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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. I may be able to do that.
  2. Exactly!
  3. People down south must huddle and make cheese when a little snow comes to town. Why else would you buy all that milk?
  4. Having built several MHX blend blanks, I can say they are great for the price. You will not be disappointed with one of them. But, if braid and boat flipping fish are part of the game, you do not want a 3 power blank. Get a 6 or a 7. Also built several Bushidos. Top of my best bang for the buck list. They fish lighter than their ratings suggest. no experience with rodgeeks.
  5. I have had several cancers removed. None were any fun at all. A couple were quite painful after the anesthetic wore off. The most noticeable are one each on either side of my forehead. I tell everybody who asks, that is where the horns used to be
  6. Sorry. thanks gents, and you too mnfisher
  7. Thanks gents. Hope to make it.
  8. How long do these typically last? With my wife’s erratic schedule, we may be having dinner at 7:00. Or maybe at 8:00. Or later. It’s anybody’s guess. so, I may drop in late, if that’s ok.
  9. Being in the market for a new spinning reel, and being a Daiwa fanboy, I have looked at all of the lower priced spinning reels from Daiwa. I would not consider a spool with a capacity of 160 yards of 6lb test, to be a large spool. Interesting how our perspectives differ, eh?
  10. From the very beginning, Glenn has insisted there be no political or religious postings. One of the “rules of the road here”. Posts of these types are deleted, and threads that go off in these directions are locked down. The goal is to maintain a relaxed, family friendly place to hang out and chat with with new friends about fishing. I think we do a pretty good job keeping the place cleaned up. It’s Glenn’s vision we work to maintain. Thank him. He is the guide here.
  11. Always have a bottle of Bushmills on hand. Tullqmore ia good. Redbreast is very good. Midleton is top shelf, but, in my opinion, not worth the price of admission. Note: i don't think Pappy Van Winkle is worth the price either.
  12. My wife makes some good pie. Sour cream apple, strawberry/rhubarb, caramel apple, peach/blueberry. and now for something completely different. One she makes for me around St Paddy’s day: steak and Guinness pie. Outstanding!
  13. Split a bottle of this with the wife. https://www.google.com/search?q=josh+cabernet+sauvignon+2017&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari Excellent wine for the price. A lot of nights, this is dessert. https://www.binnys.com/the-kings-ginger-liqueur-by-berry-brothers-rudd-36366.html
  14. That is NOT normal. Send it back.
  15. This: https://www.amazon.com/Mae-Ploy-Sweet-Chili-Sauce/dp/B076JJ35ZT/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrKWb8LvL7QIVxZJbCh343gw3EAMYASAAEgJbbfD_BwE&hvadid=178648853237&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9022312&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=4699357970992256616&hvtargid=kwd-6754005094&hydadcr=5512_9611315&keywords=thai+chili+sauce&qid=1607880073&sr=8-7&tag=googhydr-20
  16. My wife has used the livewell a couple of times.
  17. I think I am going to start using the term 2020 as a curse word.
  18. I used to use a special tool to force grease into my bearings. The thing is, they are difficult to get clean. An ultrasonic unit is mandatory, and multiple cycles are required. I now use 90wt gear oil for all except spool bearing. Spool bearings get TSI321.
  19. What does your Bass Resource name signify, if anything? Mine is simple. It’s pronounced fish. gh as in tough o as in women ti as in nation My vote for best member name is slonezp Maybe he will come along and explain.
  20. Easy solution to this one. Stop fishing “spots”. Start fishing conditions.
  21. Mike, I’ve done this twice. Once by sliding a bored out grip over the old cork, and once by gluing individual bored out rings; then shaping the grip. The first way is easier. I used my Alps wrapper, at a fairly slow speed to keep the tip whip down. I used my Worksharp knife sharpener to sand down the old grip. https://www.amazon.com/Work-Sharp-Knife-Tool-Sharpener/dp/B07CVN8HV5/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?ie=UTF8&aaxitk=Hsm9UB65vCVSJVwubOi0bg&hsa_cr_id=4812382890801&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_1 With the alignment piece removed, what's left is a small easily manipulated belt sander. I also use this for prepping guide feet.
  22. Another route to consider. If you have access to a rod lathe, or can fab up one using a variable speed drill and some home-made stands to support the spinning rod: don't try to remove the damaged cork all the way down to the blank. Using some 60 grip sandpaper, with the rod spinning, turn the damaged cork down to near the blank, but leave some cork attached. Make the remaining cork an even diameter all along the length of the grip. Make it just a hair smaller than a standard drill bit size. Bore out your new grip to that size. Get it done right and you can simply slide the new grip over what’s left of the old grip. If you have holes in what’s left of the old grip, use some of the cork dust, mixed with titebond glue to make a paste the patch the holes. No need to worry about color matching. You wont see it when the new grip is slid over the old. Take your time sanding down the old grip. Have the new grip already bored out so you can check the diameter of the old grip as you go. You will need a loose fit. The new grip, when bored out will be a bit on the flimsy side until it is glued on place over the old cork. So be gentle when dry fitting the pieces together.
  23. So, being from Michigan, you are familiar with my new favorite beer. Founder’s Breakfast Stout. YUM!
  24. Have not built a senko rod for myself. Yet. The production rod I almost always pick up for senko fishing is the LTB 7’ M-F, the one they called the Sniper. This rod is with me on all bass fishing outings. Probably why I have not built a senko specific rod. Huh!
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