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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=522099975619840
  2. Spinnerbait way more than either.
  3. Ever wonder why they called it almond milk? Nobody would ever buy something called nut juice.
  4. Everything is going to change. Including you. Enjoy the ride. It is shorter than you think.
  5. I have reached the age where my brains goes “you probably shouldn’t say that” to ”what the heck, let’s just see what happens”.
  6. Check out my rank. Look right above the pic.
  7. Google up yout area temperatures for the last 10-12 days. Highs and lows. Average them all together and you will have a reasonable guesstimate of water temp.
  8. You made me curious. Had to look. Been to 13 of them. Voted only for the two I know best.
  9. Bailiff whack his peepee.
  10. Kiss a pike some time. That will cure you of the habit.
  11. Very nice to put some faces to names. Thanks for the invite. I’ll join you any time I’m free.
  12. Here is a link to St Croix it explains the date code on the rod. You can tell exactly when it was made. https://stcroixrods.com/pages/service-warranty-2020
  13. It still amazes me to see people say this. A longer rod gives the “mechanical” advantage to the fish.
  14. Been there and done that. Works just fine. Lake Taneycomo, with no current. Water so clear you could see a dime hit the bottom 20’ down. 4lb test mono with 7X tippet material for a leader. About 2lb test leader. Only way to get bit some days.
  15. Cheese on BLTs? Blasphemy, I say, blasphemy!
  16. kev, the reasons you asked would all be possibilities, except an incorrect ratio Cure time for epoxy is heat dependent. A 10°C rise will cut the cure time in half. So applying epoxy in a very warm room will shorten the cure time, reducing the time for it to flow out and level. Applying too much finish will cause a number of problems, and is the most likely cause of your issue. Don’t mix until you are ready to apply. Curing starts as soon as the two parts are put together. achieving a consistently fine finish is a matter of experience. Ask ten people to explain their procedure with finish epoxy, and will likely get ten different procedures. You need to find yours, and when you get a finished product that meets your standards, do it that way, whatever way it was, every time. Regarding your problem child in the above pic, try to remember exactly what you did when finishing that rod. And do not do that again. I know, that sounds like a smart arsed comment, but that is exactly how I found my procedure. Making mistakes and not repeating them.
  17. Wednesday would work for me. I will try to make this one. Did not hit the last one because I forgot what day ur was. Not the day of the meeting. I thought Sunday was Saturday. The curse of retirement. Every day is the same.
  18. Big congrats, Glenn. 25 years is a testament to your vision of what an online community could be. It does not seem like it, but, I have been along for the ride for 16 of those years. Time do fly when you’re havin fun.
  19. Of the LTB rods I have, one is called Sniper and one is called Teaser. Sounds to me like they are using a common past practice when naming rods. They will eventually have 25 models in the Victory lineup. Be interesting to see what the names will be, eh?
  20. Can’t say what I want to say.
  21. Either will work this week.
  22. On the list
  23. I could actually make this one.
  24. This one is more in line with other medium heavy rods. I would not assume that other rods in the line will be the same. Cant make a judgement on one data point.
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