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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Outstanding!
  2. Carolina rig. Use a very buoyant bait. At least a 3’ leader. Experiment with weight. Use just enough to get to the required depth. A three way rig with a short dropper works just as well, and makes it easier to experiment with weighting.
  3. Three, or four, years ago, while passing by Springfield, Missouri, on the way to Branson, the following conversation occurred. Wife: want to stop at Bass Pro Shops? Me: why would I want to do that? Wife: just checking. Me: OK. Why? Did you want to stop? Wife: why would I want to do that? Me: OK end of conversation
  4. The simple, undeniable fact of the matter is; Perry’s fish IS the world record largemouth bass. The IGFA says so, and they are the authority on the subject. This topic comes up on a regular basis. The same arguments are made. The same comments about California, hand fed, giant bass are reiterated. Dottie, and Kurita always get mentions, with arguments making either, or both, legit records. And, as many arguments against both. And, somebody is always butthurt about it. Don’t like the current state of affairs? Simple. Create your own records keeping organization, with rules that keep you from being butthurt. Keep in mind somebody is going to get all butthurt about it, no matter what you do. We havin fun yet?
  5. Very simple answer to this question. NO! You wish to risk further damage? Damage which could last the rest of your life? But, It is your life. Be intelligent.
  6. Exactly!
  7. Nobody has their rod in the “perfect” hooksetting position at all times. You do what you have to do.
  8. Some baits have better action using a snap. Both options should be considered.
  9. There have been times when I just gave up and went elsewhere. Or went home.
  10. Ah, Joe. I remember you being good company in a boat. But, I know some folks who aren’t. For the same reasons you stated. It’s pretty simple. I do not go with, or invite them. There worse out there. There are the guys who get there knickers in a twist if they get bit, and don’t set the hook. Go ballistic if they loose a fish. Find somebody on “their” spot. Or this, or that, or whatever. Life is too short to put up with such behavior. Beach ‘em.
  11. After seeing you avatar pic, I would say you have nothing to make you feel inadequate. I would guess 95% of the anglers on this forum could not post a pic of a larger fish. And, I would venture to say there are a fair number who are are all butthurt about that. Don’t be one of those guys. I think I remember you saying you are retired. Relax. Enjoy being in this position. Fish when you can. Be happy with what the day serves up. Keep it in perspective. there are a lot of thing more important than fishing. Or giant bass. Or faster boats. Etc, etc, etc,......
  12. Age and medication have settled that question, in my case. If it’s les than 50°, I’ thinking about it. Les than 40°, I’m not going. Over about 82°, and I have better things to do. That chops off a pretty big chunk of the calendar, but, it is what it is. I am a poster child for, “if I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of my self”. recently, I have bought a nice Yamaha keyboard, a special edition Fender Tele, and an Ibanez fretless bass. An Alesis drum machine and a Tascam 12 channel digital recorder are on the way. I have plenty to do.
  13. 25 to 30’ is about it for me, if I want to have any chance of hitting my target.
  14. Go here, and post your question. https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/forum/13-central-bass-fishing/
  15. I do believe they are all still on the shiny side of the sod.
  16. A few years ago, we bought new washer and dryer. The old ones worked fine. Wife wanted new ones. I hauled the old one out to the alley with a sigh saying they worked and were free for the taking. They sat there for several days. I moved them to the street late one evening with a for sale sign on them. They were gone before midnight.
  17. I have been hanging around here since 2005. If memory serves, there have been five other mods who have left, for one reason or another.
  18. I think you are correct. This place is Glenn’s vision of what a forum can, and should, be. The rest of us are here to help him achieve that.
  19. The early bird gets the worm. proof positive the worm should have stayed in bed
  20. He means uplocking. The threads are at the back end if the seat.
  21. https://www.comedywildlifephoto.com/
  22. Remember, whatever you put on there to hide the threads will have to come off to remove the reel.
  23. Very bad year for allergies. I take two different meds for blood pressure. The allergy meds that work negatively effect blood pressure. The ones that do not raise blood pressure do not work for me.
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