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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Looking good Ray. Welcome aboard.
  2. Don't use a guide for a hook keeper. Wrap a real keeper on.
  3. This https://www.amazon.com/Aeropress-Coffee-and-Espresso-Maker/dp/B0047BIWSK/ref=pd_sim_79_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0047BIWSK&pd_rd_r=BYQ0GWSK0NV2H5G5XDSH&pd_rd_w=999ld&pd_rd_wg=pOmUV&psc=1&refRID=BYQ0GWSK0NV2H5G5XDSH and this https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Camping-Kettle-Heater-Boiler/dp/B00P2F6FX4/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1484171917&sr=8-3&keywords=12+volt+tea+kettle I highly recommend the Aeropress. Once you figure out your preferences for quantities, temp and time, you will have the best cup of coffee you've ever had.
  4. It is addictive. You already know the bait monkey. Get ready to meet the shop monkey.
  5. I will likely get slapped for saying this; but I don't think a typical bass rod, MH power and under, needs double foot guides. Single foot guides with locking wraps are more than enough. when you get into heavy power and up, Muskie rods, swimbaits, punching,etc; then double foots might be just what you want.
  6. And he looks like a happy camper. You are going to build some memories. And I will bet you are going to build some more rods.
  7. As far as I know, what you want does not exist. Microwave guides come with either Nanolite or duralite rings
  8. Nice job, man. Be proud of it.
  9. I can BS with the best of em.
  10. If i were still servicing reels for other people, I would pay about fifty bucks to have one laying around as an organ donor.
  11. I have never had a problem with Recoil guides. I have several factory rods with them, and one I built for myself with them. I have no experience with Recoils on a spinning rod, so I cant comment on them. On a casting rod, the low height of Recoils almost demands a spiral wrap setup. That would be a non-issue on a spinning rod. Titanium framed guides will give you a weight reduction, which to some, is all important. You will have to run the numbers on that, and then decide if the reduced weight is worth the extra cost. Titanium will take a bit of weight off the business end of the rod, but you can accomplish the same effect by moving the reel seat a little bit forward. As far as guide ring material goes, I like Alconite. Size and frame material being the same, and SiC guide will be roughly twice the cost of an Alconite. And, you cant tell the difference when fishing. If somebody tells you they can feel the difference while fishing, ask them to roll you some of the stuff they've been smoking, because it most be some pretty good shtuff. As far as Torzite goes, those are for the guy who's ego demands that their toys be the most expensive. Unless youre married to Fuji guides, check out Alps titanium guides. Y series for the stripper and next guide, TVS series for reductio guides, and F series for running guides. Titanium franes with Zirconium rings. Zirconium is between Alconite and SiC in terms of hardness.
  12. This should give you a good starting point. http://merricktackle.com/tips/KR-concept-guide-placement-charts.pdf
  13. If you added a few more tags, you might get a few more responses.
  14. Ive been trying, without success, to find a pic of the tree my stepson and I put up several years ago. Wife was at work, and tols us before she walked out the door, to get the tree up and decorated. We got it up in a corner. We added several strings of tiny lights. Then we emptied my tackle boxes. Spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, crankbaits, jerkbaits, senkos, flukes, jigs, etc,etc,etc. i dug out a needle and some braid, and strung together a whole bunch of the brightest color worms I had to make a tree topper. Looked pretty cool. We were proud of ourselves. So was the wife, until she got a little closer to it. She was a bit irked at first, but then came around, and saw the humor in it. She was the one who took a bunch of pics. Maybe just to show the people she worked with just how dumb the men of the house could be when the boss wasn't there. Relly wish I could find a pic or two. We didnt repeat it. Turned out it was a true pain to get all the baits off the tree. Both hands and all fingers and thumbs were bloody by the I finished.
  15. I have reels with straight handles and reels with bent handles. There is no functional difference.
  16. http://www.bassmaster.com/don-barone/working-stiffs-st-croix-rods
  17. Welcome aboard, Finn! How long will it be before we see you with your first fish in hand? Im gonna say three and half years.
  18. Ask RW how he likes that rod. I just ordered another Immortal, for another mod.
  19. Well, I am not talking about how much I spent over the last two years getting my rod building shop set up. Thats where all my extra toy money has been going.
  20. Here is all of the fishing tackle I purchased in calendar 2016. Thats all folks.
  21. Servicing reels, building rods, trying to bring order out of chaos in my tackle bags and boxes,,,,,,
  22. Ive built four rods on Immortal blanks, and will be building more, for myself if not for anybody else. They are very nice blanks. At the new price, I have to call them excellent.
  23. Been watching Counting Cars. Its a custom shop in Vegas, with an interesting crew of lunatics doing some outstanding work.
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