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Everything posted by Senkoman12

  1. i don't know if yum dingers are included or not i love them and if not give me a texas rigged curly tail worm or finesse worm
  2. ive always wondered about the disappearing of red below a certian depth like the red line is suppose to disappear underwater but like you stated it just changes color and becomes more visible and btw i use both red and regular hooks they are same price so whatever i pick up is what im getting
  3. i rarely use flukes i love senkos and will never stop using them
  4. i mainly only pay attention to whats happening in oneida lake but it could be the same thing that is happening in Skineateles lake
  5. i am a tournament angler and i change my mono every year but ill use braid for 2-3 years before changing
  6. i use it and love but i think for a what the heck thing i will try the fireline braid
  7. holy smokes 9.4:1 that is a fast reel
  8. my mad maxx was really hard at first let it sit on a dashboard for 2 days and now its as soft as a spro
  9. i have one of those quantums and i got it on sale for $10 and i love it
  10. Silly me, I don't know what type of reel that is? What type of baits do you want to throw with that reel? its a baitcasting reel that bass pro had and discontinued it a guy had it and never used it so i bought it from real cheap i will be mostly throwing spinnerbaits, teaxas rigs and the occasional topwater or crankbait just a good all purpose rod i looked at the excel and im now thinking about changing my mind from vendettas
  11. i went cheap and now im paying for it because after 2 years its all falling apart
  12. I need a rod to put my rick clunn signature series reel I only want to spend around $100 i do not want a skeet reese they feel weird and look ugly i was lookin at the abu garcia vendetta but open to other suggestions
  13. if you want a revo sx go to bass pro they have them from $169.99 that way it works out for your glasses
  14. fireline original best casting superline I have ever had also super strong and lays on the spool like mono
  15. gander mountian and bass pro both have them
  16. i have been doin alright on onieda lake and river nothin huge yet but those smallies are devouring craws i have been using chigger craws or craw worms
  17. gander mountain has a glass rod for $30 its the gander mountain advantage glass rod
  18. with the zara spook walking the dog will help but i have caught fish just jerking the lure and making all kinds of noise with it
  19. worst line ive ever used there is way too much memory got 10# i threw it out and got trilene xl
  20. like flippen and pitchen i use gammakatsu (sp?) 4/0 wide gap finesse hooks
  21. i want to get a vendetta but no sure which one to get I usually fish spinnerbaits and texas rig with the occasional crankbait or topwater
  22. thats all i use is lefty reels i can use a righty but they feel weird
  23. i have the 7in one and man it has a great action in the water
  24. get over hear to oneida lake it has awesome smallies and lmb fishing best lake to fish for smallies imho
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