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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Interested in why you said that. I had a guy I trust tell me the exact opposite. Not busting your chops, amigo, just interested.
  2. Got my car back today. New starter, and new rear pinion seal. $630 later, I'm ready to hit the road. Kent, I have bottle of 21 year scotch I might let you have a taste of.
  3. The Commander is my second one. I had a 2007, traded it in on the 2015. This is the first problem I've had with either. The Cherokee is my wife second Jeep as well. We've had good luck with Jeeps. Up until now, that is. Mine will be ready to pick up tomorrow. $450 bill for a new starter. I just have get somebody to drive me 90 miles south to retrieve it. I'm just very happy none of this occurred on the road, with grandkids on board.
  4. Nice. My take on fishing shows is I have better things to do than watch somebody else try to catch fish. But I do watch this guy.
  5. one of the best ways to pack a reel is to use disposable diapers. You can always have some fun in the store by asking a clerk which brand will fit one with a 4" handle.
  6. I bought my wife a new car a couple of months ago. We're taking a trip, starting the end of this week, with our D-I-L and grandkids. Wife wanted an oil change before going. So she took my car today and I took hers in for service. She had to go about 90 miles south to do something in a different Walmart. Left the dealership after the oil change and the AC quit. Turns out the compressor need to be replaced. No problem, under warranty, they just need to order one. They gave me a new jeep to drive while ours is being repaired. Made it home about 11am. Wife calls at noon to tell me my car will not start. Had to drive 90 miles south, call up insurance company for roadside assistance. Jump starting did not work. My car got towed to the nearest Jeep dealer. Got there right before closing time. They're going to try to work it in tomorrow, to al least see what's wrong. Hers is a 2015 Cherokee, mine is a 2010 Commander. What's the odds on both of them going down less than three hours apart? Right before a family trip requiring both vehicles? I want to go beat up a nun.
  7. looks like it's time to update the pic. I did get a nice early morning chuckle out of that, Thanks OCdockskipper.
  8. The same three year old has unerring aim. I have to catch him when he jumps in my lap, or I take a knee to the fruit. He will never miss.
  9. I had an altercation today with m three year grandson. He chucked a large, hard plastic airplane at me. did not see it coming. split my lip. First time in over thirty years somebody split my lip.
  10. All I can say about this is: man, I don't care. Not what I really want to say, but Glenn would fire me for posting what I really think.
  11. can I vote for avocados?
  12. I've always wondered why they were called borrow pits. The term borrow implies a return of what was borrowed. Does anybody ever get their dirt back?
  13. The problem may be with the rod rather than the reel. I have several St Croix rods; Avids, LTBs and LEs. All fish heavier than their ratings. I think the rage series rods use the SCIII blank, like the Avid Series. Your MH rod is likely equivalent to most heavy power rods, and will not be able to load enough to efficiently cast lighter weights.
  14. know what you're saying gents. I tried a Dremel too. All I can say is; I've prepped a guide using a Dremel for the last time.
  15. One possibility, based on your description, is the pinion gear is not fully retracting when you turn the crank. Stop using the reel now, just in case. A new reel will typically have a lot of excess grease. If some of that got on the shafts the yoke slides on, it can hang up a little, causing the pinion gear to be not fully engaged with the main gear. You will damage the gear set if you continue to use the reel. If that is indeed what is wrong.
  16. Recently bought a WorkSharp knife and tool sharpener. Saw the Flexcoat video using one of these, and finally pulled the trigger. I should have bought one sooner. After a little practice on some old guides, I was able to prep a complete set of spinning rod guides in under 3 minutes. The tool came with two 80 grit belts, two 22 grit belts and two 6000 grit belts. The 80 is way too coarse for guide prep. The 220 is ok for larger guides, but too aggresive for mini guides. The 6000 is great for final polishing. I've ordered some 800 and 1000 grit belts to hit the middle ground. I used to do this by hand, using a fine diamond hone. A large spinning guide would take me at least five minutes, sometimes longer, and about two minutes for each smaller guide. This new tool saves a lot of time. Flexcoat has the video on there site. Check it out. You might like it.
  17. I've had work problems in the past, and there is nothing good about the situation. But, if you approach them about your concepts about logistics; making repeat calls to coicide with sales calls in the same area; they may realize there are more efficiencies to be had with a little planning. It wouldn't hurt to bring the isea up. However, whenever I got hit in the paycheck, I packed up my skillset and went elsewhere.
  18. fishnkamp, if you like that Aero reel seat, try it uplocking.
  19. If you fish, you will kill some fish. This is a blood sport. Relax.
  20. an old gent told me this years ago; 95% of all 5 pound bass aren't.
  21. i hear ya. i'm waiting for somebody to tell him to use braid.
  22. OK, I'll ask it. How do you play, or fight, the fish once it's hooked? Are you one of those who points to rod up over your shoulder and cranks as fast as you can? If you are, STOP DOING THAT! Learn how to use the rod and drag to bring in a crankbait hooked fish.
  23. ere's the detail showing how ittle cork remains over the fixed hood. The clamping hood looks the same. Here's the butt grip for the same rod.
  24. Wish I could claim I thought of this, but I'm not that clever. Go to getrodblanks and you'll find a video showing the details. Not too difficult with this guys clear directions. Ill try to get a closer pic of the hood under the cork. Using a 17 seat doesn't leave much cork. I'd like to have that handle just a little bit smaller, but I'm afraid to take it down much more. Greg Thorne, of Thorne Brothers fame is the man in the video,
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