My personal favorite bass happens to be my first, and it really opened my eyes...
I was much younger, I always read "slow is the key" for large mouth with plastics.. Well, my definition of slow was impatiently fast..
My first outing with a baitcasting reel yeilded, a birds nest.. While untangling that birds nest, my 7" watermelon worm sat there in the water for oh.. 20 seconds, not moving at all... I manage to untagle the line, decide to reel in and recast, as it only landed about 5 feet from the shore, and there was a 3 1/2lb bass on the other end.
I didn't learn a d**n thing that day. It's taken quite awhile for what happened to really sink in.. To be honest, I've always been an ocean fisherman, while I have fished a few times for bass, it was never really a priority. Now im here to give it a shot