Thanks for all the kind words folks. Its with somewhat mixed emotions I join this crew. Not that I question anything about this place, the great people who run it, or any of the members. Im happy to join in, and help keep this the best place on the Web.
I really wish I was not doing so because my good friend and fishin buddy, Mike Goodson, had to hang up his spurs. I understand his decision, and all I will say about it is this; it is my friend simply being the good man that he is.
Also, yesterday I cleaned up my classroom and lab, emptied my office, turned in my keys, and retired from teaching. It's one thing to walk away from a job you don't like. It's not at all the same leaving a career you love. But, it was my decision, and I will be fine with it soon.
As far as filling Long Mikes shoes goes, I won't. My feet are bigger than his. LOL
And to you Tom, I am no longer a professor. I'm a retired professor. My days of grading and correcting anything are over. If somebody wishes to visit a public forum and display his or her illiteracy, who am I to stop him?
There have been some really good people doing this job. I'll do my best to continue the trend.