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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. And a Happy Easter to you sir!! Hootie
  2. *Hootie

    Mop Jig

    Any opinons on this jig, specifically the mini mop. What is your choice of trailers. Being that the skirt is very long, do you trim it? Hootie
  3. I agree RW. I use the higher quality baits myself, but if you're on a budget, the jump from $2.47 to $7.95 is quite substantial. Hootie
  4. That must be true. You can't put anything on the internet, if it's not true....lol Hootie
  5. What the heck is a jesus goose.....????....lol Hootie
  6. Mom is mad, Go fishing Dad...... my favorite by far...lol Hootie
  7. Now that takes me back.....ah, memories.....lol Hootie
  8. Door lickin was always way down on my list of fun things to do......lol Hootie
  9. Bladesmith, you just described me to a tee. Right down to, and including, the Zebco 606, propeller worms and all. But wasn't it a ball. I see we are close to the same age, so I guess we've seen it all. I too, have more fishing tackle than I could use in 10 lifetimes, but, what the heck, I'm retired, an by dang, I'm going to enjoy it!!! Hootie
  10. This is great stuff guys. First I get the impression that he is just getting started. You guys are being very encouraging, not telling him he needs a $300.00 rod, and a $200.00 dollar reel, to enjoy fishing. I see too much of that. What he is using, I could fish with all day, and be a VERY happy camper. Hootie
  11. I have cable, but it seems like 80% of the programming is focused on hunting anyway. Hootie
  12. Blah blah blah......has been found by the state of California to cause cancer. Well, I'm not going to use my blah blah blah in California, so I don't care. Hootie
  13. Spent 45 yrs. breathing welding fumes. Ain't skeered "o" nuthin!!! Hootie
  14. So, if you order a reel, it will probably come in a crate....lol Hootie
  15. Ghoti, I'll bet yourself said.......tee hee hee.... Hootie
  16. Now, I must REALLY be bored. I actually read all of this hooey......lol Hootie
  17. Sounds like a bit of an attitude going on there. Don't know if I would want to deal with an employee who was stupid, (your words), and thought I was as stupid as he is. I work at BPS, and I feel I am there to assist the customer in getting what he or she wants, not tell him his choice is a POS. I am there to assist, not belittle them, or make sure they, and my co-workers, and my supervisors are aware of my superiority......sheesh!!! Hootie
  18. BPS "Bone Dry". Hootie
  19. eyedabassman, go on TW's website and take a look at the brush hog in Okeechobee Craw. It might be what you are looking for. Hootie
  20. Yes, Zoom has green pumpkin magic. I've been using that color for about 3 yrs. Just seems to get me more fish on the lake I fish. Hootie
  21. They are brown, have fur, and real long front teeth for chewing down trees, so they will fall in the water, thereby providing cover for us to fish. Sorry Rooster, I have no self control. I just couldn't resist.....lol Hootie
  22. green pumpkin magic, green pumpkin magic, and green pumpkin magic. Hootie
  23. J Francho, thanks for the links. Learned a lot watching them. I know I'll be watching them a few times. Hootie
  24. Good to know. I'm going tomorrow and the water temp. is 44°. Hootie
  25. J Francho, you are correct. That would be Lynn Reeves. Hootie
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