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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I bet you're a fun guy to hang around.....lol....sheeesh! Hootie
  2. G loomis IMX fits that price range very well. About $265.00. MH, 6 1/2 or 7 ft. Very lightweight and sensitive. Hootie
  3. I guess what I'm getting from this topic, is, there is plenty of room for ALL of us in this sport. Hootie
  4. Preach it brother....lol Great post!! Hootie
  5. Chicken, A1 steak sauce, and 2 pairs of Wranglers. Hootie
  6. I have an Original. It's graphite. Hootie
  7. I wasn't reffering to that advice. That is excellent advice. Get proper instruction, use the proper tools. And I might add, learn to use that tool properly. The advice I was commenting on was,(and I hear it over and over), let someone else do it, let someone else do it. I guess I have always been a do it yourself person. And a few times I have learned, let someone else do it, but at least I tried. I didn't like the thought of having to pay someone to repair my first computer, so I learned, by reading and and CAREFULLY tinkering on my own, that computers aren't as fragile as I was lead to believe. I have since built, and sold a couple hundred (literally) computers. Would have never happened if I had just "let someone else do it". So, for the point I was trying to make, I stand by my **ss poor advice. Hootie
  8. Gee, I'm starting to get depressed....lol Hootie
  9. If no one had the nerve to try something they had never done before, nothing would EVER get done.I bet Mike had to service his first reel before there would ever had been a second one. It's great to have someone to instruct you, but that's not always possible. I have tackled a lot of jobs for the first time. Matter of fact, anything I ever did, I had to do it the first time. Sure, I have had some dismal failures, but also a lot of successes. Hootie
  10. Where is this comment by floridabassdude? I don't see it. Hootie
  11. TW is great. I have ordered lots of stuff from them. Always over $50.00, and I always pay the $10.00 for overnight, which is less than the tax in Ohio. P.S. I know you guys know I work at BPS, so......shhhh. Hootie
  12. In the green box, not the Elite. Anybody use this, and how do you like it? Hootie
  13. I think most people making disparaging remarks against the Shimano G series reels, are not necessarily condemning the reels. They are simply mad at, and dissapointed in Shimano. They fell that they have been betrayed, and that Shimano has let them down. Just my thoughts. I have 2 of the G series reels and think they are great. Hootie
  14. It must be true, ya can't put anything on the internet if it isn' t true....... lol, roflmao, lol, lol!!!! Hootie
  15. The G series is a great reel. I have 2 of them. Don't discount it because some don't like it. I once bought a new car my Dad didn't like, because he said they were not reliable, (make withheld). Long story short, I drove that car for 14 yrs. Hootie
  16. I don't get it????? $%#$$%# Hootie
  17. Could it possibly be catching on a nicked rod guide? Just a thought. Hootie
  18. I'm bored. I'm going fishing......BYE!!!! Hootie
  19. Boomerang Snip here. Hootie
  20. Great, I'll be Boris Karloff, I mean Spassky...lol Hootie
  21. I was wrong Capt. Bob. There's two......lol Hootie
  22. I too, have an FTO jig box. Very neat and orderly. Then had start using the compartmented 3600's. Now my jig collection has gotten totally out of control. I am now carrying my Siebert jigs in a plastic freezer bag, (sorry Mike). I want to make sure my Siebert jigs are separate. Don't want to mix diamonds with rinestones. Hootie
  23. I have 4 Dobyns Savvy rods. Not a Dang Thang wrong with them. I also have a Champion. Hootie
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