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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. My two favorite "fugly hats" are gone. One is in a lake at Trophy Country, and one is somewhere in the White River. I'm down to two Rage Tail hats and one Bass Resource hat.
  2. i fish a lot of clear water. my approach is to match the background. fishing on the bottom? match the bottom color. fishing through weeds? match the weed color. fishing in wood? match the wood color. you don't want them to get a real good look at your bait. try it, it works.
  3. beans in chili is outright blasphemy.so is hamburger.
  4. You can say that because you haven't tasted mine. LOL
  5. Nice work again Lee.
  6. There is no "best" anything.
  7. I don't normally worry too much about weights of rods. But, when I got that SS SV, and felt how light it was, I had to weight it. 5.3oz. I set the challenge for myself to build the lightest rod I could, that would still be comfortable to use. I'll be retired in about 8 weeks. At that point I will start a spreadsheet for component weights. Once I collect enough data, I'd be happy to share it with you. I'll also start building rods other than ones for me, family and friends.
  8. Hey Mike, I got the 6'8" ML-F. 1.23 ounces. Building this for a Daiwa SS SV, a 5.3 ounce reel. Hoping to get a sub 8oz combo. Oh yeah, this is a finesse combo.
  9. I have those components on hand, waiting for time to do the build. Planning a totally bling-less , minimum build, just to see how light i can get it. I could shave off a bit by going with a Minima or SK split seat, but I detest both of those seats. I want it as light as I can get it, but it has to be comfortable to use. The Fuji SK split seat is the MOST uncomfortable seat I've ever had in my hands, with the Pac Bay Minima a close second.
  10. Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
  11. I didn't attend his funeral, but I did send a nice note saying I was in favor of it.
  12. All I can say to that is a lot, none of which can be said on a family friendly forum.
  13. The evening news begins with "Good evening", and proceeds to detail precisely why it isn't.
  14. Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, and beat you with experience.
  15. I have one, still in the shipping tube. I can't comment on it other than to say it is the straightest blank I've ever seen. Not that that says much. I haven't bought that many. After I get it built, and have fished with it a few days, I'll comment. Until then, I have no opinion.
  16. I use coated braid for thread pulls, and I must have tied up thirty of them in the last three weeks. I finish a wrap, pull the tag end through, and lose the pull every time. An extreme case air air-head.
  17. I like the way those two tone eva grips look installed. I might have to try some for myself. Looking good again Lee.
  18. Right now, the best thing going in that range is last year's Zillion. Not a great finesse reel, but top shelf for anything else. Built like a tank; you'll have it for a long time with normal maintenance.
  19. Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time.
  20. I have a 6'10" MHF. I'd call it a MH+. A bit more than most MH rods, but not a Croix MH. The fast rating for action is right on. I have a Zillion on mine, and the combo is dedicated to T-rigs. I paid MSRP for mine, something I rarely do. I like everything about it. Except the aluminum nut on the reel seat, that is. That is one stupid-arsed idea I wish had never gained any traction.
  21. Thanks gents. Had a very peaceful day yesterday, at home with the wife. Had pancakes and sausage for breakfast, and a big steak for dinner. Rare treats for me these days.
  22. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt - Abraham Lincoln There are lies, damned lies, and statistics - Mark Twain
  23. I've been waiting for this fight for years. I think, at this point, it's too close to call. I can see either guy winning, but if you forced me to lay down a bet, I'd have to go with Floyd, in a close 12 round decision. I won't be buying the PPV. I never do. Just wait a week, and watch for free.
  24. Go ahead, empty out your day box for us. LOL
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