Well, I have the dry cough and a slight fever to go with it. Put in call to my doc, and I am to stay away from other people. Got an emailed list of symptoms to be on the lookout for, and call in if any of them rear their ugly heads.
As a PSA, here is the list.
shortness of breath
pain or pressure in chest
extreme drowsiness
blue lips
Call in if experiencing any of these.
I am not experiencing any at this time. Spending most of my time isolated at my cabin/workshop. I have three rods ready to ship, but I will not be shipping them until I am symptom free for a couple of weeks. Even then, I will be sterilizing them, and everything I touch before shipping. Made my own sanitizing solution. A half-gallon of Everclear poured into a gallon jug and added a quart of distilled water. Makes a 65% solution of alcohol. Been wiping down everything with that stuff. Haven't gargled with it or wiped my butt. Yet.
I have blanks, seats, guides, cork and thread enough to keep me busy for quite a while. Before this is over I will have several new personal rods to try out. On hand is an MHX Elite X blank, and MHX Elite Pro, an SCV, a CTS and a Rainshadow Testament. I have been slowly building up my personal quiver of rods, and have the lower end of the range covered now; from BFS up to medium power. Also have a deep crank rod, a lighter crank rod, spinnerbait rod and jerkbait/popper rod. Time to fill in the worm/jig rod category; med-heavy fast action bass specific rods. All the blanks, except the SCV, fit into this category. Not sure what I will be doing with the SCV, a 7’ ML-F. Dont need another ML spinning rod, and also dont need another light power casting rod. Might just build it as a spinning rod, and put it up for sale.
I am determined that this is my time to figure out closed cross wraps and to learn how to weave. been just playing around with these for the last couple of years. And have cut off a lot of unsatisfactory thread work. Time now to buckle down, and get it serious about it.