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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Any of them. Catchin bass on top is the most fun you can have with yer knickers on.
  2. That would be my plan, Dwight. Ain't gonna fix it, if it ain't broke.
  3. It is all in your mind. If you don't mind, it don't matter. The converse is also true. I've used Trilene XL for years. I use 4, 6 and 8 on my spinning reels, and 8,10,*** on my castings reels. The only exception is when I go trout fishing, I'll spool up a couple of spare reels with 4lb Invisx, because sometimes it makes a difference when fishing for trout in clear water. After reading the many threads about line, I'm amazed that I catch any fish using this line. According to the "wisdom" often dispensed hear, I have many problems. 1. I can't feel any bites because my line is so insensitive. 2. I can't set the hook when I do managed to detect a bite, because my line is so stretchy. 3. in the unlikely event that I do manage to get a hook set, I can't land the fish because my line will break if it comes in contact with anything, because my line is so non-abrasion resistant. And, because my line absorbs water, which makes it even weaker and stretchier. I guess I'm really lucky to catch any fish at all.
  4. Mike, at least some of the bearings are also mag sealed. Not having opened one up yet, I'm not sure which are, and which are not. The docs with the reel are all in Japanese, so I have no idea what they say. After thinking about it, I'll perform my normal complete tear down, clean and lube when I think they need it. Won't be anytime soon. I don't use a spinning reel that often. I'll leave the mag sealed bearings alone, not worry at all about the "sealed" frame, and lube as normal. If and when the bearings fail, I'll simply replace them with bearings I can service. Who knows, they may outlast me. LOL
  5. I'm really up in the air about this mag sealed thing. I'm what gets called a Daiwa fanboy. All of my casting reels are daiwa, except for a lone Abu Record. My two favorite spinning reels are the two Certates. But, I think they stepped on their crank this time, by giving us something we can't maintain ourselves. Do they not realize that those of us who buy higher end gear tend to be those who do our own maintenance? Or, at least, send our reels off to a well respected tech like Mike at DVT? I look at mag sealed pretty much the same way I perceive their TWS system. An added level of complexity, which translates into a higher end price; with little real benefit.
  6. I used steel wool once. I had some very small pieces of steel stuck in the cork, which rusted over the winter. Haven't used steel wool since. Simple Greem works, DNA works, and the Magic Eraser works. None of which will leave behind anything that will rust. Trondak U40 is a fine product. I also like Tru Oil. I use that on all the grips I build, particularly any grips with burl cork.
  7. I have a pair of Daiwa Certates, neither of which has enough time on the water to require service just yet. But when they do, and I open them up; what am I getting into? I bought one new, and one new and unused. My usual procedure is to ride a new reel like I stole it, then tear it all the way down, clean, and lube to my specs. There two reels have been so smooth and flawless, right out of the box, that I haven't opened them up yet. I know I can't take the shields off the bearings for a proper deep clean, and decided to leave then alone, and if they give me some grief down the road, I'll just replace them with bearings I can service. what else do I need to look out for?
  8. Too many twists in the clinch knot. Try five, and then four. The standard version is five twists. Four twists sometimes works better with larger diameter line.
  9. Try doing so without descending into schoolyard name calling, and you'll get no further grief from me.
  10. that's why I quit using a snell knot. not enough benefit to be worth the hassle.
  11. learn something new every day. no experience with that bearing.I'd still try one small drop of oil, and see what happens, Easier to add more than have to clean it all out again.
  12. I'll be getting some of those ASAP.
  13. if memory serves, the bushings are nylon. use a drop of whatever oil you use on them. Reel butter oil would be fine.
  14. With the notches lined up, like your pic, the braking is the strongest. Ive had magnets come unglued in a few older Daiwa reels. Simple fix. You can use a couple of drops of superglue, or just about any epoxy. Just use as little as you can.
  15. very nice work, as usual for you. what's in the dogfish glass this time?
  16. If you thought somebody here was going to try to talk you out of a tackle purchase, well, you've picked the right last name. sorry man, couldn't resist.
  17. Good luck man. Take your time, and don't be afraid to unwrap and start over. Your first build couldn't possibly look worse than mine. It's good practice stripping one down and starting over. That's what I tell myself anyway.
  18. You think the Bait Monkey is tough? Wait till you meet the Lathe Monkey. And his big, ugly uncle the Shop Gorilla.
  19. A game plan is nice, but...... I hate to quote Mike Tyson, but this one he got right; "everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth"
  20. Portable generator chained to your trailer
  21. Decent rod, great reel, wrong line. I have a Supreme 30 and a supreme XT 30. The heaviest line I would put on one is 10.
  22. This beagn as an interesting thread, which then degenerated into a whizzing contest. All I have to say about that is: NOT IN MY TOWN!!
  23. Gents, The knife is a cool piece. I have a large knife collection myself. But I didn't buy any of them here, nor will I ever offer any for sale on this site. Care to guess why? It's against the rules. No knive or firearms will be sold here. That is not negotiable. Pics are fine. The story behind the piece is nice. Selling or offering to buy is not. Just a gentle reminder for those of you who have not read the rules, or forgot about this part of it.
  24. contact this guy http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/profile/23280-delaware-valley-tackle/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjE3MTQyNSwiaWRfMiI6MTk0MjA1Mn0%3D "nuff said
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