This goes way past the "norm". The premise of the show is not watch the host catch tons of fish on the baits that he is paid to fish. The premise is watch the host/guest angler go through the process of breaking down a body of water that he's never been on.
I'd call it a fraud and never watch it again. I watched a few "Day on the Lake" episodes where the anglers were launching their boats on the "lake" without a ramp (barely even a dirt area to launch).
I agree with Tyrius, we've all been there, first time on a lake and you're going through a multi-step process to determine where to fish. I would much rather observe an angler going through this process than watching him haul in fish after fish in an area that he already knows produces.
If you watch the show, Dave "finds" a real small sweet spot and starts ripping in 4 to 5 pound smallmouth like nothing. Lake Chautauqua in not a huge lake (just over 13,000 surface acres), but it is not a lake you could expect to find these sweet spots that easily, especially in a half of day.
I agree with you guys that it's a load of crap trust me. For anglers like us, we would rather you "teach" us how to fish and find patterns on new waters, rather than just watch you reel in fish for 30 min and show us your brand new flashy lure in between. However I have heard so many rumors about so many bass fishing shows, at this point I take everything at face value, and that ain't much. So many shows you will see guys reeling in fish, but you don't see the cast or the hookset, why??? I've learned more about bass fishing from this site than any tv show. Why is that? Becuase I am not being sold anything and real people aren't afraid to say "hey fishing was tough today". People on here don't have there reputations to worry about becuase they don't lose money when they have a bad day. And the advertisers on here with good product don't have to promote thier product because we do it for them.