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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. That would be a Recoil guide. Size for size, the lightest guides. Their tip guides are not good. here’s a recoil tip guide http://www.anglersworkshop.com/REC/REC-RSCT-Regular-Loop-Titanium-Recoil-Casting-Tops
  2. Are you asking about Recoil guides? If so, no problems except the noise. Braid “sings” when passing through Recoil guides. Do not use a Recoil tip guide.
  3. Add a new rod to my St Croix collection. Been a fan of St Croix for quite some time. I have four Avids, three LTBs, and one Extreme. Had them for years and use them all the time. Never had a problem with any of them. All are very well built. I have a new Victory; 7’1” MH-F. A very well built rod from Park Falls. Good fitment, no gaps or seams between components. Thread and epoxy are tight and neat. i’ve said before that certain other rod manufacturers (you reading this NRX) should buy a rod built in Park Falls, take it to their production people, lay it on the table, and say why cant we build rods like this. This is what a well built rod looks like. Colors are subtle. One beef I’ve had with my LTBs and Extreme is the grips are too short. They have corrected this in the Victory line. Guides are Fuji; two double foot, the rest single foot. I think they are the gunmetal finish. I have not used gunmetal guides on any of my builds, so I’m guessing. My only beef is the reel seat, a Fuji SK seat. That, along with the Pac Bay Minima seat are my two candidates for the worst, most uncomfortable, reel seats ever made. The addition of an EVA piece in the middle does help. For me, it makes the rod usable for a much longer period of time. I have yet to determine just how long. Mounted an OG Fuego with #12 Invizx, and took him for a spin. Brought along a rod for comparison; a 7’ MH-XF LTB with the same reel and line. Same bait; t-rigged Rage craw. I would like to say I caught a nice six pounder and the rod handled her perfectly, but, I was throwing my baits into ice cold chocolate milk. No bites at all. The Victory was a better caster than the LTB. Kinda expected that. One does not buy an XF action rod for it’s casting capability. No bites, no hooksets, so I can’t comment on that. The Victory is a bit more sensitive. I could feel the flapping of the craws claws better on the Victory, which was noticeably lighter in hand, and less tip heavy. I was using a 1/4oz weight which put the bait close to the lower end of it’s rated lure weight of 3/8oz. I suspect you could throw a 1/4 oz total weight bait with it. Did not test the upper end, which I never really do. now for some numbers. CCS numbers. With LTB numbers for comparison Victory 7’1” MH-F IP = 430g AA = 72° 7’ MH-XF LTB IP = 607g AA = 76° whoa! That’s a big difference. Had to double check both, and those are the numbers. Decided to test another 7’ M-F LTB. IP = 420g AA = 72° So, the medium heavy victory is almost identical to the medium LTB. Had to double check that as well. I also weighed all three. The Victory was the lightest, being about an ounce under the MH-XF LTB. Not listing the weights. I was using my old digital scale which is not accurate. It is consistent and repeatable. Just not absolutely on the money. Just realized I should explain those numbers. IP is intrinsic power. I higher number indicates a rod with more backbone AA is action angle. A higher number indicates a fast action. the numbers, in and of themselves mean nothing. IP has nothing to do with lure weight, line weights, drag settings or lifting power. Both number are the results of a specific, repeatable procedure, designed to provide numbers for comparison purposes. for more detail look here https://www.common-cents.info/ Most of us are aware that ST Croix underrates their rods. Their medium power is equivalent to most other’s medium heavy. Been that way for a while. Perhaps this a departure from past practice. Can’t make that assumption from only one data point. I’m looking forward to see the rest of the models in the Victory line. Eventually there will be 25 bass technique specific rods available. Oh yeah!
  4. I don't even think about it.
  5. I believe the correct answer to the original question is “sometimes”.
  6. Invizx. Finesse Fluoro which is no longer made was my fav.
  7. Precisely how I do it.
  8. I honestly do not remember the last time I bought anything from either BPS or Cabelas. Been several years.
  9. The Avid line is made using SCIII prepeg. The new Victory line is made using a blend of SCIII and SCVI. This is a departure from previous practice. Before this, SCVI has only been used in the butt section of rods as reinforcement. The Victory line uses bland of SCIII and SCVI along the entire length of the rod. Something new to check out. Cool.
