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Everything posted by Panamoka_Bassin

  1. For real, dude, as you can see, we've all missed you and its apparent we want you around. Not only do we laugh at youy vids and stuff, but we also care about you and your family (and there are those of us who hope things are getting better). Welcome back, and the next time you get an "annonymous" email, let me an' the rest of the mooks know and we'll send over a coupla guys. You know da guys, theys like Vinny...Fahgedaboudit
  2. Just wonderin' if anyone's heard from him lately... I need to see the latest installment from Vinny 8-)
  3. Can't say enough about how good this site was before, but with the boosted speed the best just got better!
  4. Hey, sorry its a little late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Just be safe and remember that 30 is the new 20, so one more year 'till you're legal ;D ;D ;D
  5. What a great quote!
  6. Hmmm, looks like she could use some help getting that knot undone 8-)
  7. When in doubt, throw a senko!
  8. I agree with all the things said above, especially with the glasses. When I was a teenager, I used to go fishing and skiing without sunglasses all the time. During one 3 day trip to catch Big eye tuna, I of course had no glasses. By the end of the second day I had the WORST headache I'd ever had, had no dpeth to my vision, and as the night came, I could barely see. Got back to shore, went to the doctor and found that I put a low grade burn on my retinas. Now, I HAVE TO wear sun glasses. My eyes are so light sensative that some indoor lighting is too bright for me. As for Sunscreen, there's an episode of Mythbusters where they check out the SPF levels. Guess what? Spf 45 does NOTHING more than spf30. Their tests showed no discernable difference between the two.
  9. WHile I am not a mechanic, I do know that Mercury underwent a major overhaul during the early 90s, so chances are, no they won't fit together. However, the best way to find out is try putting the lower unit on and see if the seals and the shaft line up. Or get a response from a real mechanic...
  10. I don't have the game, nor did I know it existed, but being a biut of a gamer, I can give you some basic tips. First, make sure your system is good enough to handle the game, not only with HD room, but also RAM, graphics, windows edition, and CPU speed. Next, go to the web site and see if there are any patches or dowloads or fixes for the game (alot of times companies rush games out with TONS of bugs that will only be fixed by DL'ing a patch). If all that's been done, try un-installing and re-installing. After that, you'll be thouroughly aggrevated and ready to put the CD in the skeet launcher.
  11. Just be careful Muddy, otherwise you might tweak your veeblefister!
  12. I vote for the latter...but sometimes its better to be lucky than good
  13. Relating to your specific question of bank fishing, I find I have the best luck on the banks closer to sunset than sunrise. I have no reason or explanation, but I deffinately have better luck at dusk.
  14. Funny this thread came up, I was doing just that last night! I stood on the bank with a hula popper as the storm rolled in and caught a couple nice fish. I went in when the storm got close, waited, and went out after the storm. I used the same hula popper and only caught one little fish for 20 mins. I tied on a purple senko and caught a few more, but they were down on the bottom. The only conclusion I can make is that the fish are perhaps more surface active, but not necessarily more active overall. Keep in mind that this was around 9pm just as the sun had gone down...
  15. Hey, dats not de way to use cement. Youse gotta make 'em into shoes. Fahgedaboutit.
  16. Hey guys, thanks for all the work you're doing for these tees! Maybe its gone by the roadside, but I'm sure every mook will echo my thoughts, especially in keeping us updated. When they're done, they're done, and that's how it is. Like the saying goes, "You can't rush perfection."
  17. Last year I was very lucky to be invited aboard a client's 65 Viking yacht (that he has becasue he can...) and we watched the NYC Macy's fireworks from the East River, just alongside the UN building. What a treat to see them so close, and LOUD. This year, if it doesn't rain, I'm going fishing. If it does rain, I dunno, maybe some Monopoly with the girlfriend... Better not rain...
  18. My home lake has a nice point sticking out, but not much drop off, just a real gradual decline. I find that at the very bottom of that slope is the best spot to find some nice fish.
  19. Either that, or they rope you into the old Columbia House deal where they send you stuff you don't want and have to send it back before a date or then they charge you an arm and a leg. No thanks, I don't need "The Best of Engelbert Humperdink"
  20. Just like the George Harrison song, "All Things Must Pass" 8-)
  21. I love Estes park! There's a nice hike you can do right onto the flat irons on the sout western side of the hills. Great views and not too bad of a hike, either. We'd take a skin full of sangria, a few sandwiches and a chess board and just hang out for a few hours sunning ourselves on the rocks just like the lizards. Now I want to go back...
  22. I too like to think I can predict the weather, but I don't use anything but my eyes, ears, and bones. I'll look at the radar and weather maps from time to time, but I find the best way to predict the weather is to pay attention to the clouds, the wind, and the sun. For example, we've all seen "herring" clouds, those patterns of clouds that kinda bunch together and, if looked at properly, look like a herring's body. These clouds, depending on how closely bunched together they are, tell me that there's going to be wind and rain within the next 18-36 hours (tighter together means sooner than later, and probably more intensity of rain.) Another way to get a good weather indicator is to watch what the birds do. When you see seagulls circling very high above, you can be sure you're in for some wind within 24 hours. The higher they circle, the higher the wind speed will be. Alot of this I learned from back in the day in Boy Scouts, some more from commercial fishing, and even more so from family members who have relied on weather before there was decent (hehehe) weather organizations to predict weather. If I was to rely on any one device for predicting the weather, I'd go with a barometer. Changes in air pressure are deffinate indicators of what the weather will be in the next few hours, but not so good for a long term prediction.
  23. Yes, they are light, and I don't find them to move on my face even when I'm cannon balling down a black diamond. Good pair of specs!
  24. Hmmm, maybe the next big lure for Yo-Zuri to come up with: Rubber Ducky
  25. Not that I try to do that, but I have found too that when I do end up in bushes or a branch, I want it to fall softly into the base of the plants. I find this works especially well after a rain storm. I mentioned this in a thread months ago (re: spyro-gyra) and as I was trying to wash the spyro off my worm, a bass came from a couple feet away and absolutely inhaled it. I was standing on a stump and the bait was basically under me. I missed the fish, though, because I didn't have enough line out to hook him right and not because he startled the bejeebus out of me.
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