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Everything posted by Panamoka_Bassin

  1. I have a pair of natives and I love 'em! Great visibility even in "flat" light. I use them for fishing even though I originally bought them for skiing. The only complaint I have is the way they fols up. The ear guard folds up to the lens and leaves a little grease mark every time, which means I have to clean the lenses every time I wear them. Otherwise, worth every dollar (around $80 or so...)
  2. This one time, in band camp...
  3. Only Avid... 10 mook points for that one...
  4. I'm with the rest on this one. Casting is not going to significantly increase any muscle (if it did, we'd have a bunch of weird looking guys around here with one HUGE arm and one little toothpick arm ). Weights are a great idea, but aren't absolutely necessary. Look at Mike Tyson when he was young. He never lifted weights, all he did was push ups and sit ups. Start yourself off with 15 or 25 of each, or whatever you can do. After a week, increase the number by 10 or 5, and keep at it. In only a couple weeks you'll see a marked difference in your muscle tone and size. If you want to do an experiment, measure your arms before you start, and then 2 weeks later. I guarantee you'll see a big difference. BUT, you have to keep at it. No skipping a day because you're "too tired." Also, and this is important, stretch before and after you work out. This will help you from feeling sore and will also give the muscles a chance to rebound.
  5. Talk about coyote ugly!. One things for sure, I am NEVER drinking with Fido and Spike again!
  6. Er, dontcha mean 296? No one hits 400 yd drives. Nope. It really was 396. A real missle. How'd I miss that? Yikes, it would take me three bad shots to hit it that far!
  7. I ordered 2 shirts, but if one was to "get mislabeled" and sent to Iraq or Afganistan, I wouldn't be too upset about it...
  8. Er, dontcha mean 296? No one hits 400 yd drives. I agree with y'all about the Open. It it the Superbowl or Daytona of golf. I'm lucky to be in an area where they seem to have an Open nearby every couple of years (Shinnecock is about a mile from where I grew up, Bethpage Black is only an hour away). Has anyone noticed that apart from next year at Torrey Pines, the most recent Opens have been in the NYC metro area (Shinnecock, Bethpage, Wingedfoot) or at a course with the word Oak in the name (Oakmont, Oak Hills, Oakhurst)? Just thought that was a little weird...
  9. Man, I'll tell ya, its not easy. I've been searching and searching, but all the internet companies just don't seem too reputable. I've gone the route of trying to make my own and that's no piece of cake either. If anyone does know of a good company, I'd like to know also.
  10. I own and operate a window cleaning business during the week from April to November (depending on the weather) and I bartend on the weekends. The nice thing about this is that I'm off almost all winter long so that I can go skiing pretty much whenever I want. I once said I'm like a "reverse teacher" (due to my schedule), but then a teacher friend said, "What does that mean? You say things like 'Jefferson was the 16th president?' "
  11. Take it from a bartender, you do not want to be picking up women at last call. By then, you are certainly going to be beer goggling. Remember the old saying, "I've never gone to bed with an ugly woman, but I've woken up with a few..." As much as I hate to admit it, Fisher is right. Find yourself a nice Catholic girl and all your dreams will be fulfilled.
  12. If I had been out for that long a time without a fish, I'd seriuosly be thinking about hitting happy hour! However, 3 hours before that, I would be thinking like the rest, back to basics. If, after another hour of nothingness, I would then think unconventionally. Try something that would normally sound insane to you, like throwing a spinner deep into bushes (just make sure you've got braided line so you can get the spinner back ) or, since the temp is so high, find the deepest, shadiest water you can find and SLOWLY work a t-rigged grub.
  13. Doesn't anyone have any faith in our man Muddy? I think he's the kind of guy that when he says he's gonna do something, he does it. A stand up guy, for sure, who counsels the pope and behavio..... Sorry, I couldn't go on with that, I was laughing too hard...
  14. I disagree with that a bit. Ya see, friends come and go, but you are stuck with your family. There ain't a thing you can do about it neither. Your first line of business should be to make your family proud. Then, you make your friends proud. Right now, you should do your ABSOLUTE BEST to make your family proud. That is the important thing. Someday, you will wish that you had done that, and you can't, cause granny don't live forever. Do it NOW, while you can, then work on your friends. I see the exact opposite of what you're saying. Like you said, you're stuck with your family, but you choose your friends. You rarely have a choice regarding family, and since they think they know you the best, they will always be the most critical of you regardless of how saintly or devilish you may be. Friends, on the other hand, are your choice, and you can keep them or get away from them as you wish. Trying to please your friends should be easiest if you be yourself, but I find that when I am being myself I get the biggest head-aches from my family. As for your friend, Tipp, not that I will ever condone violence of any sort, but it sounds like her boy friend needs a good old fashioned butt whuppin'. Men that abuse women are among the most contemptable people there are, and if no one stops it, it will continue unabated. Just MHO...
