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Everything posted by Senkoman12

  1. i got some seaguar invisx 8lb today. this would be the first time ill be using flouro. i really hope that i didnt just waste $20. i plan on putting this on my rapsody rod with a president for dropshots and shakeyheads.
  2. lets see how long before the ford vs chevy vs dodge comes up
  3. ive caught many a fish cranking in the weeds
  4. i use the cheap ones from bps. they do my jobs just fine
  5. i had one lying around but im sure you could find somewhere
  6. j i made this for $4. just as good as any cull tag out there
  7. a much better system is a bobber, steel leader, and a stinger clip. i made it for like $4
  8. i was there sat and sun and they didnt have very many awesome sales. my club was running the trout pond they had for the kids
  9. less than $100. i got like 10 enticer jigs, a tackle bag, rod raps, split ring pliers, hooks, tube jigs, and a popper
  10. my boater. i got him with a 1/2oz spinnerbait to the back of the head. i felt so bad and always will. he was a good guy about and were good. he still busts chops about it but then again he does for everything
  11. thanks for the input guys. i pretty much told her this is what i want to do and thats it. i dont care what shes says im gonna pursue this seriously
  12. i will always work with wood but ive faced the facts, construction sucks these days and probably wont pick up in the 10 to 20 years. diesel is much more stable. i think id be a great diesel mechanic. thats exactly what she thinks. i keep telling her she was not a chemist when she went to school to be a chemist
  13. i have all the respect in the world for them but the military is not for me
  14. i wanna work on heavy trucks, agricultural, and contruction equipment. id really want be mobile and work out of a service truck in the field. my mom doesnt think i have the "mechanical aptitude" whatever that means. she thinks that i should know everything before i go to school. she gets that because i know a ton of carpentry skills because of the class im in and becuase ive been working with wood since i was 7. i wanted to be carpenter for a while but changed my mind and want to be a diesel tech and im serious about it. i admit im not the most mechanicl becuase i havnt been exposed to it much. the most of my experince was when i was volunteering my time a boyscout camp i helped pull the engine from a 1980 jcb backhoe so it could be rebuilt. ive been reading up and on how the engine works and i have a real good idea on how a diesel engine works. she thinks that you need to be borderline professional to go to school and learn a skill or trade
  15. our boces has 2 backhoes, a 10 wheel dump truck, and excavater and mini excavater, dozer, tractor with various attachments, 3 skid steers, and a front end loader. our school has a ton of equipment. not to mention a fully outfitted fabrication shop just for the heavy equipment shop i wanted to stay in ny because i wanted to be close to home. morrisville is about 45mins from my house. i will check out unoh. im gonna visit morrisville in april to get a better look at their courses im gonna do skills. im doing teams for construction this year and most likely will do skills next year
  16. the curriculum is mostly how to operate each machine safely and correctly they have and how to do basic maintenance. also if you wanted they can teach you basic fabrication. they have an 11acre field and they pretty much say dig a hole this big with this machine and grade on that and do snow removal in the winter. \im going to oswego county boces in mexico, ny. im going there right now for construction tech. i was looking at morrisville state, its pretty close to home and the program looks good. im open to other suggestions. id really like to stay in ny but theres not very many schools here in ny
  17. im 17 and im a junior in high school. i wanna be a diesel technician. im already looking at colleges and have one that im looking hard at. the thing is my mom constantly belittles me because i dont have the most mechanical experience. its high school for petes sake im not on the job. she thinks that i cant do it. im going to boces next year for heavy equipment operation where ill learn to operate and maintain various pieces on machinary. she looked into it said that they focus more on operation than repairing the equipment in the one year program im taking vs the 2 year that i cant take. it angers me. i wish i took the 2 year program instead the of the carpentry program im taking now and will finish this year. im am glad i took it though because i learned some valuble skills from it. im a pretty good framer and roofer. i believe that being a diesel tech is right for me becuase i like to work with my hands and its much more stable than construction. sorry for the long post i just need to vent
  18. there is not a single lake here in NY where they stock bass. in most places where theres bass there is a good population
  19. yesyou can buy the 202 for $5. thats what i did last year when i bought my PQ
  20. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hN2gMP3Q2Z4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> these guys are hilarious
  21. mine came yesterday. im not too excited. i didnt see any absolute great deals that interested me
  22. gander mtn mostly because its 15mins away and my buddy works there(employee discounts and specials ) bps once in a while because its 45-50mins away but has the best selection dicks when there is a sale the nearest cabelas is 5 hours away
  23. people can say stuff to my face all they want, i can handle myself, but say something about my family and its on. they arent getting out of that one
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