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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Clayton, you did a better job taking pics than I did, so I wont post any. That is a Rainshadow Immortal blank, 7'2", MF, 1/4 - 3/4oz, 10 - 17lb. That would be the classic Loomis MH-F, but Batson calls it a medium. I would call it a mag-medium. It should be good for any plastic/jig applications, except for heavy cover pitching or punching. I have built several rods on Immortal blanks, and they are at the top of my list. I used Alps F series titanium frame guides in a simple spiral configuration. An Alps Textouch reel seat, with Alps grips and winding checks finish it off. I used the Alps grips because they sent me some. I prefer to make my own. I like designing and making custom cork grips, but I felt like I should use what they donated. The grips are a very firm EVA, with rubberized cork ends. Very nice in the hands. If you like building with premade grips, these would be a very good choice. I just looked, and they have quite a few options for grips, butt caps and trim pieces in their catalog. Check them out sometime. I took a page out of Scott's play book, using some old Gudebrod red thread, and finished them without color preserver. I dont have a pic that shows it, but they are a nice transparent red. Looks like cherry cool-aid, with the dark chrome blank and titanium guide feet showing through. I have enjoyed being a part of this project, working alonside some very talanted guys. Looks like we have some donations ready to start coming in to help us continue this thing. I hope we can keep this going for a long time. I will build as many rods as we can raise money for.
  2. 100% Deet.
  3. Me too. I have no confidence in a chatterbait, and rarely even take any with me.
  4. With the belly up, rigged upside down, you can make it wlak the dog under water. Takes a little practice.
  5. I have heard people bad mouth Red Label, but I have never had a problem with it. I use fluor for for trout fishing, and nothing else. If you're having an abrasion problem, I would be inclined to try Abrazx. I find it too stiff to be good for casting, but it makes a good leader. If you try Abrazx, go down one size.
  6. The best knot will always be the one YOU tie the best.
  7. Before you just leave, answer a question for us. Is there a small curl at the end of your line after a break off? That would indicate the knot broke. No curl indicates the line broke somewhere besides the knot. That would help in figuring out the problem. If it happens again, rinse off the line well, and run it between your lips and over your tongue. You can feel abrasion this way that you cant see. Alao, what brand fluoro are you using. Some are more susceptible to knot damage, some are more prone to abrasion problems, and some are just not good line. If youre reeling the knot in past the tip guide, I recommend checking your guides, including the tip guide with a q-tip, looking for a cracked ring. Fibers from a dry q-tip will catch on a crack that you might not be able to see. Let us know. Maybe we can help. By the way, I refuse to use braid myself, and have little use for fluoro, but I dont see anything wrong with your setup.
  8. Clayton, I have a few pics. I will try to get them up later tonight.
  9. Dripping? Just read my post, and i will have to admit it sounds a bit snotty. Sorry. I did not intend it to be so condescending. My bad. The point is, you will always have something left behind. And that little bit of whatever really makes no difference.
  10. Very cool, young man. Congrats!
  11. All of them leave a residue. Ive heard many people claim that their method and solvent of choice leaves no residue. That would be what i call a large steaming load of what drops out of the south end of northbound bull. Don't believe me. Thats OK. If you're really interested, do a little experiment. Put a couple of drops of your favorite oil in your favorite coffee cup. Wipe it around to coat the whole bottom. Now, use your no-residue solvent to soak out the oil. Dont scrub it. You cant scrub out a bearing. Soakit again if you feel like you need to. Let it air dry overnight. Pour yourself a nice cup of fresh coffee the next morning. Drink it. Drink it all, and then come back here and tell me your favorite solvent left no residue.
  12. Cork is a closed cell material. As such, it will not allow any kind of finish to penetrate. If you want to paint or stain it, all you can do is get a surface coat. If you seal that with U-40, it will last for a while. Seal it with TruOil and it will last longer, but not forever.
  13. Doesn't matter how good you are at what you do; there's always somebody better.
  14. I wasn't going to ask, but I am totally stoked you want to be a part of this. Thank you again, amigo. On another note, when I first got into this rod building thing a couple of years ago, i bugged Scott unmercifully with questions. He was always gracious enough to take time to give me detailed answers to every dumb-arse question I could conceive. I would not have made the progress I have without his long distance assistance. And I hope , one of these days, to be able to post pics of a rod I've built that looks half as good as what he routinely puts out. To all the Warriors who will be receiving rods in the future: and I hope there will be many; if you get rod from me, know that you got the best I can do, and I know it will serve you well. If you get one from Scott, well, you will have received an heirloom.
  15. Look about four posts up, and you will find out how.
  16. Thank you, brother. Just for that I will bring a special bottle of manly spirits next month when we hit the White River. A 21yr old single malt sounds about right, eh? I think you are correct, sir.
  17. A few years ago, I started a project to build rods for members with military service. We built a few with member donations. And then the idea just stalled. Glenn suggested we should start this up again, so we did. Glenn reached out to Batson Enterprises to see if they wanted to be a part of this, and they graciously agreed to donate everything needed to build four rods, to get us up and running. They deserve a huge round of applause for supporting this project. Special thanks goes to Bill Batson, and his entire crew for their generosity. I contacted some guys about building rods, and got Scott Hovanec, Mike Lawson(DVT), Ronnie Van Huss(Alpster) to join me. We built four rods using Rainshadow Immortal blanks, and components from Batson Enterprises. Another special round of applause to Scott, Mike and Ronnie for joining me in this project. Many thanks gentlemen. We have started shipping these first rods, and they should be arriving soon at the doorsteps of the first four BassResource members who have past or current military service on their resumes. I expect to see posts from four surprised BR members in the near future. They do not know what's coming their way. I've seen some pics. There are some fine lookin sticks going out. Now, this time, I would like to keep this going. I told Glenn I would build as many as we could raise money for. I am asking for any and all BassResource members to consider making a donation, so we can keep this going. It doesn't need to be a big donation. A few bucks from a bunch of members will go a long way, if we all get together. Roadwarrior agreed to be the "bank" last time we did this. I'm hoping he will do it again. Hint, hint, Brother Kent! There are alot of BassResource members who either have served, or are currently serving. Let's come together, and say thanks this way. They certainly deserve it, don't you think? Edit: just heard from Scott. I received an Immortal blank. Scott got a Revelation blank. Dont know what Ronnie and got. Sorry for the confusion. I assumed since I had an Immortal, they would all be that. You would think at my age i would not assume anything! ------------------------- Here's how YOU can be a part of this great project!
  18. I have some of each, and can detect no difference, other than color.
  19. Talk to the woman herself. Not a bunch of crusty old fishermen.
  20. Why does this idiot think I want to fetch anything? If he wanted that stick, he shouldnt have thrown it across the yard. The guys aint gonna believe this.
  21. Josh, great plan, great execution. Hat's off to you. your first olive branches look better than my first six tries! LOL
  22. I can cast a senko farther than i can set the hook.
  23. If that were mine, I'd just clean it up and seal it. You can try filling in the voids. Pit paste works. Golden oak color wood filler works. Sand down a wine cork to get a pile a of cork dust, mix it with elmers glue. That works too. None of them will match the cork very well. A cork patch job most often sticks out like a dime in a goat's butt. It will likely fall out sooner than you would like.
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