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Everything posted by ScottR

  1. Lefty reels are not cheaper, they cost the same as right reels. Ive noticed on ebay and in the flea market, as weel as other sites the used leftys are cheaper than the right hand reels.
  2. if its pulled up just clean the old glue of best you can and spread new glue under the loose carpet and lay the carpet back down. find some thing to set on top of the area to press it down pretty solid
  3. I have round reels - 3- 4600c3's, 2-4600c4's, A couple of 5000's. All are on old ugly stick and berkley rods. I plan on getting into a couple lo pro reels such as revo stx's or maybe ardent xs1000's. If I get the revos Ill prob use vendettas or bucoo's for the ardents. What rods and what techniques would you use the round reels for? Im looking at buying a couple rods each month to set these up and tring not to spen more that a hundred bucks. I like the falcon originals. Whats the best bang for the buck? I love fishing carolina and texas rigs, Soft baits and spinners. I have a heavy 7' 6" Jim moyer rod with a 5500 c3 on it for flipping thanks for any help
  4. Hey folks I went fishing with a buddy of mine and he had a lefty revo premier. I cast with my left hand and then usually switch over to reel. I realized the I could reel and feel just as good with my left hand. Actually I think my reaction is quicker on hits holding the rod with my right hand. Does this Develop any problems or am I lucky because lefty reels are usually cheaper?? I am one of those people that write left handed but catch and throw right handed. I shoot pool and eat with my left hand. would this cause any bad habbits having right and left hand reels on the boat? By the way I reallly liked his revo premier!! Thanks and Semper Fi, Scott P.S. I did a search and couldnt find anything on this subject. Thats why Im posting here.
  5. I just bought a mitchell 300 for 2 dollars at a garage sale!! it even has an extra spool!!
  6. Thanks To all of you!! I can already tell this site is going to be on my most visited list!
  7. even though the 5200 is great. the best thing to do is to re-buck the rivets as mentioned before then seal the bottom of the boat with an epoxy such as FASCO's Steelflex. Get on tinboats.net and youll see how much of a diference doin it right the first time pays off.
  8. Its a Very Good site!!! Ive built a 12 ft and a 14 ft jon and got alot of great info from that site!. I now am in the process of redoing an aluminum fltbtm 1978 MonArk 1644p with a 35 hp evinrude. Theres a lot of resources on decking and the safety issues that arise. It Definitely a site anyone that owns a boat could use!!
  9. 41 y/o Retired Marine located in Ashland Ky, planning on growing old on the water chasing trophies! I fish for anything from Crappies to Catfish, and Definitely Bass!! I fish anywhere they are biting. I have good lake in my area-Greenbo, Yatesville , Cave Run and a few more! Im here to learn to do it better and help out any way I can!! Life is good !! a full pension and my Son is graduating the 28th of may!! 2 things I thought would ever happen!!
  10. I fish old round reels! 4- 4600c3 and c4's, 3- 5000's, 3- 5500's 2 have custom clickers, 4-6500c3's and 2- 6500c4's. All have abec bearings and carbontex drags. I also have a Custom 7000 rocket for blue cats. These reels cast like new or better and are easy to maintain. I do prefer to have Quality new or newer rods. I had 4 ardent reels on older all star rods that were willed to me from my uncle who passed late last year. They were stolen out of a friends truck last month. Nice stuff but Id rather had him fishing with me!!
  11. If you going to stay on the 40 or less just get a Ugly Stik Lite! You gotta start somewhere!
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