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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. What you are noticing is a bit a back play ine anti-reverse bearing. Nothing to worry about. If it really bothers you, you could tear it down, deep clean the entire reel since you have it apart, and do a proper lube job. There's likely grease in the IAR bearing. Lube that, once it's clean, with a drop of oil on a swab. It may tighten it up a bit.
  2. You beat me to the punch.
  3. Sport peppers are a lot skinnier than pepperocini, and quite a bit hotter.
  4. That is amazing, it came back, from what I can see, little worse for wear. Just dirty.
  5. I take two. I have one rod holder behind the seat where I store the rod I'm not using. A second rod holder is between my feet. I use it when I need both hands free for something. The two rods I take depends, on what I think I need for that day. They are chosen from the rods I have and use for boat and bank fishing. I have no yak specific gear. I use two short lengths of small diameter nylon rope to secure the rods. Long enough movement is not inhibited, short and light enough I almost don't notice them.
  6. And, you can say the same thing about fly lines these days. There is a set of standards for fly line ratings. I used to know this, but no longer. It's something like the weight of the first 30' of line in grains or grams. You can find the charts online, i'm sure. The problem comes when a manufacturer wants to make the longest casting 6wt line, so they make one that's close to a 7, and label it a 6. The only way to answer your question is; try it. It may very well be fine. With rod ratings as arbitrary as they are, and line weights not strictly adhering to the standards, it's anybody's guess what works and what doesnt.
  7. This is the correct answer, but dont hold your breath waiting for any manufacturers to jump on this bandwagon. Having said that, I regard the classic G Loomis ratings as a defacto standard. MH = 1/4 - 3/4oz lure weight and 10 - 17lb line weight.
  8. Wind knots are caused by one, or more, of three problems. Too much oomph on the cast. Relax. Use an easier casting stroke, and see what happens. Line twist. Many people say use braid on a spinning because it doesnt twist. Bull. It twists as much as any other line. The limp nature of braids masks the twist, until it gets too bad. Troll it out behind the boat with nothing tied on the end of the line. No boat? Walk it out a little further than a long cast, and reel it back on. You may have to do this twice to get all the twist out. The relationship between the reel and stripper guide. Measure the inside diameter of thenguide, and the outside diameter of the lip of the spool. The ID of the guide should be 50%, or more, of the OD of the spool lip. You can change reels, change rods, or wrap a new, larger guide on the existing rod.
  9. Makes me wonder how fast a bass can spit out a hot wing.
  10. Good to know that about Dobyns rods. I despise that UV cured adhesive. Now I know to never take on a Dobyns for repair, and will danged sure never buy one. Using that typre of adhesive is as abysmally stupid as using epoxy to install tip guides
  11. Love me some linguica. Hard to find here in the heartland, but worth the search. Split down the middle, grilled, stuffed in a pita, with sauted onions and some dijon. Yowzah!
  12. There is only one way to properly end the sentence "It's none of my business but,". One needs to supply a period after the word business. Over zealous application of force while applying said period will have your neighbors talking about you.
  13. I would like to say I am very happy with the way this is going. Well enough that I've ordered the blank for the next Warrior's rod. I have the guides, and have glued up the grips. When the blank arrives I will get the reel seat, checks and tip guide, and get to work on it. What has surprised me somewhat is the donation pattern. I envisioned a lot of small donations. That has not been the case, and I have been thinking about it. Here is what I think. (Pause for snide commentary on my ability to think about anything for any length of time) (and you be quiet, Franchot) i think many of our members have the idea that a couple of bucks here and there just won't do the trick, but are reluctant, or unable to just give away fifty bucks. I may be way off base, but, hear me out, please. We have almost 60K registered members. WOW. I was here when we hit 3000, and thought that was a big deal. Sixty thousand? Who knew? Anyway, I wonder how many of that 60K are active members. You know, people who login and join in the fun on a regular basis. Allow me to make my case by tossing some numbers up in the air, and see which ones hit the ground. Ok, they did hit the ground. Good. That lets me pick the ones I wanted in the first place. For the sake of argument, let's say one percent of the 60K are active. Gives us 600 dedicated fishing lunatics, hangin out here, pounding the pulpit of piscatorial prowess and profundity. Could each of you 600, and you know who you are, give us fifty cents per month? Six bucks per year? That would be $3600 per year. Holy integration, Newton!!! We can build a lot of rods for that kinda dough. I know we won't get a 100% buy-in one this. I may be crazy, but I'm not nuts. But, I believe we could get 25%. That is surely possible. And I would bet that there are quite a few more than just 600 active members. So, what do say brothers and sisters? Can you send Kent six bucks? Or four bucks? Or two bucks? There are enough of us to make a lot of little things into one big thing. And, make a bunch of brave, proud warriors shickled titless, knowing that we have been thinking about them, and appreciate their valor, dedication, sacrifice and service. I am honored to be a small part of this. Step up to the plate, and rub a little honor on yourself by joining us. This just in! Attila has offered to send prints of a pic he took. It's an F-18 Hornet, flying over Niagra Falls! Very cool pic. It looks like he shot the pic while flying right next to it. He contacted me out of the blue, and said he will mail a print of the pic to every person who donates $50 or more. And he has already printed ten copies. How's that for faith in your fellow man? I am just flat out amazed every now and then.
