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Everything posted by Senkoman12

  1. you have very good taste in music. all the bands you mentioned are awesome
  2. darn, i had to go to bed for school. maybe netflix has it
  3. watched the season 1 marathon yesterday for the 1st time and i was hooked. i watched the season premier until about 10. its awesome
  4. your post says that spros are greater than koppers, so your saying you like spros over live target
  5. my dad started me on a nef 20ga. great little gun, still use it to blast tree rats. now i have a mossberg 500 that was my uncles. i put a new accu choke barrel on it, my dad shot his first deer with it with the old fixed choke barrel. kicks like a mule but goes bang every time. i will most likely never ever sell it. i love the gun too much. i shot my first deer with my dads 870 wingmaster, awesome gun, silky smooth and looks great, i want to pass it down if i ever have kids for them to shoot their first deer with it
  6. sufix performance braid is the smoothest reasonably priced briad out there
  7. most muzzleloaders dont have much recoil, have him take that
  8. nice try there. i have been fooled before by that one
  9. Senkoman12


    remington sluggers out of an 870 rifle sight smoothbore. i was shooting 4" groups at 50yds and for a smoothbore thats pretty fricken good
  10. its such a stupid picture but i find it hilarious
  11. i'll take one
  12. you the same guy i saw who posted on ny bass
  13. felt it here just north of syracuse ny. had one up here last year about the same time of year, that one came from ottawa
  14. sssssssssshhhhhhhhhh! dont let the world know
  15. i know. i want to know why the club that picked it picked on this weekend
  16. purists would definantly hate me. i have a BPS reel on a Cabelas rod and a BPS reel on a gander mtn rod
  17. that was real helpful....NOT. i will try posting on that forum though. come on someone has to know somehting about this lake.
  18. closest i ever came to coon hunting was when i almost popped one while i was bow hunting
  19. i have tournament coming up on 8/27 on Saratoga Lake. I wont have a chance to practice until the day before the tournament. i have never fished this lake ever. so far i have seen on here that it is a dink lake but there is some big fish in there. if you guys had any tips, rigs or spots to hit up would be nice. also any ideas of places to look for. i have heard drop shots, flick its, and white flukes are good in there. for spots i have heard that around snake hill is good also. any input would be great
  20. my bow i just bought had a drop away rest but after hunting with a biscuit on my last bow i cant use anything else
  21. its nice when im only 20mins away from the gander in cicreo
  22. thats strange. i use SPB and it is the smoothest braid i have ever used
  23. the lamiglas excel is one heck of a rod for $110
  24. sounds like you did good for $130. i would try upgrading the rod soon it should suit you fine
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