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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I agree with this line of thinking when it comes to rods and reels, but not necessarily lures. A treble hooked bait doesn't resist snagging just because you paid $15.00 or $20.00 for it. Hootie
  2. And I agree with this post 110%. Hootie
  3. My wife tells me I just like to argue, or start arguments. I'm just a grumpy old man, (hey, that would be a great title for a movie). But, understand, I never mean to offend anyone. If I do, yell at me, LIKE THIS!!!!!!........lol Hootie
  4. HEY, c'mon in!! Hootie
  5. Excellent idea!!
  6. What a bunch of great posts. I obviously am not alone in believing you don't have to go broke to enjoy fishing. Granted, I can, and do on ocassion go a litlle crazy on my puchases now. I am retired and comfortable. But when I was younger, and the kids were at home, fishing tackle was at the bottom of the list. And as far as a lure lasting a lifetime, well, I hope I live longer than that. And YES, if you are afraid to cast a bait into where the fish are, what good is it....hmmm.... Second thought, maybe that lure will last a lifetime...lol Hootie
  7. Hey Rhino, I'm the same, retired and loving it. Can pretty much buy what ever I want now, and pretty much do...lol.. But since I work part time at BPS, {a day here and there} I still pick up now and then some of our BPS baits, discount ya know. Hey, checked your profile. Somebody a couple years older than me for a change. Ya made me feel like a kid again guy. Thanks a bunch!...... no offense by the way......lol Hootie
  8. Actually you must be reading my mind. The past few days I've been telling myself, you've got to get a lure retriever before fishing season starts. Even at $2.00 a lure, it adds up. For the record, I do have and fish a lot of high end expensive baits. I was just having a little fun with jhoffman. Hope I didn't make him mad..... Hootie
  9. None was requested......lol Hootie
  10. There ya go. You said it much better than I did. The lake I fish has lots of snags. I go knowing I'm going to lose a few baits. Just makes me feel better knowing it was a $2.00 bait and not a $15.00 bait. Hootie Thank you
  11. I bought Yozuri on your reccomendation LMG. Been using it since last summer. Great line. Hootie
  12. Caught my first bass on a black hula popper. Hootie
  13. You would be surprised at how many companies will give you a hat or T shirt just for politely asking and a positive comment on one of their products that you ACTUALLY use. I have a closet full. email.......what a wonderful tool. Hootie
  14. I guess, the same reason you use a $10.00 spinnerbait, when a $3.00 one will work just fine. The bank, you know.......lol Hootie
  15. So in your opinion, it runs like garbage. It catches fish. What is the ultimate goal? What am I missing? Is it supposed to maybe, make my breakfast also? Hootie
  16. A $15.00 lures can last a lifetime. I know because I have a few living on the bottom of the lake I fish. That's why I decided, if I am going to build an underwater fishin lure community, I will do it with $3.00 lures. I also find I catch just as many bass on my $3.99 BPS Lazer eye spinnerbaits as I did on my $7.49 Strike King spinnerbaits. How much of it is necessity, and how much is just, "look at me"........ Hootie
  17. That's right, wouldn't want to downgrade a Lews like that.......gotcha gotcha gotchaaa.....lol Hootie
  18. Chunks for me. Hootie
  19. Rub it in, I'm sitting here looking out the window at about 4" of snow. Going down to 16 degrees tonight.... brrrrr. Hootie
  20. In this price range, I'll take the Dobyns Savvy. Hootie
  21. Never give up what you're so good at.........just kidding,.... Just kidding.....lol Hootie
  22. Patients is what a doctor has. Patience is what you need for fishing....lol Hootie
  23. Right back at ya BASSHUNTER1961. Wide awake this morning, feeling great, no hangover, gave up that lifestyle about 35 yrs. ago. Looking forward to a new fishing season. Have a Great Day, and a Great Year!!! Hootie
  24. or as Kermit the frog says, "time is fun when you're having flies". Hootie
  25. 1 rod per 1 rod, 1 reel per 1 reel. Hootie
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