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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. I have to ask. What kind of loving is E V loving? Extra-vehicular? Energetically vocal? Eventually voluntary? Inquiring minds want to know.
  2. Google up tieable wire leader. This may be your best option. Available in several breaking strengths. Limp enough to hang straight. I would suggest getting some crimp sleeves to use instead of knots. It would be much easier to get things properly positioned using crimp sleeves than knots.
  3. Well, I've spent a grand total of $0.00 on fishing tackle this holiday season so far. I have no plans to spend any more.
  4. Shallow, a Super Fluke or Houdini shad on a 4/0 EWG hook Deep, a straight tail worm on a jighead in between, a double willow spinnerbait.
  5. A smart guy once told me getting old beats the alternative, but it ain't for sissies. Methinks our brother Dwight is no sissy, so I says he whoops this thing the way he whoops those big bronzebacks. Good luck, Dwight. We'll be right here waiting for you.
  6. Sweet setup dude. Enjoy it while you can. A little time away to recharge can be a great thing. Been burnt out on my gig for a while now, and I'm getting ready to take what may very well be a permanent hiatus from academe. My part time gig will be two days a week starting January. I'll do that for a while, and then see what happens.
  7. I think that Rusty Craw looks like a clear water smallmouth killer!
  8. Expressing sarcasm via the printed word is a dicey proposition, at best. At least we now know you're a wise guy, and NOT an arsehole. LOL Welcome aboard.
  9. Nice way to start post. "you suck....." That was uncalled for. Remind me to ignore everything you post from this point forward
  10. Another vote for Pfleuger. I have a Supreme XT 30, an XT 25, and a Supreme 30. Any of those would be perfect for you. If you're really thinking about 12lb test line don't get the 25. But in reality, if you need 12lb test line, go with a casting reel.
  11. Very Nice, Scott. Love to see it. Or, maybe not. I've already spent more on my little shop than I originally thought I would. Seeing yours could very well lead to a spending spree. LOL
  12. If I encountered that thin out in the woods, I'd have to change out my skivvies.
  13. I've never been to one of these events, but I'm hoping to be at the 2016 show. It's on my short list of things to do after retirement.
  14. The original was around $270, if memory serves. All the variants were priced higher, so $300 for the new and improved version is not bad. If it is indeed new and improved. Speculate all you want, but the jury is still out on that one. I have four Zillions; three different versions, and all are great reels. Looking forward to handling one of the new ones.
  15. I have more St Croix (7) than any other, so I guess they are my favorite. Next is Daiwa and Setyr(6ea). Everything else is a one of; Kistler, Airrus, Fenwick, Pinnacle and Dobyns. I like them all, except that Dobyns Champion. Don't like it at all. It's good for swatting snakes, and that's about it.
  16. I posted a a few nice things about Rainshadow blanks, and my Alps power wrapper. The Batson folks shot me a PM and offered some "swag" for my good comments. I told not necessary, but they insisted. Got a nice package from them about a month ago. Yes, I'm very delinquent in my expression of thanks. Sorry; better late than never, eh? I got two nice hats, some decals, and a really nice Team Rainshadow long sleeve tee; in XL size. Too bad I'm not an XL kinda guy. I'm a 3XL kinda guy. My wife appropriated the shirt. She doesn't wear a tee often, but when she does, she likes "em big, loose and baggy. She likes the shirt, and has already worn it more than I thought she would. So, to the folks at Batson Enterprises, I appreciate the efforts on your part, tuning in here; keeping your finger on the pulse of the fishing world, as it were. It's nice knowing I can make a comment or suggestion, and have it heard. That is all too often not the case. Thanks for making the effort. Cheers, GK
  17. NFC blanks are for the most part out of my price range. Doesn't mean I wouldn't build one for somebody else, just not for myself. I'm very happy with the rods I've built on Immortal blanks, and will be building more of those for sure. Based on my experiences with them, I'd really like to try an Etermity blank, but NOT a blue one. HINT!
  18. My best wishes for a speedy and successful recovery. I guess I don't have to tell YOU to take it slow and easy.
  19. I wish you could have been there when we first started fishing it. It truly was trophy country.
  20. Very nice. Me want one too.
  21. My first three rods were built on "yard sale" blanks. Pre-shaped cork and EVA grips, and the cheapest reel seats and guides I could find. I stripped and re-wrapped all of them twice and one a third time. I spent almost nothing until I got most of the bugs worked out of my technique. Those "rods" are stashed away, never to see the light of day. Then I built a workbench, bought an Alps power wrapper, and got some "real" blanks and good components. Then another workbench, Rikon lathe, two Nova chucks for the headstock, two live centers and a phillips chuck for the tailstock, drill bits, turning tools, cork slicing jigs, mandrels and threaded rods. Now I can make my own grips. I salvaged a dehumidifier and got it put in place and running; bought a hepa filter and got it in place and running; and am now building a dust collection system. I need to get it finished before turning any more cork. And thinking about another workbench. I need to get this all done before I retire. Got a month.
  22. I take two rods out when I'm using my yak. it has two rod holders; one behind the seat and one between my legs. I use the front holder when I'm unhooking a fish or rigging a bait. The rod I'm not using rests in the holder behind me. I could add more rod holders, but I like to keep it simple and down to a minimum when in the yak. Terminal tackle is is a small plano box which will fit in a shirt pocket. Soft plastics, in ziplok bags, go in a small maxpedition pack about the size of a side by side CD wallet. I typically take four or five of each of four or five soft plastic baits. A couple of jigs and a couple of spinnerbaits, a tube of megastrike, and the bag is full. line nipper on a lanyard around my neck and pliers on a lanyard attached to the front rod holder. That's it; a quick load in and launch, and a quick get out of dodge end to the trip. Which two combos and which baits are questions with day specific answers.
  23. The matte version is why I'm interested. I really like the LTB rods I have, except the color. I like raw graphite best. Second best is the Rainshadow Immortal with the titanium chrome finish. I like those blanks enough I'd be willing to pay the extra for their Eternity line if I could get raw blanks. Really do not like that blue finish. The only reason I have several LTB rods is I got all them for about half price.
  24. Congrats dude. And he!! yeah, that's way cooler than any tux.
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