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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Trying to stir up,some nonsense? Not in my town.
  2. There will be no settling this once for all. You've tried twice now to stir the pot. Not in my town, buckwheat.
  3. I drive a Ford. My wife drives a Jeep. I prefer the brown one.
  4. And, I built those for him, as well a couple on Immortal blanks. Without looking at my records, I would guesstimate two thirds of the rods I've built have been on Rainshadow blanks. All of the Warrior Project rods I've built were built on Immortal blanks. I like them. I've built some for myself. I have several factory built St Croix rods. Four Avids(SCIII), four LTBs(SCIV) and two Legend Extremes(SCV). The Revelation line is comparable to SCIII, Immortal comparable to SCIV and LE comparable to SCV. I'll second Kent's recommendation. Call Mike at DVT to get a quote.
  5. 6'7" is normal? Sez who? Custom is all about getting exactly what you need and want. Custom is getting what fits your needs, applications, style, transportation, location, etc. when all the factors are considered, there is no normal. If I were to build a dropshot rod for myself, i would have the following thoughts. For vertical presentation, a short rod, maybe 6'-6'3". For casting, 6'10"-7'2".
  6. I wondered what was going between those two pieces. Very nice!!
  7. I will be sure to stop by and harass you a bit! LOL
  8. http://www.icrbe.com/home.html Anybody going to Winston-Salem in February for this expo? Got my room booked for my first trip to this event.
  9. That looks interesting. Looking forward to seeing where you're going with this.
  10. Titebond for glueing cork together, Threadmaster Lite for finishing thread wraps, Flex Coat Rodbuilder's glue for glueing seats and grips to the blank, hot melt type tiptop glue.
  11. Absolutely not.
  12. Mick, I won't be trying to alter the power or action of the blank by trimming it. My objective is simply a shorter rod. I've found I do not much care for rods longer than about 7'2". Sold off all my rods longer than that. I do like the idea of measuring the blank at different lengths to see the power and action angle change. There's some insight to be gained by doing so.
  13. 7'9" MagM-XF, 8-15lb, 1/4-5/8oz I'll be trimming at least 6" off the butt and building a casting rod. I'm hoping to get a nice rod for flukes, tubes and finesse jigs. We will see what I get. Hope it doesn't end up permanently stuck in the rod rack.
  14. Contact Mike at Delaware Valley Tackle, and tell him EXACTLY what you want. He can build it for you.
  15. Thanks for the data Mick. Just went to the source mentioned and located the data myself. I had been there before, but had not located the CCS numbers. Not what I would call an intuitive design for a website. Interesting you should mention a hotshot blank. One of the NFC blanks I bought is a hotshot model. I had to go on rodbilding.org to find out what exactly that is. I got a couple of explanations, but I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with it. I found a couple of bench top sized band saws, and almost bought one. My wife wanted a new floor in the kitchen, and bought the bamboo flooring she wanted, so I got a new miter saw to use for the floor install.
  16. Scott, I don't have room for a band saw in my tiny shop, so a miter saw has to do. I have some cork blocks and strips, and a selection of knife handle liner pieces to experiment with. Also found a source for 1/8" thick exotic hardwoods. Havent ordered any of that just yet.
  17. Mick, if memory serves the problem with their "objective" numbers came because they did not use the CCS procedure. They used a different system, of their own devising, making comparison to other CCS measured blank meaningless. They got a lot of flack for that, and rightly so. I have a Point Blank in my rod rack, waiting for me to find time to build for myself, so I cant say much about it, other than it looks good, is very straight, and feels very crisp in hand. I dont have my CCS setup finished yet, so I have no numbers, but initial flexing suggests it has a pretty quick taper. Looking forward to fishing with it. I've accumulated a few bargain blanks for myself over the course of the past year. In addition to the Point Blank, I have an SCV, two NFC blanks, a Pac Bay Quickline, a K2, and a Gen2 hi mod MHX. Also got a new compound miter saw to up my cork game, and two new chucks, some drill bits, and carbide turning tools to incorporate hardwoods and acrylics into my handles. Gonna be a winter of experimentation for me.
  18. Check this out. Go to the bottom of the page, and read Jun's comment. http://japantackle.com/casting-reels/shimano/low-profile-casting-reels/shimano-16aldebaranbfsxg.html
  19. I did not. Rather difficult to march with a piano.
  20. Very slow on my end, both laptop and iPad.
  21. Paul, i bought the pen, nibs, and several colors of ink. I still have it all, and cant use use it. Yours looks amazing compared to my attempts. I practiced on every pieace of scrap blank I have and cant produce an acceptable result. I gave up on it for now.
  22. Paul, thanks for the kind words. Those are peal and stick decals from Golden Touch Decals. I also get decals from Decal Connection.
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