When I choose guides for a build, I talk to my customer. I want to know what they want, what they expect, and what they will be doing with the finished rod. There are a lot of different answers to the question.
For my own rods, I want the lightest guides set I can buy. I use Recoil guides for the upper part of the rod. Stripper guides and one or two more will usually be Fuji Alconites. The tiptop is also usually an Alconite.
Titanium alloy frames will be lighter that steel frames. Enough lighter to justify the cost differential? Not in my opinion.
what about ring material? You can look up the hardness specs. I know I spent a lot of time comparing guides specs. Go ahead and check it all out. You will learn something from it. The truth is, anything from aluminum oxide up, is fine.
I did an experiment suggested by an experienced rod builder. Took an Alconite guide, and went at the ceramic ring with a file. Fingers got cramped up, so I got ahold of the guide frame with Vise grips. I eventually bent up the frame badly enough the ring popped out of the frame, but the file did no damage at all to the ring. NONE!
I have built rods using SiC guides, and a couple with Torzites. Have heard several claim they would never use anything less. I have heard people claim SiC and Torzite guides will cast farther than lesser ring materials. That is a large steaming pile of what dropped out of the south end of a north-bound bull.
The main difference between Alconite and SiC is durability. Drop a rod with SiC guides on your garage floor, and there is a very good chance one or more of those SiC rings will be cracked. Do the same with Alconites and there is a very good chance no rings will be damaged. SiC rings are a lot more brittle.
As far as Torzite guides go, those are for the dude whose ego demands that his toys be the most expensive. Do not drink that flavor koolaid. Torzites are expensive, and possess no qualities justifying the cost.
txchaser, if you are serious about a custom stick, get with Mike at DVT. He will take care of you.