the express is horrible, the only 870 worth something is the wingmaster, it is so much smoother and shoots so much better than the express, i have hunted and shot the 500, wingmaster, and express, and out of all of them the wingmaster is the best, and the express the worst, the only reason i dont use my dads wingmaster all the time is because it doesnt have a 3in chamber while my mossberg does, just get mossberg 500, most reliable i have ever used along with the wingmaster
to Stasher1 and Bird dog, what does me being 15 have to do with anything, i know a good bit about shotguns, because its pretty much the only firearm i use for hunting and shooting
to NHfroggin, now that i think of it, the weight could be from a number of things, i think its because of his pos synthetic stocks
im not gonna argue anymore, you guys have your beliefs and i have mine, my dad told that it doesnt matter if you win an argument on the internet because you still are an idiot for trying to win an arguement on the internet