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Everything posted by evrgladesbasser

  1. Which ramp did you use? How was the water level in reference to launching?
  2. There's really nothing in the pic to reference it's size to. But it doesn't have the jawline of a fish that's 4+. So somewhere between 1-3
  3. Well once you take care of all that stuff... and the weather, water temp, moon phase, and barometer is just perfect, we can finally admit we just suck at fishing. Some people just aren't there yet.
  4. I feel that way when I lose a five pounder... can't even imagine losing a 15+
  5. I don't know what to tell you dude I taught my son to catch bass on a senko at age seven. Just keep trying the senko it is fool proof, if they won't bite that they probably won't bite much of anything. It's not known to catch big fish, but it will almost always catch something. I don't know your experience level which is why I suggest using the senko because it's so easy to use. Try slowing down when you fish... your posts seem like your talking real fast and you probably fish the same. Yesterday was an odd day for me as well, the bite was very lazy, and I was dead sticking flukes just to get a bite. The fish change day to day and sometimes hour to hour. If you were home by 11 to post about your trip, you gave up to early, the best bite sometimes doesn't come til afternoon.
  6. Throw a senko you can't go wrong
  7. Hey Guys, In reference to the questions about ramps... L67 off of Tamiami has a good ramp, the "magic" canal I'm not sure about. Sawgrass North ramp (off US27). Holeylands and fingers also have good ramps. All of these ramps have low angles, and you won't feel like your backing your boat off a cliff. These are the good low water ramps I know of.
  8. Several things come to mind.. a change in retrieve speed, lure size, lure color, blade color or design. could be any, all, or none of the above. Unfortunately the only way to find out is to experiment. Changing the blades (willow to colorado, colo to tandem, etc) usually does the trick for me
  9. I think it's the other way around
  10. Fishing has been great on the Alley. I've been catching big numbers, and some decent size fish when I take the time to fish for them. Capt. Shane... Tuesday am? I'm thinking L67
  11. I couldn't imagine a year without my boat... bring it
  12. Hey check the "South Florida get together Rd 2" thread. A bunch of guys are going out there tomorrow I believe. I'm sure they will be posting in the afternoon and can help you out.
  13. I *** you... Great fish once again!
  14. This topic seems to come up a lot. You can probably do a search and find several threads. With that said here's my short and sweet on the topic, from a boaters point: I don't care what you bring with you, as long as it stays in the back of the boat with you. When it comes to casting, I don't like guys casting past my seat. Why? Cause I don't like people spooking fish I'm trying to catch. If things aren't going so great, PLEASE throw some suggestions out there. I'm always looking for input from my backseater, in fact I welcome it. Clean-up your mess before you leave. DO NOT let me catch you throwing antything but a lure over the side of my boat. I will take you back to the ramp. I try and treat the non-boater the way I would like to be treated, and keep the boat in a position they can comfortably fish from. Now if I get a non-boaters who's a butt, well I can also make things harder for them.
  15. I think the most successful anglers are versatile in there techniques. More importantly though, they can recognize and adjust to changing conditions. Sometimes conditions change from day to day, and even hour to hour. Those who realize this and make the right changes win.
  16. Wish I could join you guys but I'm leaving town next Friday. Make sure to post some pics and good luck
  17. Yes Florida bass are known to shut down after a front. But I think the strength of the front is a big factor. This weeks front that rolled in for instance, came through Tuesday afternoon. I went out right after it passed on Tuesday evening and landed about 25 between 4pm and sunset. Went out again Wednesday morning 9am-2pm and caught about 10. So they can be caught. As far as baits I didn't use anything out of the ordinary except to say I slowed my persentation down a bit. Now with a front that drops the temps dramatically it's a different story, in that case it can be very tough. In that situation I usually find the fish relating very tight to cover and you have to drop your bait right on there head. Good Luck!
  18. Nice catch! Good job draging the kids away from thier xbox's
  19. I think your offer is very reasonable. If nothing else it's a starting point.
  20. Keep an open mind! What worked yesterday when you pre-fished may not work today
  21. All the rage on Lake O recently has been throwing bright colored creature baits.. so you can see the bass take it. As far as spooking fish, a lot of guys locate beds that may already have males on them, then wait out the girls. If you set-up before they arrive, I wouldn't think they would spook unless you do something stupid. When it comes to distance I would assume you need to be close enough to cast beyond the bed, then work your bait through it. However that is speculation, I don't do to much bed fishing myself. Many very good fisherman advocate fishing the areas that they hold before they go to the beds. I tend to agree with that way of thinking.
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