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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I have both, but if I had to choose it would be the Lews, hands down. Hootie
  2. There, that makes four....lol Hootie
  3. Every issue, over, and over, and over...... Hootie
  4. Any opinions, good or bad. Just wondering, Walmart has 200 yd. spools for right around 12 bucks. Hootie
  5. If anyone is wondering why I am asking, yesterday I placed a jig order, and the website says 2- 5 days delivery. So I am trying to guess which end I will be on, the 2 or the 5, silly huh! Hey I am as anxious as a kid waiting for Christmas morning. I don't think I got this excited waiting for my new G Loomis IMX rod from TW a couple of months ago .....lol Hootie
  6. Just wondering, where is Siebert located, geographically? Hootie
  7. I have 2, and absolutely no complaints. Hootie
  8. Those are Hart jig trailers. We had them at BPS during the spring classic sale in a dump bin, (a sale bin). Ours were 3 in a pack with 1 rattle, and were a dollar. They looked pretty good, so I bought a few packs myself. Hootie
  9. Jigs from Siebert Outdoors. Hootie
  10. I'm getting antsy. Wait, I'm going to run out and check my mailbox. What's the hold up? I ordered these nearly 3 hrs. ago....lol Hootie
  11. Just googled it, came up with nothing. Hootie
  12. Reading all the testimonials....lol Hootie
  13. Website says 2-5 business days. Hootie
  14. 3 Elite jigs 2Big O series 4 Brush jigs All 1/4 oz., All rattle band, because the water I fish is extremely murky. Hootie
  15. Just ordered some jigs from Siebert Outdoors. The way you guys talk, they have to be good. Can't wait to try them out, hopefully by this weekend, if they get here that fast. Hootie
  16. I notice all the rod makers say never just lift a fish out of the water with your rod. Yet I see the pros do it all the time. What's up with that? Hootie
  17. I have 6 of the TSS reels, and I love them. But I also love my Curado G series reels, so what do I know......lol Hootie
  18. Can you say PSYCHIATRIST.....I knew you could....sheesh!!!!! Hootie
  19. Why is it with some guys, if you like something that they don't like, it really pi****&% them off....lol Hootie
  20. The 50E & 51E...... $199.99 The 200E's,....$179.99 The300 E's.......$249.99 You're welcome. Hootie
  21. Guess we may have to wait 15 yrs to find out, huh......lol Hootie
  22. I guess I could see your point about durability if I was the type to buy something and use it for 20 yrs., and there is nothing wrong with that. But I will usually move on to something else long before it has a chance to fizzle out on me. My daughter keeps saying, Dad, will you ever keep a car till it's actually broken in? She's an accountant, so she wouldn't understand....lol Hootie
  23. I have 2 Curado G200's. They work great, and I've never had a problem with them. You think I should take them back and get them fixed so they are no good? All kidding aside, from all the negative reviews on the G series reels, I'm beginning to think that I got the only 2 good ones Shimano made. I also have 2 Chronarch E200's, which I also like. So apparently I am missing something. And before it's mentioned, I do have an E series Curado, the 50E. Hootie Hootie
  24. I'd say you're getting off to a great start for someone with 3 posts. Insults wont get you a lot of cooperation. Hootie
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