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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Florida is the only place I can think of where the further south you go, the more northern you get.
  2. took me less than two weeks to adjust to my first pair. I need to go back and get fitted again.
  3. http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/skirt-making-material/036620300008.aspx#FullDescription
  4. One of the rules here prohibits discussions of illegal activities. so; Not in my town.
  5. The only other product I use is TruOil
  6. baloney for supper
  7. precisely what I did. Had to get the speed right. By the way, do you remember the link I sent you about the Japanese wood rasp? That is the perfect tool for turning acrylic blanks. Even rough turning, from square to round, was a lot better with the rasp than with a gouge. I got the face shield, and now I realize I'm also going to need a respirator before any more turning with this material.
  8. Reduce your course load. It sounds like you've bitten off more than you can chew right now. A fairly common second or third semester problem. You are not alone.
  9. Everybody loses fish on a frog. It ain't the end of the world.
  10. As a retired professor, I have to ask; are you not understanding the content of the course, or are you unable, at this point in time, able to see the relevance of the material? If the first case is true, it is probably time to look at a different path. If the second case is true, hang in there. It will make sense down the road.
  11. experimenting with acrylic turning. destroyed the first piece, and discovered the need for a face shield. got this piece cut in half, bored out, and turned down, ready to make trim pieces and checks. It's not all the way polished, but far enough along to see what it will look like. This is a rhino acrylic blank called antique silver. started out 7/8" x 7/8' x 5". it's been turned down to 0.825"
  12. You want a true challenge? Try sight fishing for carp. With a fly rod. I requires the right conditions. Clear water, and little or no wind. Then it takes stealth, finesse and real casting skill.
  13. I like the look of your carbon fiber ramps. That would be something I need to look into. I also like your ramps made from foam arbors. Super light, almost too easy to form, and can be finished any way one can conceive. Those are a great idea of yours, that I have been playing with. I'm also playing with acrylics for ramps, trim pieces and checks. Discovered afew things so far about acrylics. The stuff is difficult to bore without chipping or blowing up. A face shield is mandatory. And you need to work slowly, taking off very little material, with almost shaving sharp tools. I'm starting to get the hang of it. About those finger cut-out pieces: the two rods I've built with them were well received by the guys that got them. Both really liked that cut-out. The Fuji KDPS hood, when used on an uplocking Aero seat makes a very comfortable grip. A few threads need to be trimmed from the seat, but with a reel mounted, no threads are exposed to irritate the hands.
  14. I believe a moderate fast action rod is the most versatile. There's a reason a lot of the high end JDM sticks are what they call regular action; what we call mod-fast.
  15. looks like Trophy Country, but that ain't a trophy. Either one.
  16. Weigh or measure? Neither. Don't care. Some times I do get a pic.
  17. Check out this piece Mick. If you turn it down a bit, it will slip right into the aero seat. http://www.anglersworkshop.com/Cast-Spin/Split-Grip-Fore-Grips-with-Finger-Cut-Out Casting light baits requires that every piece of the puzzle is in balance. In this case it's rod I mentioned, a JDM Daiwa SS SV, and 6lb test Invisx line.
  18. I built a rod for Kent on this blank. Uplocking Aero seat, with a Fuji KDPS hood to hide the threads, and Microwave guides. Great minds think alike, eh? Also built a casting rod for myself on this blank. ACS seat, full length Winn rear grip, no fore grip, spiral wrapped Recoil guides. I use it for Ned rigs, and any other finesse plastic work. Very nice blank.
  19. I have Costa polarized bifocal sun specs. Can't see to tie a knot without them. Paid $125 for them about ten years ago, and have never regretted it. This is the only pair of high end sunglasses I've ever had. Always went for the cheap ones, because I would always loose them. I've heard that comment a lot. It should be no surprise to find that you will be much more attentive when you have an expensive pair.
  20. That's some fine lookin baits, fishballer.
  21. Go buy a lottery ticket now.
  22. Finally got curious enough to look up what a Radler might be. Sorry amigo, but that sounds revolting. Beer is malt, hops, yeast and water. Don't like fruit in my beer, and absolutely despise spices of any kind in my beer. My wife likes cider and some times i will have one. Magners is my first choice, with Strongbow a distant second. There is no third place.
  23. Got a two species double about eight years ago, on a jerkbait. 14" bass and an 18" crappie. It felt like I had hooked a patch of weed. Almost no fight at all.
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