  15. That's the answer to the question, "What do you do when you're in a lightning storm?" Hold up a 1 iron because god can't even hit a 1 iron. I love having a nice long walk ruined by a little white ball. Though I don't play as often as I like (maybe 10 rounds a season), I do enjoy being out and having a good time with my buddies. To me, golf is not about the score, its about the enjoyment of being outdoors and being with friends. I say this most when I'm in the woods or the sand or the water. Just to make this an even longer thread, here's some of my favorite golf-isms: Why do the call it Golf? Because all the other four letter words were taken. Please allow lost balls to stop rolling before picking them up. -Mark Twain How about some scotch with that water? I'm getting the most for my greens fee today. It takes a lot of balls to play golf like I do.
  16. Since I don't smoke in my apartment, whenever I go out for a smoke, I usually pick up the rod and make a few casts. This may sound dumb, but when I'm fishing slowly, I try to make the retrieve last as long as the cigarette, which is about 4-6 minutes. It only helps my timing on the retrieve, but it has become a way for me to slow down in the colder weather... As far a scent goes, well, until I stop catching fish while I'm smoking I'm going to say that it has no adverse effects on catching. And as for the butts, I do just as LBH does, put out the coal and keep the butts in a can until I get back to shore to dump them in the garbage.
  17. Bring your rod and reel and head out onto the Island for some great fishing!
  18. No, but Lucky Luciano and me used to hang around Havana back in the day...
  19. I always liked the slogan on the license plates "Taxation without Representation"- funny stuff Here's some: Come to DC. Every Thursday Is Pot Luck Dinner Nite! DC-The Home of Bottle-Neck Traffic Learn Corruption! Learn to Lie! Learn to Steal! Come to DC! DC-We've got better hookers than Las Vegas!
  20. Well, now your hubby can look like all the cool kids. All he has to do now is dye his hair purple, put an obscene number of pins through any and every piece of flesh and he'll fit right in with most of America's youth
  21. Hepburn and Tracy Rowan and Martin Lennon/McCartney Ben and Jerry Woodward and Bernstein Steve Lawrence and Edie Gormet (sp?) Antony and Cleopatra -Muddy, taking a guess, but is it "Car 54, Where are you?"
  22. This makes me laugh in the wrong way... I've never caught a 5# fish, my PB is right around 4#, which is a big fish up here. That being said, I also think if I catch one fish its a good day, 3-5 is a great day, and 5+ or a PB would be an epic day.
  23. Ju know, eetz beeter to look good than to feel good...
  24. I wouldn't worry about gas grades, avid, my manual specifically states that 87 goes in the tank (there's a nice big picture of an 87 on a pump so even I couldn't get it wrong). I was talking to a friend who has a '03 Rousch Mustang (VERY SWEET!) and he only puts 87 in there. Todays engines are much better than they were 10 years ago, and the "lower grades" of gas seem to be the preffered gas. If your truck is turbo or super charged, then you'll need the more expensive stuff, but otherwise, save a couple bucks and buy the (laughing) cheap gas...
  25. So, at the end of last year, I broke down and bought a new/used truck, a 2004 Ranger with the 4.0 v6 and an extended cab. Since I was travelling 300 miles to Vermont every other week or so, I thought it would be a good idea to have a reliable 4x4. What I didn't realize was that I'd be getting only 15mpg, whereas with my old '93 Ranger (4 cylinder) I was getting nearly 22mpg. While I was up in VT, I got a bed full of snow and decided to get a tonneau cover, or a sliding cover to go over the bed. Since then, I've seen the mpg in this truck go up to close to 20mpg. I'm sure it has to do with cutting the wind resistance on the bed, but I never imagined I'd be getting that much more. The tonneau was a bit expensive, around $1100, but if my math is right, I'll have saved that much in gas before the end of the summer, and after that its all gravy. Just a little help so the gas pump doesn't sting quite as hard. BTW, the cheapest gas up here that I've found is $3.07/gal...
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