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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. Let me guess. You had the rod pointed straight up and pulled straight down on the line.
  2. See the second sentence
  3. Well, I have the dry cough and a slight fever to go with it. Put in call to my doc, and I am to stay away from other people. Got an emailed list of symptoms to be on the lookout for, and call in if any of them rear their ugly heads. As a PSA, here is the list. shortness of breath pain or pressure in chest extreme drowsiness confusion blue lips Call in if experiencing any of these. I am not experiencing any at this time. Spending most of my time isolated at my cabin/workshop. I have three rods ready to ship, but I will not be shipping them until I am symptom free for a couple of weeks. Even then, I will be sterilizing them, and everything I touch before shipping. Made my own sanitizing solution. A half-gallon of Everclear poured into a gallon jug and added a quart of distilled water. Makes a 65% solution of alcohol. Been wiping down everything with that stuff. Haven't gargled with it or wiped my butt. Yet. I have blanks, seats, guides, cork and thread enough to keep me busy for quite a while. Before this is over I will have several new personal rods to try out. On hand is an MHX Elite X blank, and MHX Elite Pro, an SCV, a CTS and a Rainshadow Testament. I have been slowly building up my personal quiver of rods, and have the lower end of the range covered now; from BFS up to medium power. Also have a deep crank rod, a lighter crank rod, spinnerbait rod and jerkbait/popper rod. Time to fill in the worm/jig rod category; med-heavy fast action bass specific rods. All the blanks, except the SCV, fit into this category. Not sure what I will be doing with the SCV, a 7’ ML-F. Dont need another ML spinning rod, and also dont need another light power casting rod. Might just build it as a spinning rod, and put it up for sale. I am determined that this is my time to figure out closed cross wraps and to learn how to weave. been just playing around with these for the last couple of years. And have cut off a lot of unsatisfactory thread work. Time now to buckle down, and get it serious about it.
  4. You may also like Bernheim Wheat Whiskey. All wheat, so they cant call it bourbon.
  5. LOL! I used to do exactly that. When I needed a recharge, it was time to pop in Moving Pictures, crank up the old bass amp and let er rip. That was back in my old Joe Walsh days. You know; the smoker you drink, the player you get! The only other album I used in that fashion was ELP’s Trilogy album. Turn on the keyboards and play that. That one took a bit more concentration.
  6. I have been told, but have no personal evidence, that the Minima3 guides would groove over time, but the Minima4 series will not. I have not tried them, and probably won’t. I know the Recoil tips will groove, and do not use them.
  7. Didn't say you were lying. I implied you are mistaken. Toray is NOT something superior to carbon fiber. Toray is a chemical company, which, among other things, makes carbon fiber prepeg, used in composites manufacturing. They are not the only company making such products. Rod manufacturers, having nothing better to propagandize, tend to hype numbers, and properties, which, in and of themselves, are basically meaningless. Thus the idea Toray is better than all other companies involved in the manufacture of carbon fiber composite materials, is the product of marketing. And, in today’s hyper competitive manufacturing community, is simply preposterous. Do you even know, off the top of your head the name of any other company who makes these composite materials? Whatever it’s properties, the color has nothing to do with it. Twice as strong, and half the weight? Says who? and, however it loads, progressive or not, has more to do with design than materials. I do know the name of another manufacturer of carbon fiber composites. I have a blank made with carbon fiber composites produced by Ferrari. Yeah, that Ferrari. You think they are better than Toray’s products? Who knows. I don't, and neither do you. I did not object to your spreading of information. I do object to the dissemination of “fertilizer”.
  8. Really? From whence cometh this load of high grade fertilizer? Do tell.
  9. What the heck does that mean?
  10. That has been reported on Minima tips. I use Fuji Alconites for most of my builds. The BFCAT tip is my go to. When I want the lightest possible guide train, I use Recoils. But, not the Recoil tip. I use the BFCAT tip on the Recoil builds.
