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Everything posted by Senkoman12

  1. the veritas are great rods. for the $100 i think they cant be beat. for another $30 you can get a lamiglas excel which are made in USA and imho the best rods for $130. TW has them
  2. it balances very well the bps reels that i have on the 2 the that i own
  3. as an owner of the lamiglas excel it is an excellent rod. well worth the $120
  4. surprising. we would of sold it to you. the only we dont sell that are displays are treestands and grills
  5. your absolutely right. its corperate that decides what we sell in a store
  6. today i was strolling through gander mtn on a day off and i saw on the damaged rack a lone veritas 6' 6" mh spinning rod with the first 1" broke off at the tip. the recieving manager knocked the price way down for me because i work there. i picked it up for a mere $28, add in $3 for a new tip. pretty sweet set up with my president and 8lb invisix on it.
  7. im gonna have to post in this today because because i was offcially hired at gander mtn today
  8. done alot of odd jobs such as roofing and construction but right now im trying real hard to get in gander mtn. had 2 interviews so far, waiting on a call back
  9. all i see is frank from men in black
  10. pete townsend and jimmy page are some of the best
  11. these guys plus atreyu jason aldean brantley gilbert justin moore mastadon
  12. i hate skeet reese rods and reels and do not find them smooth at all so im gonna say #3
  13. the famous lure designer- Slug Gogh
  14. we got some nasty water snakes but arent poisonous or as mean or cottonmouths are anything and no gators. i just wet wade in the summer. i have neoprine orvis waders that are stocking foor. i just use old hiking boos for wading boots
  15. shes a female doesnt understand the comedy gold in both those movies
  16. i just browse also. im an addict to rage comics. i love rage comics
  17. its all relative. all my baitcasters are bps and they just keep performing and wont quit. diawa to me is junk. its all relative
  18. if it aint broke dont fix it
  19. better than the tessaras but there are much better rods out there like the veritas, lamiglas excel, vendetta, etc
  20. its a heavy action rod with a high speed reel with heavy line on it used to fish topwater frogs(scum frog, spro, etc). this technique is known as froggin
  21. that there is funny
  22. wont see me either and i can already tell that it has way less stress than mono
  23. when i saw this i thought it was about you
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