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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. That's a $200 rod. I would charge you ten bucks each for double foot guides, and six bucks each for single foot guides, plus the cost of the guides. The last time I shipped a rod to Tennessee, it cost me $27. Be more, maybe a lot more if the rod is over 7'.
  2. Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night. Now, about this bananas in the boat thing. I take bananas on the boat all the time. A nice snack you can eat with slimy hands. A little extra potassium doesn't hurt either. However, keep in mind one should never look anybody in the eyes while eating one.
  3. True dat! At this point, I've built about two dozen rods. Four have been for me. Two were rebuilds of existing rods, basically for the practice. So, I've really only built two new rods for myself. I have a tentative list of rods to build for myself. Since the rod rack I have in my car holds eight rods, I want eight custom casting rods. I have one, a BFS rod built on an Immortal blank. The problem is, the list seems to change every time I think about it. Quite the first world problem, is it not?
  4. After a few days of pain and stupor I'm doing ok. Took a selfie of the stitches on my forehead and thought about posting the pic here as a public service message about skin cancer, but the pic is sort of gruesome. Gonna have a big scar running from above the hairline, down towards the middle of my forehead. Wasn't gonna win any beauty contests, but this might be fugly. But it beats the alternative. Had a procedure called Moh's micro-surgery. They take out a chuck with all the visible evil, then take a very thin slice all around. The slice goes to the lab where they prep it and look for roots. They have it oriented so they know which way the roots run, and can go after them. The lab process take about 45 minutes. I had to go back three times to chase the roots. When they finally got it all I had a hole 10cm x 18cm. They tapered the ends to a point to make it better for stitching and sewed me up. Did a lot of cauterization. The wound is still oozing black spooge. Got seven internal stitches which will dissolve and 14 visible stitches which are supposed to come out Tuesday. this was not my first experience with this procedure. As I understand it, this form of cancer; basil cell carcinoma, is a result of UV damage from decades past. I hope all you young guys take heed from this report, and protect yourselves. I'm paying, and will likely continue to pay, for not protecting my skin when I was a young dummy.
  5. Well now. That will certainly do the trick.
  6. Looks like once again they've went with that ill-conceived clear plastic side plate.
  7. While you're at it, order one of these for drilling out those square blanks, if you don't already have one, that is. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0085VYYS0/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=9W13O3KK9AR9&coliid=I9T8W44EXWVRP
  8. Well, it sounds like they are gonna have to execute Plan B.
  9. Lots of family members hit with some form of cancer. Some survived, some did not. I'll stand for all cancer victims. right I'm trying to stand myself. Had surgery for skin cancer yesterday morning. Tried to do last night with just Tylenol. Had to take something stronger, and have been buzzed all day and evening. Probably shouldn't be on here trying to communicate. Forgive me if I say something really stupid.
  10. My heart goes out to you. I can't even imagine loosing my wife, and we haven't had 50 years.
  11. Ronnie, try one of these. Great tool for rounding square stock. https://www.amazon.com/Saw-File-S/dp/B001AX0X12/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1478058463&sr=8-16&keywords=Shinto
  12. I've been trying to make up my mind about a top of the line NFC blank for myself. The price of one was always my sticking point. Guess my mind is now made up. This is a shame. Mr Loomis is an iconic figure in the fishing industry.
  13. TSI 321 for spool bearings, anti-reverse bearing and levelwind 90wt gear oil for frame and handle bearings Cals or Shimano grease for drag washers and gears.
  14. Any exposed blank type reel seat will leave un unsightly, and uncomfortable, gap between the cut out and the blank. I would use a Fuji TCSM seat, trimmed, with a full length arbor.. And a winding check in front of the seat.
  15. Yes. If you want the lightest guide set possible, Recoils are it. And, I see no need for double foot guides on a bass rod.
  16. I've paid from $18 to $56. Longer costs more. And some locations cost a lot more. USPS has more than one option. Inquire about all options.
  17. Trimming the blank will void the warranty.
  18. Hey Ronnie, how the heck are ya? Haven't heard from you in a while. Penn State Industries. Nice small wood blanks, stabilized wood blanks, and a bunch of different acrylic blanks. Good service, fast shipping, and decent prices. You may want look at getting some carbide tipped turning tools. I will have some before I turn any more acrylic pieces. Ask Scott Hovanec about this. I think he has done a lot more than I have, and will likely have some better advice. Here is the blank I used for this rod. https://www.pennstateind.com/store/WXRB02.html And this is a nice way to get a good finish. https://www.pennstateind.com/store/PKFINKIT2.html
  19. Take a look at Alps titanium frame F series guides. They are my choice for light weight guides when Recoils are not wanted.
  20. Something for you to consider. The Minima seat, mounted a very small diameter blank, may well prove to be the most uncomfortable rod you will ever have in your hand.
  21. I also did this. Once. Sold the rod shortly thereafter. I think the whole balance thing is mostly BS. But the OP indicated he wanted to move the balance point. That means either move the reel seat forward, or add weight to the butt. So, I explained how. It is definitely not something I would recommend. If you are throwing moving baits, it is impossible to balance against the drag of the crank or spinnerbait, so there is no point trying. A lot of people what their jig and worm rods "balanced". Why? You fish with the rod pointed up most of the time, so what's the issue. But I don't argue about. If somebody wants a rod "balanced", or tip light, I'll make it that way. It's their money and their choice. They either get a longer handle, or weight added to the butt. I personally don't like either choice. It is going to interesting when people start jumping on the over 8' rods that BASS now allows. How long will the handle of a 10' rod have to be to balance it? Three feet? Or more? Or how much weight would be required when the rod has handle of a usable length. Six ounces? Or more? Ive even read, or heard some say they will be getting a ten foot rod so they can have more leverage on the fish. Bass-ackwards, but let's not start that argument here.
  22. You may be right. I've never heard mention of family from him. One of those goofy bachelor Brits, wandering the globe like he's indestructible.
  23. John, your lever example applies. When pulling line against the drag, the further the line is from the spool center, the easier it is the "move the rock". In addition, centrifugal braking force changes as line is removed. Your bait is moving the fastest at the beginning of the cast. If the spool is only half full, it has to rotate faster to keep up, producing more braking force from a centrifugal system, and from a centrifugally activated magnetic system. This would be why some recommend using a half filled spool for pitching.
  24. Neat show. One of my favs. He does some kuhrazy stuff. The dude has a pair of triple X sized brass cojones.
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