Ive been thinking about giving them a shot, but have not.
Tom Kirkman has said, on his rodbuilding forum, that if PacBay made all the sizes he needs, Minima guides would be all he would use.
I believe an excellent rodbuilder, Scott Hovanec, who is a regular here, has posted that he has had grooving problems with these type guides. I don't remember if his problem was with Minima guides. Might have been another brand. Maybe he will chime in on this topic.
I tend to take most negative online reviews with a grain of salt. Or with a handful. Ditto for rave reviews. I suspect a large percentage of such "reviews" are from people repeating something they've read online, and want to appear knowledgeable, without have any actual experience with the products in question.
Having said that, I do believe, implicitly, both of the people I mentioned. They both have a lot more experience that I, and are both much better rod builders than I will every be.
So, what to do, when two such respected people disagree?
Buy some of the guides and try them for myself. My own opinion, when based on experience, is more important to me than any opinions I may read online.
Try them yourself. The low cost is a plus. The light weight is a big plus. You may find a new favorite product.
If you want another recommendation, try some Alps, F series, titanium frame guides. Very light. Very strong. Hard ceramic rings. And lower priced than comparable Fuji titanium frame guides.