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Everything posted by Senkoman12

  1. http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=447578468640772&set=a.185791651486123.53740.183400771725211&type=1&theater i recognized that guy pretty quick
  2. yeah but the stocking foot ones suck at keeping your feet warm. i personally have lacrosse brush tuff 1600s for duck hunting and salmon fishing
  3. i was in first grade. when my mom picked me up from the baby sitter, i was told what happened. it took 8 years for it to finally sink into a more mature mind. it went right over my 5 year old head
  4. god that show was funny
  5. i work at the one in cicero, ny in footwear. i agree the stores are going down hill. corperate has no idea whats going on. sometimes i wonder if its worth my $7.50/hour+commission(yes footwear is comissioned, its only 2% so dont think we are getting rich), especially the petty bullcrap that goes on because no one has a clue of whats going on
  6. i cant stand this new "country". eric chruch, brantley gilbert, josh thompson and justin moore are all i listen too
  7. after taking my 4 year old cousin fishing ive noticed all little kids do that
  8. one cabelas 7' H prodigy with a 7.1:1 PQ with 65# suffix. its does everything i ask it too
  9. both excellent reels. flip a coin and go fish
  10. you can nose hook it or wacky rig it
  11. ive caught a lot of fish doin that
  12. might as well spend some money and get the PQ. 100x better reel tahn the max series reel
  13. just about everything in my bag that is soft plastic. senkos, worms, beavers, brush hawgs, tubes, craws, flukes, etc.
  14. the ambassduer C3 are the 4x4 of the reel world
  15. its a monkey that lives on your back that makes you buy every piece of tackle and lure in sight
  16. as a teenage boy i am a bottomless pit. if i see food, especailly junk im eating it
  17. i know alot of guys who fish the extreme hard and have no problems. i have a pq myslef which works great
  18. coulndt go wrong really. its really personal preference. do you like the micro guides or do you want thats extra 3" of length
  19. x2. casting 15ft backlash free is better than 30yards with a massive birds nest
  20. i handled an exo at work once and holy smokes that reel is LIGHT. like rediculously light
  21. 68* here in CNY. pretty chilly actually with the wind
  22. there are better reels that the escalade. if it works for you thats great but there are much better choices out there at the same price point. the ugly stik might be too whippy for plastics though
  23. thats why i love braid sometimes. and sometimes there some goodies on the that branch you pulled up
  24. x2. i use abrazx and even the red label and for $12 the red label is pretty good stuff
  25. well considering i can get gear on a discount. thats why im there
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