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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Next time you want some pork chops, get a knife, and go kill a pig. Betcha he fights back harder than a rod and reel. LOL
  2. A note for you about insurance. You have to include an invoice. If you send a rod, without invoice, they don't care how much insurance you paid for. They will determine what it's worth, and what they pay. I live just just south of BFE. FedEx and UPS are better than a two hour round trip, so I uses USPS. Never had problem with them, and I ship quite a few rods. The cheapest was $19, insured, to Kentucky. The highest was $54, insured to Granolaville.
  3. Pickwick is an easy drive for you. The state park, with marina, is a fine place to stay.
  4. I fail to see why anybody would regard trolling as evil or cheating. And, if you think it doesn't take old fashioned skill to be successful trolling, you are sadly misinformed. I don't do it for two reasons. It bores me to death. And, Ive never taken the time to learn to do it properly, probably because it bores me to death.
  5. I'll agree with everything Mick said. I'm happy I started this, and very fortunate to have a dedicated space for a small shop. For insurance purposes, I recently put together a spreadsheet, detailing what I have in this little cabin: rods, reels, tackle and rod building stuff. The total for fishing gear didn't surprise me. The total for rod building gear did. There always seems to be something I can buy to either make it easier, or make it better. And I can't seem to resist. Beware! The shop monkey is every bit as tenacious as the bait monkey.
  6. That makes perfect sense to me. When I go on a trip, I normally take one spinning combo, unless I'm going trout fishing. I take all spinning for that. I spooled up my extra spools with different line than the main spool. Usually one step lighter, just in case. When I took one spinning rod, I took along the correct spare spool. When I took more than one, I took along all the correct spare spools. Never used one. I stopped filling them with fresh line every year, and stopped carrying them with me.
  7. Three of my five spinning reels have spare spools. Ive never used one. Spooled them up with fresh line every year for several years. Finally stopped doing that.
  8. Yum!
  9. Clinton Lake, in central Illinois, has the most aggressive bunch of crappie cops I've ever seen. I quit fishing there twenty year ago. I was checked for license every time I fished. Every time, dozens of times per year, for about ten years. Even had the same one check me five days in a row. The final straw was my last trip to that lake. Was below the spillway. There were two others there fishing when here comes the same wing nut who had checked me five days in a row. One dude had a basket almost completely full. Mostly crappie, but several under-size bass and walleye. The crappie limit was 15, if memory serves, and he was way over that. The wingnut released all of the fish, most of which were dead, and sent him on his way, with no ticket. The other dude had no license. He was also sent on his way, with no ticket. I had a license, and no fish, but got a ticket for fishing in a restricted area. The fence marking the restricted area had been removed due to damage, and hadn't been replaced. Go figure.
  10. Ain't it the truth!
  11. Welcome back dude. It's been way too long. Hope to see you here frequently.
  12. Check these out. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Kistler_KLX_Crank_Rip_Twitch_Casting_Rods/descpage-CRX.html
  13. I'll give a simple answer to the original question. Nothing!
  14. Nice. Doesn't look like you need much help.
  15. If it broke at the knot, it likely not the knot. Sounds like you need some practice. tie a knot, and then break it. Repeat until you feel it get stronger. Do this for every knot you use.
  16. You can use a Palomar for all three knots of a c-rig, just start by tying the leader to the swivel. Then slide the weight and bead on the main line and tie it to the swivel. You can figure out the rest.
  17. SCIII is where St Croix starts getting good. I would not recommend anything less from them.
  18. You just need a rod rated to cast that weight. Typically, that would be an ultralight spinning rod and four pound line.
  19. Eating healthy again tonight. Ahi tuna steaks, done extra rare on a smoking hot grill, asparagus done the same way, and a side plate of raspberries, blackberries and mango. Yum!
  20. If you do the work yourself, it wont be that expensive. Thread and epoxy are cheap. Fuji Alconites are about $2 each. You will probably need 8 or 9 guides for that rod. Sometimes a simple spiral wrap will eliminate one guide. If it were mine, I'd use three size 5, and the rest size 4. Nice and light in weight. Unless you have a spinning rod. In that case, a set of Microwave spinning guides would be the ticket for a first attempt. Google up static load testing.
  21. A few unevenly spaced guides in the tip area is quite common when a proper static load test has been performed. It wont effect casting, but will improved how the rod behaves when a fish is on the end of the line. There are way too many variables involved in casting distance when making comparisons between two different power rods.
  22. Call "em up and ask. The worst they could do is say no.
  23. I'm pretty sure you have to go to their place to get a refurb rod.
  24. Be Glenn for a week or two? No thanks. It would flat wear me out.
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