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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. X2, no, X10 I have 4 PQ's and 3 JM's. Hootie
  2. That would be my choice of all the $100.00 rods mentioned. Sometime back, I ordered a rod online, a Falcon Lowrider. Qhen I got the rod, I didn't like it at all. If I had handled it in a store, I wouldn't have bought it. However, after fishing with it, it has turned out to be one of my absolute favorite rods. Actually using a rod will tell you a different story than simply flailing one around in the store. Incidently, I think this rod runs around $120.00. Hootie
  3. I would be careful with that "old lady" stuff....lol. Hootie
  4. C'mon Goose, a car that sharp....... spring for some foo foo stuff, will ya......lol Hootie
  5. Really nice car. Looks like it's been pampered. Hootie
  6. Thanks Goose, I'm glad everyone is enjoying it. Seems every time I check back, it has added another page. Getting to meet wives, children, pets, even classic cars. You guys are even sharing your other hobbies. My other hobby is photography. Here are a couple of samples.
  7. Lots of good info. I can't wait to get started. The lake is a county park lake. It opens March 15. Hootie
  8. Man made. The 12ft. water I spoke of is the creek channel. Hootie
  9. A lot is hard bottom. What I meant by no rocks is no chunk rocks. Also, most of the bass are in the fallen down trees. Have caught them up to 6#. Hootie
  10. Just last year got into jig fishing and was just wondering what size jig do you use MOST. What determines your choice. I fish a lake that has lots of laydowns. No weeds, or rocks to speak of. Always murky,{ can't see a white spinnerbait more than 10 inches deep}. Most of my fishing is done in 2 to 5 ft. of water. No water on the lake deeper than 12 ft. Sorry if this question is to vague. Hootie P.S. this is a very good bass lake. Been fishing it for years. About 160 acres
  11. Me too, but I know when spring comes, I still wont be any better lookin'....., now I'm gettin' goofy. I've done been up to long.......lol Hootie
  12. I shoulda' used a picture of my younger brother. He's better lookin'......lol Hootie
  13. Deep Purple, Smoke on the Water. Who remembers that? Hootie
  14. Boy do I feel stupid!....lol Hootie
  15. Hey Billy Jack, boy do I remember you. I think he is Steven Segal's Grandfather...lol Hootie
  16. Drowned???....lol Hootie
  17. I've got to say, when I posted this, not even in my wildest dream, did I expect such an AWESOME response. Some beautiful families here. We make a heck of a group!! Now all you folks are real people to me, [not that you weren't already}, We are not just a bunch of silly screen names, {Hootie}, where in the world did I get that! I thank everyone for your responses. You guys are the ABSOLUTE BEST!!! Keep "em" coming Hootie, or Bob, or whatever.....
  18. The strangest thing happens to me. When a reel gets past $200.00, it becomes invisible....lol Hootie
  19. Glad to hear you're enjoying your new location. Hoping the best for your kids. I know from experience where you're coming from. Our daughter got bone cancer when she was 7 yrs. old, had to have her leg amputated at the age of 10. She went through years of treatment and is a survivor. She is now 44 yrs. old, and has raised 7 children of her own. She is and always will be her daddy's hero. Hootie
  20. Thanks for your participation guys. I am really enjoying this! Bring "em" on! Hootie
  21. I just saw a photo of J Francho today on another post. Got me to thinking, he doesn't look like what I had pictured in my mind. Nobody ever does. Got me to thinking, I'd like to be able to put a face on all you guys. So, how about if you've got the nerve, post a photo. I'll start, I'm Hootie, my name is Bob.
  22. That's a look of self confidence. Downright intimidating, I might add....lol Hootie
  23. PQ, PQ, or PQ. Either of these will be a good choice. Hootie
  24. Whats that about J Francho, did you win on Let's Make a Deal? I'm being nosey I suppose. Hootie
  25. See what happens when you start thinking LMG. That's why I don't bother......lol. Whatever made you think you were entitled to a thought, or an opinion,. C'mon, get with the program buddy....lol Hootie
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