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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. We made it to Tijuana? Oh boy¿
  2. That is just too cool. Your wife has some talent!
  3. All's well that ends well, eh?
  4. Hey now. You didn't perhaps stumble across pics of me, posing in a tutu, drunk out of my gourd, did you?
  5. Very nice work, Cruz. Your wrap and epoxy both look a heck of a lot better than my first rod.
  6. Keith, I buy all my decals from Golden Touch. I have no problems with this guy's decals, other than me getting them applied straight. No need to seal them or apply anything over them. Just put the epoxy on right over them. peel and stick lots of folks still use water slide decals, but they just give me grief. I have the jigs to do checkers, and still have a difficult time getting them even.
  7. Fuji #11 brown Prowrap 716 teak Prowrap 704 Midas gold if you want it a bit brighter
  8. Mick, I make grips for my own rods a little larger diameter than most factory rods. Having large hands, most factory grips are too small to be comfortable to me. Mike, I haven't fished the MVT seat long enough to tell, but it feels just like their textouch seat. I need to fish them side by side, but at this point I'd say there in neither a functional nor an ergonomic difference between the two. I really like the textouch seat. It what the Fuji ACS seat could have been.
  9. The blank is the same color as the Alps seat. It's a perfect match, to my color blind eyes anyway. Mick, I'm probably the one who suggested brown and teak. That's what this will be. The top three sections are on the dryer right now, letting the second coat of finish cure. I'll put up some guide pics when it's done. I used Recoil, black pearl single foot fly guides, the smallest size for the runners. A Fuji SiC tiptop. Size 12 Recoil stripper, and size 8 Recoil second guide, placed in an unusual position. I'll post pics of that setup after I get the casting tests done and the second guide where it belongs.
  10. Rainshadow Eternity 7'2" M-F blank
  11. Rainshadow Eternity 6'8" M-F blank
  12. Never built a fly rod.This is on a Rainshadow Eternity 9" 6wt blank
  13. .ghoti.


    From the album: GHOTI pics

  14. .ghoti.


    From the album: GHOTI pics

  15. .ghoti.


    From the album: GHOTI pics

  16. .ghoti.


    From the album: GHOTI pics

  17. .ghoti.


    From the album: GHOTI pics

  18. .ghoti.


    From the album: GHOTI pics

  19. .ghoti.


    From the album: GHOTI pics

  20. .ghoti.


    From the album: GHOTI pics

  21. .ghoti.


    From the album: GHOTI pics

  22. .ghoti.


    From the album: GHOTI pics

  23. .ghoti.


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