I like the look of your carbon fiber ramps. That would be something I need to look into. I also like your ramps made from foam arbors. Super light, almost too easy to form, and can be finished any way one can conceive. Those are a great idea of yours, that I have been playing with.
I'm also playing with acrylics for ramps, trim pieces and checks. Discovered afew things so far about acrylics. The stuff is difficult to bore without chipping or blowing up. A face shield is mandatory. And you need to work slowly, taking off very little material, with almost shaving sharp tools. I'm starting to get the hang of it.
About those finger cut-out pieces: the two rods I've built with them were well received by the guys that got them. Both really liked that cut-out.
The Fuji KDPS hood, when used on an uplocking Aero seat makes a very comfortable grip. A few threads need to be trimmed from the seat, but with a reel mounted, no threads are exposed to irritate the hands.