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Everything posted by evrgladesbasser

  1. In 2009, BP had 16.76 billion in profits on 246.14 billion in revenue. That's a profit percent of just 6.81%. So, if BP lowered their prices 7% then they would lose money. 7% of $3 is just 21 cents. So, they can't give you cheap gas. I don't think the calculations are quite that simple. It probably doesn't include the billions of gallons they are storing away either. They are still making billions this year, and at the same time lowballing fisherman with $5000 checks. People they have essentially put out of business are now having to work for BP just to make money. They (fisherman) are making less money than before, and I'm sure they are forced to sign "I won't sue you" contracts. Like I said before, we the tax payers will end up geting the bill, and BP will probably make record profits this year. Of course I don't want to pay $4 a gallon, but what's the difference if I pay it at the pump or in my taxes. It just makes me sick
  2. I can throw weightless worms with my ML baitcatsing gear, but I sure as heck can't aim it. But if you can, more power to you. Raul great post, thanks.
  3. X2 X3 and perhaps some spinners, anybody can work a spinner
  4. I have had 8lb mono snap on me before, and here are the reasons: - The line directly above the hook gets worn down, sand-papered if you will, by the mouths of previous catches. Upon hookset on my next catch it snaps. You can fix this by checking your line just above the hook, and moving it up about 6in if it looks worn. - The line snaps at the hook, where it is inherently weaker. Haven't found a fix for this yet. - The fish wraps around a sunken object and I just pulled to dang hard trying to unwrap it. Haven't found a fix for this one either. In open water with good line I rarely lose a fish on mono. I keep my drag pretty darn tight to so I don't miss my hookset. And I don't beleive fish weight would be so important because an 8lb fish underwater doesn't really weigh 8lbs. Good luck man hope this helps out.
  5. Very nice hogs man.. where did you put in at?
  6. Nice catch Capt. I'm starting to think your the man down here. I agree with your sentiments about the gators. I have noticed them creeping closer and closer to the boat lately.. no more liping fish over the edge for a while.
  7. July 25th? A full 6 weeks to make arrangements and work out kinks. That's my suggestion..... Someone needs to take command to make this happen. I nominate bocabasser since it was his idea. Sorry boca.....
  8. Nice fish Capt! Love it out there despite the highway...
  9. Where were you fishing out of? I'm curious because that time of day always seems to be a real lazy bite to me. I only seem to get them on a slow presentation. I can't work a frog to save my life though....
  10. I haven't been to Holiday in a while but I've been to the Alley a lot over the last several months. Here's what I can tell you about the alley; It sure has been good fishing out there. I usually fish east/ west canals along the highway. A normal day out I am catching between 20-40 bass. Topwaters kill em' in the early morning, then switch over to soft plastics and kill em' the rest of the day. With that said I will tell you I was out there Tuesday, and it was an odd day off the Alley. The topwater bite just was not there in the morning. I switched to softs and ended up with a total of nine fish, biggest was only 2lbs. What changed? Well I can tell you the water level has been slowly creeping higher, and it's been hotter than heck out. Tuesday also provided no cloud cover, and there was no wind first thing in the am, then only a very slight wind thereafter. I called it quits around 1030 due to storms rolling in and the heat. I would shoot for a day with more cloud cover and wind, both help with the heat and the bite. The ledges boca was talking about is the was to go, however with the rising water levels, the fish seem to be moving farther up in the flats where you can't get to them. And go early because lately the bite seems to turn off between 10-11am and wont start back up till late afternoon.
  11. Sounds like fun, give me a date and I'll give you an answer. If I'm available I'll be there with an open seat on the back.
  12. Please tell me this was sarcasm. Nope. Don't mind the fact this has destroyed peoples lives. As long as you get your cheap gas. You would think a fisherman would want better for other fisherman, but no, just cheap gas for ME, ME, ME. The new American way: "It's all about me and I don't care if I screw you in the process". Hope you took plenty of pictures of the reefs down in Florida, cause if it hits there, your kids, and your kids kids will probably never see a live reef in thier lifetime. BP made how many BILLIONS of dollars in profits last year? If they wanted you to have cheap gas they could give it to you, but all they care about is thier bottom line. When your taxes get increased to help pay for the cleanup (and your crazy if you think BP is gonna foot this bill themselves) I hope you'll still be happy geting your cheap gas at the pump, cause if you haven't figured out how big business in America works yet I will enlighten you; They screw up, we pay for it....
  13. Could not agree more. Seems like I catch fish in the same locations all day long. The only difference I see is they tend to find the more shaddy spots in the middle of the day. In other words they will still be in 3ft of water, but find a tree shading 3ft of water and they are more likely to be there.
  14. This has happened to me which really sucks when you catch 30 or 40 fish and show up short....
  15. I've caught the same fish twice but not on the same day...
  16. X2. I bought the same thing a few weeks ago and it's been working great. It realy helps get the hook out when it goes deep.
  17. From my boat 2 or 3 times a week. Pretty much every other day from shore....
  18. Prepare to fend off the bait monkey. For a topwater lure I always recommend a Pop-R. Very easy to use, been catching bass on it a long time. Good Luck!
  19. Thanks for the tip Captain. I'm gonna have to give it a shot. Tips from you have produced well for me in the past....... Where is JD's at? Do they have a store or just online? Thanks
  20. you can't go wrong with a pop-r. been using em' as long as I can remember and they still produce
  21. X3 could not state it any different. I agree they are totally different baits. IMO the fluke is more like a baitfish, and the senko??? don't know what it is but it works great. If I see bass chasing baitfish I am more likely to throw the fluke, any other time... senko
  22. Me too and I rarely pull them out. To me they are like chinese food, I got to try it every now and then to remember why I don't like it. What did you catch your PB on at Holiday Park?
  23. Thats kind of what I was thinking. On the other hand, I've had fish chasing them, so something is working. It's kind of like jigs. Not a big popular bait down here. They do catch fish though. This far south a lot of the traditional bass lures that you read about online just aren't effective. It's hard to find info about our area down here. A few hours north, no problem.... It's kind of like looking for a good lake map. They don't exist for any of the lakes around here. Lox, Iso, and Okeechobee aren't an issue. I would LOVE to get my hands on a contour map of some of the large strip lakes around my area. The only time I've had luck with tubes is Lake O and north. For some reason just never could get a good bite on them down here. I have caught a few on them but more often the bass just look at it funny and swim away. I think they work better in clearer water, but that's just my opinion from my experience. I wouldn't waste to much time or money on them SoFla, I have never met anyone on the docks or shorelines down here and had them answer the question "What are you catching them on?" with "Tubes". Senko's are still the king of South Florida fishing IMO. A lot of baits work, but it just seems like a senko will catch em' all day, any day, any condition down here.
  24. X2 I agree and use the same method when it comes to scents. It's always better to have sense though.
  25. A good reminder that fishing is a privelidge that can be taken away!
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