If it were me I would go with the bread and butter: a spinner bait, probably a blue gill type color, and then a senko. These two baits have been killer in most places that I have fished. There are blue gill everywhere and bass, of all species, just cannot seem to resist the slow fall of the senko. Good Luck.
have you had a lot of luck at the Ni? Most of the people that I know usually prefer to fish Motts or Hunting Run Park(the new reservoir on Elys Ford Rd. in chancellor). Have you fished these other two reservoirs and how would you compare them to the Ni?
yeah, smallies are fun because they are so aggressive...and yes the topwater bite can be very exciting, I have seen my step-dad catch two fish one bait simultaneously(blue tiny torpedo)
Please disregard what I said about Kelly's Ford. The place to put in at is the Germana Community College out on Rt. 3 east. You then float down about eight miles to Elys Ford, this is still a two day trip is you want to fish it properly. There are several islands to stop off at to make camp for the night. I have made this trip a couple of time and have caught lots of smallies.
A good trip to take is to put in at Kelly's Ford, which if you are familiar with the Remington are you know where it is, and get out down at Ely's which is located in Chancellor off of Rt. 3. This trip kind of a long one and is better suited for a two day adventure.
if you want to see the pictures you can just click the link and enter your user name: smashingsmallies. the pictures are there under the profile. how much did the biggest one weigh?
Also, if there is anyone looking for a new fishing buddy I try to get out there every day if only for a couple of hours or so, I am always asking my friends to go fishing with me, but most of them have job that require them to work during the day.
Yeah, I have a pretty good understanding of the river. My first statement may have been a little misleading. I used to live closer to Lake Anna and I used to fish there a lot, but I have fished the Rapp for most of my life. Now, I was just wondering if there was anyone who had some knowledge about the upper reaches of the river and also the Rapidan that branches off.
If your are talking about the area just below the Falmouth bridge I have, but its hard to because of the ppl that come there to swim. Have you had any luck there?
Since I am new to this group I was wondering how many people here have fished the upper reaches of the Rapp. for smallies? In the past couple of years I have gained an interest in smallmouth fishing since I now live very close to the river and somewhat further away from Lake Anna. Plus, plans to get out in my dad's boat has not worked out as planned. I began fishing the rapids on Fall Hill Ave and along River Rd, but I am always looking for new locations. One thing that I have learned is that nice sized stripers can be caught just below the old Embry Dam. I have taken some trips further up stream from Kelly's Ford on down to Ely's. For those that don't know this trip is about eight miles and is best over a two day span in order to fish all the spots carefully. All in all, is there anyone out there that is willing to lend a hand in finding some new territory for catching smallies on the Rapp?
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