After a few days of pain and stupor I'm doing ok. Took a selfie of the stitches on my forehead and thought about posting the pic here as a public service message about skin cancer, but the pic is sort of gruesome. Gonna have a big scar running from above the hairline, down towards the middle of my forehead. Wasn't gonna win any beauty contests, but this might be fugly. But it beats the alternative.
Had a procedure called Moh's micro-surgery. They take out a chuck with all the visible evil, then take a very thin slice all around. The slice goes to the lab where they prep it and look for roots. They have it oriented so they know which way the roots run, and can go after them. The lab process take about 45 minutes. I had to go back three times to chase the roots. When they finally got it all I had a hole 10cm x 18cm. They tapered the ends to a point to make it better for stitching and sewed me up. Did a lot of cauterization. The wound is still oozing black spooge. Got seven internal stitches which will dissolve and 14 visible stitches which are supposed to come out Tuesday.
this was not my first experience with this procedure. As I understand it, this form of cancer; basil cell carcinoma, is a result of UV damage from decades past. I hope all you young guys take heed from this report, and protect yourselves. I'm paying, and will likely continue to pay, for not protecting my skin when I was a young dummy.