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Everything posted by .ghoti.

  1. I think of an alcohol lamp as a disaster that has found a place to happen.. use straw. Breathe gently. Bubbles will go away.
  2. My notification said 10:00am on one line and 10:00pm on another. Which is it?
  3. And some times a cigar is just a cigar.
  4. The rods I build now look a whole lot better than my early attempts. I have acquired some skills I did not possess six years ago. I perform those simple step required to build a functional, nice looking rod, in a much more efficient manner. Maybe we have a different perspective. Try playing piano in a jazz trio. Or, trying writing programming to automate and entire industrial process. In both cases: been there, done that, got the tee shirts. Those are complicated, complex tasks, requiring considerable knowledge, and in the case of the piano, considerable physical skills. I find rodbuilding to be simple and restful. I truly enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes when I catch the first fish on a rod I have built. That’s a simple thing too. But, no less fine for being so.
  5. From bare blank to a rod ready to fish requires a small variety of tasks. A step by step process. All the steps contain simple tasks. There is a certain amount of knowledge, and a short list of skills required. Knowledge and skills come with time and practice. Simple concepts. Simple techniques. No rocket science here. No brain surgery. No nuclear physics.
  6. I’m fine working with anything electrical, up to 480V. Above that; call somebody else.
  7. Just looked. Four benjamins, folded up snd tucked away in the wallet. $65 in small bills in a clip. That would be about average for me.
  8. Try contacting Daiwa. There have been a few different versions of the Tatula series rods. I would be willing to bet that they all did not have the same guides. Daiwa may tell you what brand, size and model guide is used on your rod. The way guide sizes are determined is one of the craziest ways to specify measurements I have ever seen. For example, if you measure a 6mm guide, neither the inside diameter or the outside diameter will be 6mm. 6mm is the outside diameter of the ceramic ring, and thus, the inside diameter of the frame. I have no idea where this bit of stupidity comes from.
  9. MHX makes a line called Shooter blanks. All 6’. I have not built or handled one, so I can’t recommend it. I like all the Bushido blanks I built. Built a couple for myself. You can’t go wrong with a Rainshadow. I have built a bunch of those. Point blank are expensive, but the one I built for myself I believe is worth the price. You’re going to have a tough time finding a 6’ blank. Just buy a longer one, and trim what you need off the butt. Technically , that lowers the power, but you will have a hard time telling the difference. Me, I’ve been building a recording studio in my cabin. Haven’t had time to fish lately.
  10. Hey Joe, how goes it amigo? I have not built a rod for myself for that app. Yet. Were I to do so, i would be looking for a lure rating around 3/8-1.00oz, mid-fast action, and 6’6” or less. I use a 7’ rod when I throw a spook, and I will slap the tip in the water unless I pay constant attention to it.
  11. I have had several pair of Keen sandals and never had that problem. But, I never wear sandals while in the yak, so the sandals remain mostly dry. Try hanging them up to dry completely before using them again. And maybe using silicone spray or saddle soap, depending on materials.
  12. Dark Side of the Moon Moving Pictures ******* Brew
  13. Last year I ordered a rod blank. About three weeks later I ordered some shirts. A few days later i got two emails about 15 minutes apart. One said the shirts has shipped. The other said the blank had shipped. The shirts took seven days to get to me. The blank took three days. The shirts cane from Duluth Trading, in St Charles, Missouri, about two hours from my house. The blank is a CTS, and came from New Zealand. Seven days to go 115 miles. Two days to go half-way around the world. Go figure.
  14. Always do what you said when drunk. will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
  15. Catt, I think there is a link in the video. Near, or at, the end of it Lee is one of the good guys. I’ve known him for several years.
  16. This dude out us on fish when several guides cancelled their trips because of the conditions. Took a while, but he put us on fish. When we made it back to the marina at the dnd if the day, the parking lot was almost empty. Everybody else had given up and left. We caught fish.
  17. Nice wide ranging chat last night. Thanks again, Dean
  18. I will be there for this one.
  19. Sleeping in: over rated. Unless you’re sick Blueberry pie
  20. Mick, are they using the original CCS, or are they using that bastardized version that Point Blank uses?
  21. Batson has released the new Rainshadow Eternity blanks. Getbit has them. Seven casting and five spinning models.
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