  10. Another vote for Longmire. Justified hooked me. It’s on Prime. Lucifer is on Netflix. That is the craziest thing I have seen in a while. The Devil decides that Hades is boring, so he moves to New York City, where he owns a nightclub, and works as an unofficial consultant to one detective solving murder cases. There is some unexpected humor built that comes at you from odd angles. Recommended.
  11. Check out the Fuji TCSM.
  12. Lucifer
  13. Absolutely right on the money. Put in the hate column. My all time favorite reel seat is the one used on most of Daiwa’s Light & Tough rods. If those were available, I would use nothing else for all my casting rods.
  14. You are about to discover something. Your favorite seat, the pacbay minima, is arguably the least ergonomic, and most uncomfortable seat made. The other candidate for the most uncomfortable and least ergonomic is the Fuji SK. Many seem to put up with these traits to shave a few grams off the total rod weight. If that is what blows your skirts, I will not argue with you. But, what you are about to do is use one of the most comfortable and ergonomic seats made today. Ditto for the PTS casting seat. Both are heavier than either the SK or the Minima. But here’s the thing. Extra weight at the seat only makes a difference on the scale. It means nothing when you are fishing the rod. The extra comfort does mean something. You will like fishing with a rod built on this seat.
  15. Three years ago, we were on a nice January, get out of the cold, vacation. Returned to find burst pipes in the cabin. 104,000 gallons of water entered the cabin, exiting through a crack in the floor I did not know I had. A very fortunate crack. A little simple math told me that 104,000 gallons of water was enough to fill the cabin completely, more than once. Without the crack, it would have blown out the walls, and/or collapsed the floor. Nice crack! the real pain was paying the water bill the following month. $854. Ouch!
  16. This will be the third football game i’ve watched this season.
  17. You want trouble making sense out of a written tome? Try reading that book John posted, without the translation. It is in english. Old english. Very old english.
  18. My wrapper bench was, and still is, pretty cheap. two 4’ sections kitchen counter, on sale, $36 Two 8’ 4x4, $24 supports for counter top four 8’ 2x4. $24 legs four 2x2 $16 bracing box of deck screws $6 lathe bench was a kit from Amazon $200 rod rack was bought at a swap meet $25
  19. reel seat http://www.matagi.co.jp/english/prs/silvermetal.html hood and trim parts http://www.matagi.co.jp/alumiparts/index.html i would pick some black framed guides and tip. Eva you can get anywhere.
  20. Decades ago, i subscribed to several magazines. Was looking through back copies for a particular article when I discovered a coincidence. At random, i had looked through three mags, and each had a short article on this subject. This happened quite some time ago, so I do not remember which issues of which mag. one quoted a study claiming bass hung around where they were released for a short period, and then returned to where they had been caught. another claimed they dispersed immediately. another claimed they stayed at the release area until they had recovered from the stress of being caught, and the left for parts unknown. my conclusion? Stop reading studies and go fish. It’s all speculation. Nobody knows why a bass does what it does. The bass ain't talking, and even if they were, they don't know either .
  21. Don't think I have ever heard anybody come right out a say they want to buy a reel because they like the way it sounds. You looking for a particular rod sound to harmonize with the reel. Go for a third, fourth, or maybe a sixth. I’d stay away from a major 7th or a diminished fifth, but that’s just me.
  22. Glad you posted this. Saved me time posting the same thing. I “divorced” the world when retired at the end 2015. i have had four heart attacks. Will be 69 in a couple of weeks. I know what is going to kill me, just don’t know when. I can lived oblivious to the world and be happy. Or I could be in the know, and be enraged. Twas an easy choice.
  23. A simple test to prove you do not need 20 pounds of drag. spool up your reel with line rated over 20lb test mount reel on rod string line through all rod guides instead of a lure, tie on a 20lb dumbbell hold the rod like you are fighting a fish: one hand on rod and other hand on reel crank pick up the dumbbell with the rod hint: do this outside so you dont poke a hole in your ceiling when the rod shatters.
  24. Yep, big hands and big feet = big socks and big gloves.
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