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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Did you ever buy a technique specific rod, and then wind up using it more for something other than what it was designed for? Hootie
  2. No one could have said it better. Hootie
  3. I have a Dobyns Champion 6'8" mh with a Lews Tournament Speed Spool. Nice rig. Hootie
  4. MBR 783 C GL3 and, the 803C JWR GL2. Hootie
  5. Yes, weird. Deep PM'd me list earlier today. A lot of Loomis rods were on the list, just not the ones I wanted. I guess someone took it upon themselves to weigh these rods. Hootie
  6. Been trying to find out the weights of a couple of Loomis rods, so I thought, what better way than to go right to the source, I emailed Loomis, and got a quick return response, I was informed. that G Loomis does not publish their rod weights. Why would rod weights be classified information? Hootie
  7. There is. Deep just PM'd it to me. You guys can find anything. Hootie
  8. Seems to me that some time back, someone posted a list of rod weights of different manufacturers. I don't know if I seen it on this forum or someplace else. I have done google searches in ten different directions and keep coming up blank. Did I really see this list or imagine it. If anyone has such a list or a link to it, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions. Hootie
  9. All Mojos are bad, they're tip heavy.....lol Hootie
  10. I have both. They are both great reels. That said, I would absolutely, positively, get the Lews. Hootie
  11. BS is closed. You'll have to call TW.....lol Hootie
  12. You wont be disappointed with the PQ. Hootie
  13. Just received a new G Loomis from TW today, in perfect condition. TW is meticulous in packaging their rods. What a shame ot will take that long to get it replaced. I have ordered several rods from TW. Never a problem. Hootie
  14. The help would really be appreciated. If you have any other suggestions that would also help trying to keep it under $92
  15. The rod trade in starts Friday. Hootie
  16. That just about sizes it up. Hootie
  17. The paddle handles are what made me look. I had an original BB1 with the paddle handles. Liked em' then, like em' now. Hootie
  18. 45K in 3 days. I'll take it and run before they change their mind....lol Hootie
  19. I think it's sad the way some really fine magazines have declined, even disappeared over the years. Fishing Facts was one of my all time favorites. I know it's still out there, but you can't even buy it in my neck of the woods. I have some old Bassmaster mags. that are a half inch thick. Now they aren't much more than a pamphlet. We used to have a magazine, Ohio Fisherman. It is no more. I know you can find more info on line these days, but there was just something magic about having a magazine in your hands at the end of a hard day, and drooling over the articles, even the adds. I guess this is just an old timer mourning the loss of the good old days.....lol Hootie
  20. I guess for what I am looking for, I would exclude ice fishing. Sorry about that. Hootie
  21. What is the coldest water you have fished and actually had a good day. How many, and on what. Hootie
  22. Just wondering if any of you guys use these hooks and what do you think of them, based on price to performance and quality. Where do they rank TO YOU, compared to Gamakatsu, or even BPS hooks. Welcome opinions or facts. Hootie
  23. Check the back of the flyer. I believe for a $200 reel you get $40.00 off. Hootie
  24. Shimano is participating in the reel trade in at BPS. Hootie
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