retiredbosn I am sorry to have to say it but you could not be more wrong.
We are the only ones to ask these questions, and many times, (most) we come up with the wrong answer.
We (science) comes up with the wrong answer most of the time? We still have a lot to learn for sure. We are incredibly far away from knowing everything but to say we come up with the wrong answer most of the time? This statement is just false. All I need to do is look around the world to see that everything we know (as sure as we can know anything) was discovered by science.
To believe the world is young or old is just that a belief, all of my biology books in college had words like "we believe, could have, seems to" all are words of conjecture and belief.
To believe that the world is young or old is not just a matter of opinion. I like vanilla and you like chocolate, who is to say which is better? Beliving that the world is young or old "just because" and believing that the world is young or old for reasons are two very different things. There is not one thing in the world that makes sense if you take the view that the world is "young" by any meaning of the word. The idea that the world is 4.5 billion years old is not just a matter of opinion or something the majority voted on. It is a fact as sure as any other fact documented hundreds and thousands of times.
To believe in a big bang and billions of years without documented empirical data is as much a leap of faith as to not believe that way.
The big bang is accepted by every scientist and physicist I've ever seen. The universe is still expanding since the big bang and accelerating. The red light shift from stars and galaxies prove this as sure as any fact. Everything is space is flying away from us. To be more clear: everything is flying away from everything else.
Evolution is still just a theory, all of it takes belief.
Science does not use the word theory in the way we do. I may say "I have a theory the bass might be shallow today". I mean to say that that is my hypothesis (A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.)
"As used in science, a theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena."
It is called the theory of evolution similar to the theory of gravity and the germ theory of disease. Someone who says that "Evolution is just a theory" has to realize that the idea that the earth is young doesn't even graduate to the level of a theory. It is just a hypothesis with no evidence to support it.