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Everything posted by magic

  1. New York The Bass Federation ( NYTBF) has developed bylaws and has prepared a tentative approach to organization, state team qualifications, and tournaments for 2009. NYTBF hopes to let the membership direct the future of the organization, and is willing to listen to suggestions for how to grow and run the TBF in NY. Dues are $30, with $15 going to TBF National to cover insurance, sponsor deals, etc, and $15 to NY TBF to run the NY TBF. We are actively looking to sign up clubs and individuals to become members and get involved with NY TBF. We plan to organize in 3 regions: southern, northern, and western. Clubs within each region can run events under the auspices of the TBF, with insurance coverage for club and members, etc. We probably won't have a club team championship in 2009, but could if enough interest is shown, and will in the future as more clubs get involved. Each region will have a regional coordinator to work with the clubs, and to help run the state team qualification process. Qualification for the 12 man state team, which will represent NY TBF at the TBF regional, will be accomplished through the regional qualifying process and through a statewide tournament or tournament trail. Each region will make their own decisions on how to run the state team qualifier for their region. The NY TBF BOD will have oversight to ensure fairness, but want to let the regions work out their own process as long as it's fair to all members in the region. For 2009, because of the short time frame (team fishes in September), open state team positions will be earned through a qualifier which is tentatively planned for Lake Champlain at the Ticonderoga launch on June 27. For the 2010 state team, 2 positions will be allotted to each region (must have a minimum of 10 members to get 1 guaranteed spot, 25 members to get 2 spots). The remainder of the team members will be selected through a statewide qualifier (no details as of yet on where or when but expect fall 2009). We hope to see you on the Trail in 2009. For information contact: Tim Post, 518-677-2241, tjpost1@verizon.net Send dues to Tim Post, 382 Cobble Road, Cambridge NY 12816 $30 check made out to NYTBF
  2. I use them and like them
  3. Hookerz has excellent products and service. Jason is the owner and he will take care of you, good guy. I highly recommend and have been doing business there for a couple years.
  4. Disadvantage to a soft medium action rod is its harder to rip the bait thru vegetation. I like a medium or MH but with a faster tip so when the bait hits weeds I can snap it and pop lure thru weeds better. For open water I do use a softer tip
  5. Both the symetre and stradic are very nice reels, either will do the job for you, with the stradic a slight preference (have both), also might consider a stradic mg, it is amazingly light and a great reel (a little pricey though). For rod, with that discount, go with the best. Premier are nice rods, but don't compare to an avid or legend. I'd look at a 7' med action
  6. I would buy a Kistler LTA because it is exceptionally light and sensitive, can't speak for other models of Kistler rods.
  7. I have an Airrus co-matrix and a Powell and I, like them both. The Airrus is a 6' mh baitcaster. It is a little heavy but well made and balances well. The Powell is a 7 ' spinning, ml. I really like the Powell it is light , sensitive, and balanced. Also really like the lack of foregrip that lets me lay index finger along the blank. Either one would be a good choice for the money.
  8. It is illegal in many states to transport fish and put them in another water. I know for sure it is in NY, and that it should absolutely not be done. These days there are many, many diseases that can be moved between waters by fish, bass virus, VHS, to name only 2. It's not worth the risk, and for the situation mentioned, is highly unlikely to work - in fact, it might just slow growth of all fish by increasing competition for limited forage.
  9. You can buy a hook stone or a diamond covered sharpener form BPS or Cabelas. I like the diamond covered sharpener better.
  10. Use both and they are comparable in quality and performance. Compre has the lifetime warranty so it would be my choice. Premier is not lifetime warranty.
  11. Lots of good rods out there these days. I personally like the kistler LTA a lot. Very light and sensitive, yet has held up well for me.
  12. Possible to use a hot plate to keep it warm, need to keep it stirred though or will burn if heat too high.
  13. Senko molds are not really 1 sided they actually are about 7/8 full round with a small flat spot. They are kind of hard to pour since the opening is narrow and hard to get plastic poured through. They do come out looking pretty good though. I find the lurecraft silicone molds to work pretty good so far.
  14. Unless you fish deep water a lot the wide angle won't be of much benefit. In relatively shallow water it doesn't make much difference in the width of the area your looking at.
  15. If you're going to spend 100-150 on a rod the shimano compre and crucial are better options than the BPS rods. They are just as good a rod and have a lifetime warranty.
  16. I tried the Norman speed clips and did not like them at all. Hard to open and couldn't get them back off a jig with a thick loop. I prefer duolock, preferably a larger size with a little heavier gauge. They are not perfect but the best I have seen or tried.
  17. Airrus makes a good rod, just bought one myself. They don't compare to a Kistler LTA though, not in terms of weight (LTA much lighter) or sensitivity. Of course the LTA costs twice as much too, but if I had the money LTA is much better.
  18. Paca chunk, bungee hog, pork strip, FBB craw
  19. Ya gotta obey the bait monkey......... what's that? He's whispering in my ear.............. a new rod? Why yes I think I will.
  20. I heard it was only the 30 minute version that was concelled, not the hour version
  21. Yeah, sounds like my son, just gotta have it....... bait mokey = fisherman crack, it's a disease! Feel free to join in, ................. My name is__________ ___________ and I'm a tackleaholic, and I need help.
  22. Thanks for the info. I have some ideas to try next time in water. Was no where near wot, in slow to mid range. I talked to dealer and will try putting motor trim all the way down (which I had not done- had it down but not tucked up underneath). Used to driving with a 40 hp, so the 150 on the new skeeter is much touchier.
  23. It's a Skeeter zx190 with a 150 yamaha, comes std with a jackplate. I have not adjusted anything beyond the dealer.
  24. Need help with driving bass boat. When I get up on plane it wants to porpoise. I trim motor down and it gets better but still does it. Seems the motor is past level and still boat wants to porpoise. What should I do? Any tips for running smooth?
  25. Trees and stumps provide cover, and they have algae growing on them which attacts plankton, which attracts small minnows which attract..... bass, etc, of course. So, if this is a shallow end best to leave it alone. Small navigation channels, if that is the issue, would be a good compromise. Cutting it out to make it "look nice" would be strongly unadviseable for fish populations.
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