Add a new rod to my St Croix collection. Been a fan of St Croix for quite some time. I have four Avids, three LTBs, and one Extreme. Had them for years and use them all the time. Never had a problem with any of them. All are very well built.
I have a new Victory; 7’1” MH-F. A very well built rod from Park Falls. Good fitment, no gaps or seams between components. Thread and epoxy are tight and neat. i’ve said before that certain other rod manufacturers (you reading this NRX) should buy a rod built in Park Falls, take it to their production people, lay it on the table, and say why cant we build rods like this. This is what a well built rod looks like.
Colors are subtle. One beef I’ve had with my LTBs and Extreme is the grips are too short. They have corrected this in the Victory line. Guides are Fuji; two double foot, the rest single foot. I think they are the gunmetal finish. I have not used gunmetal guides on any of my builds, so I’m guessing.
My only beef is the reel seat, a Fuji SK seat. That, along with the Pac Bay Minima seat are my two candidates for the worst, most uncomfortable, reel seats ever made. The addition of an EVA piece in the middle does help. For me, it makes the rod usable for a much longer period of time. I have yet to determine just how long.
Mounted an OG Fuego with #12 Invizx, and took him for a spin. Brought along a rod for comparison; a 7’ MH-XF LTB with the same reel and line. Same bait; t-rigged Rage craw. I would like to say I caught a nice six pounder and the rod handled her perfectly, but, I was throwing my baits into ice cold chocolate milk. No bites at all.
The Victory was a better caster than the LTB. Kinda expected that. One does not buy an XF action rod for it’s casting capability. No bites, no hooksets, so I can’t comment on that. The Victory is a bit more sensitive. I could feel the flapping of the craws claws better on the Victory, which was noticeably lighter in hand, and less tip heavy.
I was using a 1/4oz weight which put the bait close to the lower end of it’s rated lure weight of 3/8oz. I suspect you could throw a 1/4 oz total weight bait with it. Did not test the upper end, which I never really do.
now for some numbers. CCS numbers. With LTB numbers for comparison
Victory 7’1” MH-F IP = 430g AA = 72°
7’ MH-XF LTB IP = 607g AA = 76°
whoa! That’s a big difference. Had to double check both, and those are the numbers. Decided to test another
7’ M-F LTB. IP = 420g AA = 72°
So, the medium heavy victory is almost identical to the medium LTB. Had to double check that as well. I also weighed all three. The Victory was the lightest, being about an ounce under the MH-XF LTB. Not listing the weights. I was using my old digital scale which is not accurate. It is consistent and repeatable. Just not absolutely on the money.
Just realized I should explain those numbers.
IP is intrinsic power. I higher number indicates a rod with more backbone
AA is action angle. A higher number indicates a fast action.
the numbers, in and of themselves mean nothing. IP has nothing to do with lure weight, line weights, drag settings or lifting power. Both number are the results of a specific, repeatable procedure, designed to provide numbers for comparison purposes.
for more detail look here
Most of us are aware that ST Croix underrates their rods. Their medium power is equivalent to most other’s medium heavy. Been that way for a while. Perhaps this a departure from past practice. Can’t make that assumption from only one data point.
I’m looking forward to see the rest of the models in the Victory line. Eventually there will be 25 bass technique specific rods available.
Oh yeah!