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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Cheaper? You betcha. Dont know what you expect you'd learn from the two of us. Wine drinking, advanced sarcasm, professional level BS'ing, and how to not catch fish and still have a good time. If you're up for that, then we are your men. Anytime bud. On a serious note, I've fished with Mike more than any other BR member. A lot more. We live about 600 miles apart, and still seem to get together 3 or 4 times every year. Except for the last year, while Mike has been taking care of his wife. I am delighted to be able to say Marlene has made what has to be called a miraculous recovery, and brother Mike is once more able to get out and go fishing.
  2. My new favorite quote. I'm stealin that one.
  3. I've been lucky enough to fish with several Bass Resource members in the last few years. Roadwarrior Glenn Long Mike Big O CJ Lee H riskkid FishinRhino Maltese Falcon Mac Mike Siebert and wife Julie BassinChris PapaJoe If I've forgotten anybody, I can only blame it on old age and impending decrepitude, and offer my most sincere apologies. Going forward, if anybody invites me along to fish with them, I will most gratefully accept. If there's one thing I've learned from the many days I've had on the water with this diverse group, it's that good folks are found everywhere. I've made some life-long friends here at Bass Resource; even though they've all out-fished me. Here's a quick, off the top of my head list, of BR members I'd like to fish with, in no particular order. I've fished for a long time, but there's always something to be learned, and you CAN teach this old dog new tricks. J Francho; I haven't fished his area of the country, and would like to do so. Besides, if a drummer and a bass player can't get along; who can? Catt; doesn't play well with others? I'm calling BS on that, dude!! Dwight H; never fished Erie, and Dwight seems to be the absolute best guy around to break me in on that awesome fishery. WRB, who wouldn't want to fish with a guy who's caught so many trophies? I'd like to see, up close and personal, how a dedicated trophy hunter goes about his craft. slonezp; brutally honest, opinionated, rubs people the wrong way? Bring it on amigo. I'll match ya, blow for blow. LOL A Jay; just because. I could list a lot more, but I'll stop there. You all will get tired of my ramblings. Keep in mind that the trip isn't over when the fishing is done. we still have to go back to the cabin, uncork a bottle or three of good wine, and have a nice meal. You'll probably out-fish me, but, chances are, you won't out-cook me.
  4. Scott, I'm going to turning acrylics and stabilized wood on my wood lathe. Anything in particular I need to look out for? I bought some of the cheapest acrylic blanks I can find, realizing there would be a learning curve.
  5. I hear you. In my shop, if the Rikon is going to get spun up, the beer doesn't get opened until after.
  6. I'll take any excuse to go play in my shop.
  7. Nice!! That fly rod grip and seat is exquisite. Top shelf, as always, from your shop. a little disappointed though. No beer in the pics. You OK? I have some acrylic blanks on the way; a few 7/8" x 7/8" x 5" pen blanks, to make winding checks, and couple of 1.5" x 1.5" x 2" bottle stopper blanks for butt grips.
  8. Joe, it's about 9", if memory serves. And, this is a light bait rod. These light power rods are where the spiral wrap shines, in my opinion. To see why I say that, take your lightest power rod, with reel mounted, and line running through all the guides like you're getting ready to tie on a bait. Put the butt of the rod in something to hold it, and use the line to flex the rod, just like a fish would. Take it to 90 degrees, like a big fish would. You will see the tip guide has twisted around so it is on the bottom. the blank will be twisted 180 degrees at the tip. You can also see guides at various degrees of rotation, depending on how far from the tip they are located. Visual proof of what happens when a rod is under load, with the guides on top. The blank twists. This torque on the wrist really doesn't bother me. Maybe it will as I age. What bothers me is the idea of extra wear and tear on the blank due to the twist. This is the reason I spiral wrap my rods. Particularly my lighter power rods.
  9. I've built a few. Simple spirals. Stripper on top, one transition guide, next guide on bottom. I don't see the need for a longer transition, but understand why some would. I have one i'm experimenting with that has no transition guide. Stripper on top, next guide on the bottom. Works fine so far.
  10. I have to say that is not true. I did quit my job, at the end of 2015. And I've fished less this year than ever before. Tell Mr Parker he's full of baloney. LOL
  11. Do i really have to start with the avocados again?
  12. A little poking around on a rod building forum produced the following list. These are blanks, not finished rods, and some of the companies listed also import their lower end blanks. St Croix North Fork Composites Steffen Brothers Sage Scott Winston Orvis Talon Lamiglass Calstar Seeker Mystic Liberty Batson
  13. I may be old school, or maybe just old, but when speaking of beer, good and light do not belong in the same sentence.
  14. Bravo!! As a reward, make yourself a nice bowl of fresh guacamole.
  15. The pic says it all
  16. You can never go wrong taking the high road. Let it go.
  17. When I had my first heart attack at age 55, everything changed. I'm 64 now, and have had three more. After all that, I am very well aware that I am no longer a young man.
  18. I like. Never heard it before today. If I could only have one version to listen to, this would be it.
  19. If you're of a certain age, you will remember cartoons showing a guy reeling in a 5-buckle overshoe. I caught one on a crankbait. I also caught an aluminum folding ladder, on a senko. Didn't even feel the bite.
  20. chrono-synclastic infundibulum anybody?
  21. Because I can't dance? And it keeps my mind off those danged avocados.
  22. It continues simply because this a never ending debate. It seems everybody has an opinion, some quite passionate. This topic will always generate some heat. Before anybody gets too steamed up about it, keep in mind these are only opinions; to which all are entitled. This thread has lasted this long because it has yet to become uncivilized. If it heads in that direction it will disappear. Unless you have several years of "real" survey data, and can document a trend; and thus make a projection; all you can offer is an opinion.
  23. Well nuts. That was going to be my next target.
  24. Been wondering how I would deal with it this year. This is the first time in 2 1/2 decades I don't have to be there. I can stop wondering. Feels pretty good.
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