  14. Not speaking for myself, mind you. Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond. In the end, some discover they would like to have a club and a spade.
  15. Here you go: https://www.bassresource.com/how-to-fish/ When you've read all of those, there are 17 other sections to peruse at your leasure.
  16. Youtube is going to do whatever it takes to generate revenue for Youtube. Cant put it any more simply than that. Dont like Youtube's policies and procedures? Get some expensive gear. Get some expensive software. Hire some expensive programmers. Create your own knock-off of Youtube. Prepare to get butt-hurt.
  17. Thanka Ronnie. I will glady shirk some work to giveyou some. LOL
  18. Sorry, should have mentioned that. Its been gone for three or four years. I miss it.
  19. Hahn is available here in Illinois, and its a regular buy for me. The remainder of your list is not to be found here. Paringa, an Australian wine is a lot of bang for the buck. Shiraz and cab for $12. Coppola Claret is a regular buy. $13 for what is basically a red blend. 19 Crimes has a few nice reds from $13-22(thanks Kent) We drink a lot of Kendall-Jackson. The Grand Reserves are really nice $18-24 Cloverdale Ranch merlot and cab are near top shelf at non top shelf prices. Discovered these at Diedorf & Hart; a great place regularly voted the best steakhouse in St Louis. Cloverdale Ranch was their house wine. Nobody sells it locally so we have to order case lots. $18-24 at case prices. In January we spent a week in Cancun. The Vines had a wine tasting featuring Spanish wines. Around 15 wineries were represented, showing from 3-6 varieties each. A large tapas bar was in the middle of the room. We sampled every wine there. Two hours later we were both stuffed and staggering!! Found several wines we liked enough to search them out when we got home. Dont remember any names, but my wife has pictures of the bottles on her phone. We found a few of them.
  20. Looks like all the services are well represented here at Bass Resource. With Memorial Day approaching, let me deliver a heartfelt salute and thank you to all of you.
  21. I've had so much trouble with light thread I dont use it, except for trim bands and inlays. And as one the two threads in the bottom wrap of a tiger.
  22. We are delighted you were generous enough to donate, and ship, free of charge, enough stuff to build four rods. I can't thank you enough for stepping up and helping us jumpstart this project. We are going to keep it going this time. And, I plan to use Rainshadow blanks, Textouch reels seats, Alps or Forecast winding checks and Alps guides for all of the rods I build for this project. Too date, I've built two casting and one fly rod on Eternity blanks; three casting and five spinning on Immortal blanks; and two casting rods on Revelation blanks. I have nothing but good things to say about Baston products.
  23. I prefer vintage wine myself. Wednesday or Thursday vintages are my choice.
  24. I have two Gerber multi tools. Bought one and got a second as a gift. Much more of a real tool than the Leatherman. If I ever manage to misplace both Gerbers, I will be buying one of the SOG versions. A bit pricy, but the real thing.
  25. Dont mess with the surf. Its way too shallow a long way out. Fish the lagoon. Great fishing for a lot of variety. Even better some days would be Isla Blanca, north of cancun. You need a guide for either area, and several are available. I've had memorable trips to both areas.
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