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Everything posted by evrgladesbasser

  1. Down here you see mudfish breaking the surface all day long. Along with the occasional gar, and of course bass when they are giving chase. I like to throw a topwater like a pop-r right into the action if I can see that they are bass feeding.
  2. When I started fishing a long time ago I only had a spinner. It stayed that way for many years. Asking a question like that on a board like this will leave you overwhelmed by different answers. Get yourself a nice spinner, buy some good baits, and go from there. You can add to your collection along the way. But in my opinion if I could only have one pole to fish with it's gonna be a good quality spinner on a medium or medium light rod every time. Despite what your buddy tells you and what you may read, you can fish any type of lure on this set-up.
  3. I don't know why they don't inject, but I would have to agree with the sentiment "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I like thier product as-is.
  4. Thats a good looking set-up you got there... Let us know the most important part, how it works.
  5. The owner of the local bait shop here told me Charlie's worms is out of business. Don't know that this is new news, but it's the first time I heard it. I don't use Charlie's to much anymore, but I have always seemed to have a bag or two around. Anybody else heard anything?
  6. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D A careful choice of words.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I do the same thing, sometimes more than once....
  7. I think you did the right thing just now..... case closed. 32251 has made his case and will seldom find a doubter again. Awesome pics, I for one am jealous
  8. very cool video! keep em' coming
  9. You could have posted your question on here and got an answer in five minutes instead of two years!!! ;D ;D ;D Thanks for the info though....
  10. We have water temps around 90 degrees at this point ( South Florida). Would you say that bass would be more comfortable in 5ft of water with very heavy vegetation, or in 15ft of water? What I mean is do you know which one would hold more of the DO that you speak of, or is the DO in both spots relatively similar? Thanks for the info above I never thought of the DO being very important, I always thought the bass were in certain spots based solely on structure.... a lot of things are clicking right now :-?
  11. Hundreds of years of fishing experience devoured in a single thread... I love this site. Thanks all for the helpful information
  12. Am I wrong in thinking those are close to world record size???? Very nice catch once again Big-O!
  13. Geez don't beat the guy up about it... Sounds like a fun little test that may not be perfect but hey, when is a test of fishing baits ever perfect?
  14. Your giving them a lot of time to swallow it if your droping on a slack line! Try keeping your hand or fingers on the line when it's droping, maybe you'll feel that little twitch when they suck it in, then you can reel up and set the hook before they completely swallow it. Good Luck...
  15. Please explain in more detail.........
  16. X2 Tell those "well decorated" guys to kiss your butt. I would have started casting my lines right across their bow cause that crap just don't fly with me. And if they push the issue I could tell you how to put your oars to good use. To answer your question, NO, a big boat has no more rights than a dingy. Hearing this kind of thing ticks me off so freakin much...... Sorry you had to deal with this crap dang that ticks me off
  17. Useful for big bass: Not in my experience. Where to hook em': Right in front of the top fin How much time til you get a bite: Only time will tell Would I recommend: Nope
  18. More info would be helpfull. Conditions, vegetation, etc..... 2 things I always recommend though; 1. A pop-r for topwater, any idiot could use it and 2. A senko cause it's good for dang near any condition and my grandma could catch fish on a senko. Good Luck!
  19. I watched the "fizzing bass" video a while back and tried it for the first time over the weekend. After a club tourney we had several floaters lingering around the dock. I took an 18g needle a "fizzed" four of them. Three swam away after the fizzing and one continued to float. Seems to work though I will be doing this after every tourny to help em' swim away, and hopefully get bigger for me to catch. Tourny fishers should definately give this a shot. I really hate seeing dead fish floating around after a tourny it gives us all a bad name IMO. Never fails that the biggest ones are the floaters either. Please give it a shot and protect our big ones.......
  20. Nice fish as usual Capt. Where did you put in at?
  21. d**n they worked hard for those fish..... If it's not against the rules more power to em'
  22. You will be fishing in canals and not lakes fyi. The canals are not very wide so it is good manners to slow down when passing other boats ( you will be 10 to 20 ft away). If you can find an area to enter the "flats", I beleive you need a pole/ flag that is 10ft in length, but I am not 100% sure on that. I don't usually go to far into the flats so if I hear another boat or airboat in the area I head back to the canal. The FWC does patrol on airboats quite a bit out there. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. Also from your original question, I don't think anyone mentioned but the water is very murky/ stained out there. If I can figure out how I will post some pics from out there so you can see what your in for. Also check some of Captain Shanes posts he posted some pics from out there not to long ago.
  23. Glades hit it on the head with his tips. I've also had a lot of luck with trick worms in bright colors, especially white. Also you can never go wrong out there with a good ole senko. You'll be fishing in some very thick cover... rig accordingly. Good luck let us know how you did!
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