on my hands. You are just trying to mask human scent. Why not mask it at the source. Hootie
  2. Rather than spray every bait with scent all day, I just spray my hands and rub it in like lotion. You are just trying to cover human scent. On a side note, the only scents I use are coffee, or garlic. Don't know if I would want to do this with the stinkier scents. I guess if you could stand it, why not? Hootie
  3. 13.3%, calculated using a secret formula that is 100% accurate, assuming you wind up with driver like Doug Heffernan........lol Sorry, I had to do that. It's so close to Christmas, I am just giddy with joy. Merry Christmas everybody, Hootie
  4. Thanks for all the info guys. Hootie
  5. Just wondering if anyone here has any experience or opinions on these rods. How do they compare, quality wise with other Loomis rods? Hootie
  6. Is the Shimano Ciaus related to Santa Ciaus? Hootie
  7. WHAT!!!!!!.......do my eyes deceive me?......lol Hootie
  8. He will indeed. I have Shimanos, but mostly, I'm a Lewser. Hootie P.S. don't read this LMG.......lol
  9. Yeah well, you sold me on Shimano, 2 Chronarchs, 2 Curados, 1 Curado 50E off Ebay. Who knows, maybe one day you'll talk me into handles. Noooooo, get away from me LMG.........lol Hootie
  10. Actually, I don't think either is ridiculous, if that's what you want. I have a buddy who just spent $150.00 on a bowling ball. I personally, wouldn't give you a quarter for a bowling ball. But then, I am not interested in bowling. I guess it's like this, if you like it, it's not ridiculous, if you don't like it, then it is ridiculous.... Just my thoughts. Hootie
  11. C'mon LMG, $150.00 for a rod is ridiculous, but $75.00 for a handle isn't? Remember, this your buddy asking......lol Hootie
  12. Then it sounds like you already had something picked out. What's up with that??........ Hootie
  13. Emmrods??? That sounds painful.......!!..!!! Hootie PS... By the way, just curious, what is a welp?
  14. You can take any line on our line wall at BPS, one customer will swear by it, the next one will swear at it. Go figure. Hootie
  15. All line brands are the best, and all line brands are garbage. How do I know this? From talking to hundreds of my customers at BPS. Hootie
  16. Fish hog, fish hog.......lol Hootie
  17. You are absolutely right LMG. I love experimenting. And from reading my previous posts, you know I am a collector. I have in fact, occasionally bought lures I had no intention of using. Such as, and have you seen this, " the Larry the cable guy lure". Or the old "Jimmy Carter crankbait". Oh, and regarding your can't take it with you comment. I have told my wife, when it comes to my fishing stuff, if I can't take it with me, I ain't going......., there!!!.....lol Hootie
  18. My feelings exactly!! Hootie
  19. I am not brand loyal. I have the Lews, the Stx, and the Chronarch. They are all 3 great reels. In fact, give me 1 more of each, and I'll go home. Hootie
  20. 2x3=6, yeah, X6. Hootie
  21. I ask this because I wonder what are your reasons. I work at BPS, so I have seen this over and over many times. A couple of year ago, KVD wins a tournament on a sexy shad crankbait. Now we had all the available colors of this crankbait, but we couldn't stock sexy shads fast enough. Next it was, KVD won a tournament using a chartreuse, black back crankbait. Here we go again. Now I choose my baits based on, water color, time of year, water temp, etc. etc. To insist on a particular color just because, so and so won a tournament with it could get expensive, not to mention get you a bunch of baits you can't even use, because they aren't even effective on the water you fish. Just wondering, how many will admit to falling into this pattern. I admit, years ago, that was pretty much how I chose all my tackle. I have lures in my collection that have never caught a fish. Oh well, what are your thoughts. Hootie
  22. Hey LMG, whats up? Do you have an allergy to cork? Just curious. Hootie
  23. Don't really know the value. Have never bothered to check. I've had that particular lure for about 35 yrs. I doubt if my entire collection has any serious monetary value, (don't really know) just a lot of memories and nostalgia. Hootie
  24. All rods and reels? All rods and reels? C'mon LMG, say it aint so..........lol Hootie
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