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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. I have the 7'2" ML-F walleye blank, built as a casting rod. I used an 8.5" Winn rear grip, no fore grip, Recoil micro guides, Fuji tip, and trimmed 2" pff the butt to get the balance where I wanted it. It's my primary BFS rod, and works great for light baits on light line, in open water. I agree with Mick. It is not a fast action stick. The 3/8oz listed max weight is on the mark. A 1/2oz load is too much for it. I like mine for just what you're going to use your new rod for, but I tend to stay near the bottom end of the rod's weight rating.
  2. So did I, Mick.
  3. Please explain just what is nonsense about the legality of owning real estate.
  4. Your spots? Do you own the land? If not, they are not "your" spots.
  5. This is a good way to start an argument. LOL I used to have on hand a bunch ofmdifferent lubes for different components. Over time, I have reduced that to just three. TSI321 for spool bearings, IAR bearing, and levelwind Shimano star drag grease for drag washers and gears 90wt gear oil for frame and handle bearings
  6. The first braid I can remember is Fenwick Iron Thread. At the time, You could only get it by going to a tackle shop and have them spool up your reel.
  7. http://www.anglersworkshop.com/Decals/Bill-Mar-Decals http://www.mudhole.com/supplies-rod-building/accessories-supplies/decals-stickers-accessories
  8. Power poles are a major PITA for anybody fishing from the back of the boat.
  9. You could look into having one built for you. Mine is built on an Immortal blank; 7'2" ML-F, with a little over two inches trimmed off the butt. An 8.5" Winn rear grip, Fuji seat, no fore grip, Recoil micros and a Ti/SiC tip. With an SS SV, spooled with 7.3lb Finesse fluoro, the whole setup weighs a hair over 9oz, and will cast 1/8oz further than I can set the hook. Check with Mike at DVT, for a quote.
  10. In short, every time I fish. Hooksets are free.
  11. I don't think paint on a blank brings anything to the table. It's just for appearance. I have several rods with no finish on the blank. Just bare carbon fiber, and they hold up as well, if not better than painted blanks. No paint to get scratched up. If the damage is only in one spot, and it were mine, I'd either do a thread wrap, or put on a decal, and epoxy over it. Look ar Angler's Workshop or Mudhole for decals. You can get flags, fish, mermaids, etc.... something quick as easy you can do yourself. Trying to match paint, to make the spot look like nothing happened, is an exercise in futility.
  12. I met quite a few people over the weekend, and I dont remember anybody named Jason.
  13. Just got home from a rod building seminar. A guy from St Croix answered the question about this i've always wanted to ask. If the epoxy cures at room temperature, it will breakdown completely, and come loose, at around 180° F. It will soften enough to loosen below that. The blanks are cured at 280° F. The resin used in the blanks will not start to break down until it gets past 240° F. That means you can use boiling water to remove standard thread and grip epoxy with doing any damage to the blank. He didnt know anything about UV cure urethane.
  14. President James Garfield's proof of the theorum in question. https://www.maa.org/press/periodicals/convergence/mathematical-treasure-james-a-garfields-proof-of-the-pythagorean-theorem
  15. I use FC strictly for trout fishing. It truly makes a difference than. Otherwise, thennegatives far outweigh the positives for me. And, I hate braid. So, it's mono for me, all the time. Trilene XL was all I wanted for a long time. Until they came out with a new, "improved" formula. Improved right out of my life. Been looking for a replacement for a while. Super Natural saw some use, and I was going to use it once all of my old stock of XL ran out. Then, Seaguar came out with Rippin mono. That will be my new go to line. For my trout reels, I will be using Invizx, until I use up all of that I have on hand, and will switch to Finesse Fluoro. Did I mention I HATE braid?
  16. If you liked It, you should read The Stand.
  17. Pic taken when eclipse was at it's peak, using an iPad app. Simulated thermal imaging. shows the corona better than normal pic.
  18. .ghoti.

    Eclipse xray

    From the album: GHOTI pics

  19. Spinning gear for smaller tubes. Daiwa Steez, 7' ML rod, Daiwa Certate reel, spooled with 7.3lb Seaguar Finesse Fluoro. Casting gear for larger tubes. Custom rod I built on a Setyr blank, just for this application. TDZ spooled with 10lb Seaguar Rippin mono.
  20. Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, and beat you with experience.
  21. I dont think there are many bodies of water too "weedy" for bass. There are however, quite a few too weedy for fishermen.
  22. Ever see an old cartoon of a guy reeling in a boot? The old style galoshes, with buckles? Caught one of those with a jig. The jig was inside the boot, hooked just above the heel. Reeled in a small aluminum ladder on LOZ. My fav; a bikini top from an obviously well endowed lady. That one put a smile on my face.
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