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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Guacamole One ripe avocado, mashed with a fork One small garlic clove, minced as fine as you can One Serrano pepper, diced very fine Juice of half a lime Salt, pepper, cumin and oregano to taste Mix it all up and let set in the fridge for 30 minutes Enjoy
  2. If it turns into a war, it won't be a long one.
  3. Funny you should ask. Glenn and A-Jay both asked what I was thinking. Here is my reply. Since I joined the staff, and now read every post as often as I can, I've noticed something. There may be thread about a particular reel, or rod, or bait; and somebody will jump in to say use braid. Not in every thread, but often enough I took note of it. I was online one evening, with my mouse in position to hide one of these off topic posts, when my wife said, "guacamole sounds good; why don't you make some?". What squirted out of some odd, unused corner of my mind was this. Don't delete these posts, don't hide them, leave them as is. But, in every thread about braid, I say something about avocados. And try to make it fit the theme of the thread. Trying to make a point, in a somewhat humorous fashion. Been waiting for somebody to ask if I've been smoking that stuff again. No, I haven't.
  4. The Hass avocado is the most readily available, and has good shelf life; retaining it's color better than some other varieties.
  5. I haven't spent much at all on tackle this year. Just some line, hooks and jigheads. But, my rod building shop is very well equipped. An Alps power wrapper with upgrade chuck, separate rod dryer motor and stands, a PLC based system I put together and programmed to run both dryers, Rikon mini lathe, five different chucks for the lathe, turning tools, cork jigs and saws, mandrels 1/4" - 5/8", multiple clamping devices, turning tools, Worksharp knife sharpener used to prep guide feet, HEPA filter, dehumidifier, dust collection system, two benches, a brazillion cork rings, don't know how many spools of thread, etc, etc, etc,,, I haven't added it all up, but it's way more than I've ever spent on tackle in any comparable time frame.
  6. Cut your avocados in quarters instead of halves, and it won't stay stuck in the skin as firmly.
  7. Don't have an answer for this. I've never had an avocado get tangled.
  8. Here's my thoughts on this subject, after spending a lot of cash buying and installing "upgrade" bearings: read rippin-lips post. He got it exactly correct.
  9. I understand. I have at least a dozen soft plastics rods
  10. How did I know you would say that? LOL
  11. If this were an NFC that I spent $250 on, I would be saying MEH. For $80, I'm impressed with it Seems to me you already have enough dropshot rods. LOL!!!
  12. Built this on an Elliot blank, Thorne Brothers new line of rod blanks. Anyone in the upper midwest knows about Thorne Brothers. 6'10" ML-XF, Microwave guides, and the handle assembly I made using variegated cork. The butt grip is variegated cork with a burnt/burl checkerboard pattern. The thread is Fuji brown, Prowrap teak, and Fishhawk Sparkle silk. I like the brown / teak combo. Sparkle silk was an experiment. The wrap in front of the grip is brown, with teak end caps and sparkle silk inlays. I reversed that for the split wrap. Brown in the middle, with sparkle silk ends and brown inlays. All finished with CP and TM Lite. I put the rod decal(s) in the brown section, then over-wrapped the decals with sparkle silk and a sacrificial thread. I pulled out the sacrificial, and finished it without CP, so the silk disappeared and the sparkle remained. The blank was 1.2 ounces, and the finished build is a hair under 3.5 ounces. The blank is as straight as I've ever seen, and has no blemishes. This is my new dropshot rod. I took this along on a recent trout trip because,,, well just because you know? I fished it on Taneycomo, throwing a 1/16oz marabou jig, and landed several rainbow. The fished it on the White, throwing a large sculpin with a 3/8oz drop weight, drifting for browns. Total weight for the rig was over 1/2oz, and the rod had no problem with that weight. Had no problem with several decent browns either. I like it. Kent liked it too. HE landed the big fish of the trip using MY ROD!!
  13. here's some pics of the finished rod
  14. I like Winn grips, in use. They're light, very comfortable, and provide a secure grip when wet. And, they are interesting in appearance. All positive attributes. But, they are difficult to fit and install. I've put them on four rods so far. I've bought grips for seven. Three ended up in the trash because I damaged them; either during reaming, or during the install. Didn't tear the skin, but I wrinkled the bejesus out of "em. I'm truly thinking I'll never use them again.
  15. It's just part of the game.
  16. If you buy ripe avocados, you don't need to color them.
  17. spool it up with whatever line you like. the reel won't care.
  18. avocados need a little seasoning
  19. One of my first thoughts when people speak of vibration transmission is; when was the last time you felt a fish take a bait, and then sit there and vibrate?
  20. Very nice. A shop that size would be heaven.
  21. any of mine qualify as loners. I do not fish with nimrods.
  22. And, we all know how important it is to always have integrated brain cutters on hand.
  23. for your first two questions, the answer is no. for the last two, the answer is; if you have to ask that question, no.
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