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Everything posted by _BassAddict_

  1. ive always liked mike because he is just a regular guy. i also like his style. he doesnt go out on the water looking like a hillbilly. hes got style and swagger.
  2. If all else fails, sweep your net through the school of shad and use them as live bait.
  3. This. Unless its an obvious big one, toss the first one you grab. K.I.S.S.
  4. City limits is great. I also love hook n look cause it shows you how the fish act under water. This has made me so much better at jigging.
  5. no i mean it sticks together dry in my tackle box. it gets all gunky and matted. kinda like dirty dog hair.
  6. Which do you prefer? i generally have more luck with the silicon jigs. the fur ones get gunked up and the fur sticks together. Fur Silicon
  7. my cousin dyes his own jigs. he uses a lot of fur/hair jigs, and he just buys the while ones and uses RIT dye to customize them to his liking. anyone else do this? it seems you can get more variety dyeing them on your own
  8. Im in Rathdrum, around the post falls/couer d'alene area. anyone else around here that fishes any of the near by lakes?
  9. i dont think ill ever stop learning. Every time out is a new learning experience. i have a ton of help from family and this fine place also.
  10. my biggest flaw is now owning a boat. my second biggest flaw is having trouble "feeling" the bottom. i have a touch time telling rocks from stumps and sand and mud. all feels the same to me. i have finally distiguished a bite though!
  11. I love it all. Without the knowledge you wouldnt get thre strike without the strike you wouldnt get the hookset without the hookset you wouldnt get the fish without the fish you wouldnt get the picture without the GEAR you wouldnt get any of it. I guess im a "Gear Head"
  12. Let's hope he knows more than most salesmen do. Often it is a part time job for them to make a little extra money. You are much better off listening to the advice given you on here by "enthusiasts". These guys love to fish, try different rods/reels/lures/techniques, etc. and know of what they speak. well of course i wont take his word as final, but usually cabelas doesnt hire people that dont know what theyre talking about. ill take in all the advice and make my own decision. Right now im headed in the direction of a St. Croix Mojo Bass rod.
  13. ill jot down some notes. im going thursday (pay day) to cabelas so ill talk to the salesman there and see what he thinks as well.
  14. well im pretty much set on the phleuger president XT for the reel. thats about $80. for the rod, i dont want to spend over $100, but preferably less. i was thinking more like $50. i was looking at the St Croix mojo bass line, but they seem to be too task specific. i dont want to spend over $150 for the rod and reel.
  15. Hey all! my names Chris. Im a city boy. grew up in southern california. never really fished my entire life except for a few times my grandpa took me when i was around 11 (23 now). Money became an issue so i packed up and shipped out to Idaho, and am now in the process of becoming a bonified cornfed country boy. As you can assume, i plan on doing TONS of fishing. I have a cousin who fishes every day, and ive been going out with him quite frequently. as of now, im using my grandpas old rod, a Kunnan rod. i would tell you the brand of reel if i knew, but over the years the logo wore off. (it must be an older pole since the kunnan factory burned down in the early 90's). Its nice to be here. Theres TONS of great info on this site. I plan on stickin around for a long while. Shall we do the bit where we go in a circle and tell everyone a bit about ourselves? ;D
  16. ok so a little background story. Im a city boy. grew up in southern california. never really fished my entire life except for a few times my grandpa took me when i was around 11 (23 now). Money became an issue so i packed up and shipped out to Idaho, and am now in the process of becoming a bonified cornfed country boy. As you can assume, i plan on doing TONS of fishing. I have a cousin who fishes every day, and ive been going out with him quite frequently. as of now, im using my grandpas old rod, a Kunnan. its 7'6" light action, 2-8lb test. its a spinning rod, i would tell you the brand of reel if i knew, but over the years the logo wore off. (it must be an older pole since the kunnan factory burned down in the early 90's) So to get to the point, im looking into a somewhat beginner/intermediate setup. I presume that ill learn quickly because i have great teachers (family and internet combined). So i dont want something ill regret buying by the end of the season. Keep in mind that this will be a multi purpose setup. ill be fishing Channel cats, bullheads, bass, bluegill, stripers. if its in a lake or stream im trying to catch it. The rod i was looking into is the Ugly stik 6'6" Meduim action 6-12lb test. The reason im looking at this rod is because all the great reviews its getting. Now im not sure if the people reviewing it know what theyre talking about, or if the rod is all hype. Being sold at wal-mart also leaves me skeptical. Now for the reel. im almost dead set on a Pfleuger President XT. its right in my price range, and out of the spinning reels in that range it seems the best. Now i honestly know nothing about either of these products other than what ive read/watched online. i did get to hold the ugly stick at wal-mart, but being new...i really dont know what im looking for while checking it out. i COULD spend more money, but im not going to because i wanna leave a budget for lures/hooks/weights/line/etc...plus i gotta buy a tackle box/bag. Any advice is appreciated.
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