  11. You may be preventing loops by removing the bail, but you are not preventing line twist.
  12. Glenn would be the one to reply to this, but I know he is busier than long-tailed cat in room full of rocking chairs, so I’ll give it a go. Chris: a very knowledgeable fisherman, known for his long, late night posts on a variety of bass fishing topics. Some of his posts were long enough, and were written well enough to be major magazine articles. I for one miss that. If memory serves, he got very busy with crankbait production, and bowed out. 5basslimit, or maybe it was fivebasslimit. A tournament angler from Virginia, I think. Maybe Georgia. Not sure. A nice dude, kind of quiet in person, but always on point with good advice. Not sure why he left. low budget hooker: a very unique character from Rhode Island. Very sharp, very witty, friendly as all get out. The kind of guy you wouldn't mind sharing a bottle of tequila with. He got into farming, got busy and left. flukemaster: i will let Glenn talk about him. Long Mike: from Tulsa, now resides in Pensacola. One of my very best friends, and a long time fishing partner. He left when his wife got sick and needed his full time care. Mike was the entire Bass Resource grammar police department. You needed to dot your tees and cross your eyes when Mike was on duty. He, I and roadwarrior get together several times each year. 00mod: from the Memphis area. Family owns a couple of liquor stores. Good fisherman, and all around good guy. Met him at a couple of Roadtrips, but never got to know him well. Don't know why he left. hope I haven't forgotten anybody.
  13. Well, I, for one would like to hear what you learn from the experiments.
  14. Ah. So sorry. Was making an assumption based on my poor memory of older posts. Iy you are working with Batson, you’re getting more expertise than I have to offer. good luck.
  15. Paul, you can not slow the inherent action of any blank by changing guides. You can install larger, heavier guides, which will reduce sensitivity, and slow the blanks recovery time. But the flex profile is what it is. What are looking for in a rod? If you want a slower action rod, buy a slower action blank. There are many available. As spoonplugger1 indicated, you can change action buy trimming the blank from either end. If you trimmed 6” from the butt end of a 7’ blank, you would have a shorter blank that would test out a bit slower in action. The change would show up in a CCS test, but it is doubtful you would notice the difference in actual use. If you took 6” off the tip, at would also test out as a slower action, but you would really notice the difference in use. The finished rod would be noticeably stiffer, and would not cast baits in the lower end of the weight range nearly as well. In my humble opinion, trimming from the tip is a good way to turn a good blank into a scrap blank. If you must trim from the tip end, test it first. You can wrap on a running guide at the trimming location, and test. I seem to recall, from one of your earlier posts, you are wanting soem rods duplicating the actions os some older rods. Don’t remember the details. But here is a suggestion for you. http://www.anglersworkshop.com/SeekerBrand/S-Glass-Two-Piece-Trout-Blanks I have built two of these for my brother, who shares your love of older slower actions rods. He likes them. A lot! Been thinking seriously about building one for myself. These are surprisingly light blanks for fiberglass. They have that buttery soft action, but they recover from casting a lot quicker than the old glass rods all of us old farts grew up with.
  16. Let’s eat, grandma. Let’s eat grandma.
  17. I set up a fairly elaborate spreadsheet, about 25 years ago, and used it to log every outing for a couple years. Then I got busier. I had limited free time. Had to make a decision. Casting or accounting? Was not a hard decision.
  18. DanielG, I like how you think.
  19. The governor of Illinois has ordered the closing of all restaurants and bars in the state. Until the end of March. All K-12 schools are closing as well. This is getting out of hand.
  20. Rattletraps. I catch nothing but dinks on a trap. No longer even carry any.
  21. Wishing for good outcome and a speedy recovery
  22. From a recent trip to Toho. Kent with a 10 Kent with an 8
  23. Wish i could help you. But, i only tried surf casting once, and kept falling off the board.
  24. Beer, yum. Don’t care for most mass produced yellow beer. Can’t stand corona. I reject, on general principles, any beer that calls itself lite Some of my fav breweries Founders New Belgium Dog Fish Head Boulevard Sierra Nevada current number one favorite beer is Founders Breakfast Stout.
  25. My most underrated pieces of gear are an Okuma Helios rod and reel. The combo is a very nice, light weight pleasure to use. My most overrated pieces are three Daiwa Steez rods. I got all three for less than half list price. And, it the prices paid, I am very happy with them. Had I paid full price, I would be very disappointed with all three.
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